Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1021: Forced to death

Chapter 1021

Inside the trade zone.

Because of the traffic control, the goods in the car could not be shipped out. Almost all of the truck drivers got into the tavern, killing the rare leisure time. However, the uninterrupted delivery of goods coming in by air and needing to be transshipped still seems to be very busy.

The gunshots and explosions lasted for about three minutes before and after. Although they attracted the attention of the people in the city, He obviously attracted the attention of only a part of the people, and this part of the people was the person who responded to Zhang Feng.

There was a pickup truck parked on the side of the road about a kilometer from the checkpoint in the city. A middle-aged Asian man was leaning on the car and smoking a cigarette. Hearing the gunshots, he threw his cigarette **** on the ground with his soles cruel. After violently extinguishing, he looked in the direction where the gunfire came from, turned around and got into the car and drove towards the checkpoint.

His name is Hu Wang, a very common name, but in the trade zone his name is James Hu. It has been three years since he came to the trade zone. Today, he is very excited. Although this action is dangerous, as long as he completes his mission, he will be able to return to China with his target mission. Think about seeing his elderly parents and his wife he has not seen in a long time. , The young child smiled at the corners of his mouth.

Driving a pickup truck, the speed is very slow, almost at the speed of a tortoise. His task is to meet the target and enter the city. If the target cannot rush through the checkpoint, he will turn around and enter the city without hesitation, because he is Respondents are not combatants.

He soon heard the gunfire stop, and he increased the throttle slightly, and the speed was slightly faster.

On the other side, Zhang Feng walked in front of Waltz. Fortunately, Waltz was not dead, but was shot twice. The first shot hit the chest. Fortunately, there was a bulletproof vest, but the bullet did not penetrate. . It was just the powerful impact that made him faint without coming up. However, he was not so lucky for the second shot, and it hit the knee of his left leg.

The kneecap was almost lifted up by a bullet, completely shattered. Even if the operation is performed immediately, the leg is saved, and for the rest of my life, I don't even think about walking without external force.

After waking up Waltz, before Zhang Feng said, Waltz said before seeing him: "Help me. Take me away, I don't want to die." I don't know why, when he opened his eyes and saw the station Zhang Feng in front of him, especially the latter's eyes, almost blurted out the words of help.

Zhang Feng shook his head slightly, and said faintly: "I wake you up just to tell you that I am going to kill you!"

Waltz was stunned, he didn't know why.

"Want to know why I killed you? Actually you don't need to ask this question. Think about what you have done over the years, because of you, how many innocent people have been sent to the Super Soldier Institute, and how many of these people are now dead Now, how many people have become failures without self-thinking. Huh? Even if some of them are transformed into super fighters, so what, they have no freedom at all! Don’t you deserve to die?” Zhang Feng is cold Said.

The threat of death has caused Waltz to forget the pain in his leg. He tremblingly asked: "Then you still had to cooperate with me, and now I will be saved immediately, but you are going to kill me."

Zhang Feng suddenly laughed, as if laughing at Waltz's innocence.

"Because you were valuable before, now? No more." Zhang Feng said. He is not a defender, nor a gentleman. Both the left and the right are people who want to kill, why not kill him after using him to the point of no use value?

Does the waltz want to die? Of course not, no one wants to die!

So he has to resist, even if his leg injury makes him unable to stand up, he still has to resist, he still has a gun!

He took the gun in his hand and pointed the black hole at Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng could easily dodge, but he didn't dodge, but directly put his head on the cold muzzle slowly.

"You want to kill me? Yes, you just need to gently pull the trigger." Zhang Feng's narrow eyes narrowed into a gap, his stern eyes fell on Waltz's face, his mouth widened, and he exaggerated: "Bang! Me! His head burst open, and I was dead! But what about your family?"

Waltz's body agitated, and the hand holding the gun was trembling. Finally, he slowly let it down. Yes, his wife and children were in the other's hands.

"Will you do what you say?" Waltz asked with his head drooping.

Zhang Feng stood up and nodded, and said, "Although I am not a funny response, my words still count. I said that if you let your wife and children go, let them go." Zhang Feng said this more than once. He would let the waltz's wife and children, but never said that he would let go of the waltz.

After finishing talking, he ignored the waltz, but went straight past him and rushed to the parking place. There was a very important Tom in the car.

When Zhang Feng walked out about ten meters away, he heard a gunshot from behind. He didn't look back. He knew what Waltz would do.

Waltz committed suicide by stuffing the muzzle into his mouth. The bullet came out from the back of his neck. The body fell to one side and died instantly.

Zhang Feng only said one reason for killing Waltz, but did not say the other, that is, Waltz knows too much. He participated in this plan from the beginning and the final escape. Such a person exists, it is a time bomb, which can explode at any time, and must be cleaned up at will.

But, after all, after working together, Zhang Feng didn't want to do it himself, so he forced him to commit suicide. Of course, if Waltz didn't do this, Zhang Feng would still do it himself.

As for putting his head on the gun, Zhang Feng is confident that Waltz will consider his wife and children not to shoot, and on the other hand, he is also confident that even if Waltz wants to shoot, he can stop him before he pulls the trigger.

I rushed to the SUV parked far away, but saw the empty back seat, where there was Tom!

"Special!" Zhang Feng couldn't help but swear. If you don't want to bring Tom out alive, you don't need to pay such a big price, but now it's almost a step, and Tom has no special people.

I forced myself to calm down, and it didn't take long for me to leave. Even if Tom was taken away, he would never go far. I carefully checked the situation inside the car, especially around the car, and there was no sign of anyone coming, which means that Tom was not hijacked, but left by himself.

The corners of his mouth twitched twice, and he quickly passed the messy footprints on the ground, judging the direction Tom might leave, and drove quickly to chase him.