Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1042: Xiaolang Hoof

Chapter 1042

It was not wrong to expect, Zhang Feng let him go on purpose, and what he was doing was what Zhang Feng wanted him to do.

It will appear at Dingxiang Mountain Villa tonight. This news was also posted on the dark web by Zhang Feng's orders. He just wanted to let people who were planning to kill him and take millions of hidden flowers to find him. Can the Wang family see the hidden flowers? ? He just wanted to set fire to the Wang family.

Anyway, if you want to get the killer of the dark flower, it is impossible to know that the mastermind behind it is the Wang family.

As for the reason for letting go of a killer, it is also very simple, that is, the real news.

Just by relying on the news hanging on the dark web, there must be some suspicions of the killer. now? If someone publishes their own news on the darknet again, then they will appear and drive towards Dingxiang Villa.

After all, it is a hidden trick of tens of millions of dollars. If it is late, it may be someone else's. It will not be overdue, so no assassin will miss such a good opportunity.



Accompanied by the grumpy roar of the engine, Zhang Feng drove into the road frantically. He noticed two cars chasing him behind him.

A sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth. What he wanted was this effect. If he let himself quietly and silently arrive at Dingxiang Villa, what's the point?

Although Zhang Feng's driving skills are not as good as Hu Wang, who was a professional racer, he is definitely not a good one.

The accelerator has already been stepped on to the end, and the car shuttles dangerously and dangerously in the traffic flow of the highway. When it rushes to the highway, it is like a wild horse running away.

The two cars behind him also refused to give up, and the scene of the highway chase was immediately staged.

Zhang Feng didn't want to be entangled with him, so he accelerated again, and the speed of the car had reached the extreme. The assassin's car couldn't catch up for a while, but he didn't have the idea of ​​giving up, he bit at the back.

Drive quickly out of the city along the highway and head straight to Dingxiang Mountain Villa. The road becomes narrower as you go, and the traffic volume is gradually reduced. The roads around the mountain are winding...

The news that appeared on the dark web once again touched the killer who wanted to kill Zhang Feng, and Zhang Feng really appeared!

The name of Dingxiang Villa appeared in front of them again.

If you don't go, Zhang Feng might be killed. Don't talk about eating meat at that time, I'm afraid you won't even be able to drink the broth.

Go, even if Zhang Feng did not show up even if he was tricked, there would be no loss to these killers!

Most of the killers had this idea, and they rushed to Dingxiang Villa.

They have various identities. Many of them acted as celebrities, dressed in high-end suits and leather shoes, dressed up like dogs, holding an invitation letter from nowhere, and left. Entered Dingxiang Villa. The Chinese-style manor is atmospheric rather than static, with pavilions, terraces and pavilions dotted with bixi rockery.

Of course, some of the killers' identities have changed and they have become banquet service staff, wearing trousers, white shirts and black or gray vests, holding a drinking tray and quickly shuttled through the crowd, sending out a glass of champagne or red wine. Occasionally, those who are handsome can also reap the wintry eyes of the deep-bodied woman and the tips sent to the crotch, which is an exceptional harvest for their mission.

There is another group of assassins who believe in the guns in their hands. Most of these people lie in ambush on Zhang Feng's only way to drive, wait for Zhang Feng to appear, and then swarm them.

The difference between the former and the latter is mainly in the number of killers. Most killers who enter the venue are lone killers, acting alone or in teams of three or four. This kind of team assassination is more particular. Close to the target, kill the target, stay away from the target, retreat, this is what they want to play. As for the latter, to say that they are killers is better to say that they are a group of bandits who survive by killing people and relying on more fierce weapons and firepower to win.


On the other side, after several consecutive turns, Zhang Feng threw off the killer's car hanging behind his ass, and then stopped the car on the side of the road.

The suit was stained with blood, so he took it off directly and put it on his shoulder. Leaning on the car with his back, he took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and smoked it slowly.

The scattered hair was blown by the night wind, and the calm eyes were not about going to kill, it was more like going to a boring banquet.

Zhang Feng didn’t let Zhang Feng wait too long. Not long after the third cigarette was lit, he saw a big red Ferrari driving over with a peculiar roar. Feng stopped beside him.

The car window rolled down, revealing a woman in an evening dress with white shoulders and a jade neck.

After sweeping Zhang Feng who was standing on the side of the road, the woman's twinkling eyes flashed brightly and asked, "Are you a ride?"

Taking a ride, Zhang Feng wanted to take a ride, of course, but he didn't say it directly. He could see that women were interested in him.

In the wilderness, lonely men and widows, the car swaying... Tsk tsk tsk, what an intoxicating game.

"Well, I went to the banquet at Dingxiang Villa, but the car broke down."

"I'll take you all the way, Dingxiang Mountain Villa is still a long way away, and I happen to be on the way." The woman said charmingly.

Zhang Feng shrugged, went to the position of the co-pilot, opened the door and sat in.

The woman started the car, but it was obviously not as fast as it was just now. The look in his eyes always looked at Zhang Feng's body, which was very intriguing.

Zhang Feng turned his head to look at him at this time, chuckled twice, and said, "Is it still far from Dingxiang Villa?" As he said, his body slowly leaned towards the woman.

Stimulus, the ashes are all churning in the woman's heart.

This is a woman with a strong desire, Zhang Feng can tell from her eyes.

The car stopped on the side of the road, and Zhang Feng's body was also explored. The woman leaned on the seat, her eyes narrowed slightly, her neck stopped and waited, her breathing became more and more rapid, and her exhalation came with a hot wave.

Zhang Feng's rough palms rested on her shoulder blades and ran across his delicate skin. Not only did it not cause any discomfort to the woman, but the proper friction made the woman pant.

The smile on the corner of Zhang Feng's mouth grew bigger and bigger, and the hand stroking the woman's neck suddenly used force. The woman's closed eyes didn't open, and she passed out into a coma.

He just wanted to take a ride, but he didn't expect to meet the little wave hoof in heat, but he obviously didn't have the intention of having a romantic relationship with her now.

Move the fainted woman to the position of the co-pilot, fasten her seat belt, and Zhang Feng starts the car.

Originally, I was thinking about how to sneak in without the invitation letter. This time it was good. The woman's car could not only send herself to Dingxiang Villa, but also send the invitation letter.