Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1060: Give you face

Chapter 1060

There were also two nurses in the nurse station who hadn't ran there just now. Seeing Zhang Feng dragging their dean over, they all screamed and ran away.

Throwing the dean on the ground, Zhang Feng felt it in the nurse's station, and soon he found what he was looking for.

Joule was shocked, and said in horror: "What the **** do you want to do?"

What Zhang Feng holds in his hand is exactly a box of surgical instruments, including scalpels, sterile forceps... etc. There are even many unnamed ones, but it doesn’t matter. Just look at their shapes and you can understand that they are. To use, especially on humans.

"What do you say I want to do? If you don't tell me what I want to know, then I have to find the answer myself. Is there any problem with my logic?"

With that said, Zhang Feng took out a scalpel from the box. The sharpness was even far higher than that of a cold weapon such as a saber. It could easily cut the skin and flesh with the smallest force.

"I still don't know what I want to do now? Don't worry, you will know soon!"

Holding the knife, the blade was walking up to Joule's neck. At this moment, Joule didn't even dare to tremble. He was a doctor. Naturally, he knew that the blade stayed at the place where the aorta was. Just cut it gently. The consequences are unimaginable.

"I... I said... I said, please let me go, let me go..." Joule finally persuaded.

"If you want to say it, just say it!" Zhang Feng scolded, but did not remove the knife.

"Just... in the utility room behind the hospital, let me go, please let me go..." Joule said tremblingly.

Zhang Feng's eyelids twitched twice, and Caldera, who was following him, already squeezed his fists.

"What are you talking about? Shut my sister in the utility room! I'm going to kill you!" Caldera roared dumbly.

At this moment, there was a mess of footsteps at the top of the stairs. A middle-aged man started, followed by seven or eight big men.

He rushed up and saw the dean who was controlled by Zhang Feng in the nurse's station and rushed over immediately.

Shattering... Seven or eight big men copied guns and pistols from their backs almost at the same time, and even some people were holding MP5 in their hands and rushing slightly.

Zhang Feng's reaction was also extremely quick, Caldera stood in front of Zhang Feng with his chest straight. However, Zhang Feng dragged the dean up to block him, with a sharp scalpel against his aorta, and he could cut it with a slight shake of his hand.

The dancer's reaction was also very quick, and he also took out the gun. In the face of the security in Mexico City, it is impossible to go out without a gun.

Dean Joule seemed to have seen a savior, and roared with the drake: "Save me... Mr. Pedro, save me..."

He wanted to shout, but Zhang Feng strangled his throat and couldn't make a sound anymore.

Mr. Pedro in his mouth is the man in the lead, with a very neatly trimmed beard and wearing a decent casual suit.

"Everyone, what's the situation?" Pedro said. He received a call from the dean and heard that his father was disturbed in the ward, so he rushed over immediately. While talking with Zhang Feng here, he gestured to the men behind him, and immediately two people quickly ran into the corridor and ran towards the 0508 ward.

Pedro's eyes swept across Zhang Feng's trio, and he couldn't help but feel a little frightened in his heart. When did these three ruthless characters come in Mexico City?

You must know that the pressure of being pointed at the head by several guns is very heavy, and ordinary people may have been scared to pee.

But the three people in front of them didn't panic at all, even... as if they were ignoring their own guns.

Ignore? This is not the case. After all, being shot is fatal. It is the same for people with modified bodies like Zhang Feng and Caldera, not to mention that their physical functions are not as good as their dancers.

It's just that they are all people who have seen the big scene, and the confrontation in front of them is like a house, and it is not enough to make them feel panic.

"What's the situation? Nothing. It's just that you want to know something from the mouth of this old thing, and then you bring someone with you? What, brother, what do you mean? I want to leave the three of us behind. ?" Zhang Feng said indifferently, without any fear in his eyes, even with a slight provocation in his eyes.

Pedro did not answer, he was waiting.

Soon, within ten seconds, the subordinate who ran to check the situation ran back and quickly said a few words in Pedro's ear.

Pedro nodded slightly and motioned to his subordinates to put down the gun. Then he looked at Zhang Feng and said, "It's a bit misunderstanding, it's all right now. It's just brother, the old thing in your mouth, that is, Mr. Joule and me. There are some relationships. I don’t know if I can look at my face and lift up my hands? My name is Pedro."

Pedro's name in the underground world of Mexico City can be said to reach a level that everyone knows. It is very simple because he holds a third of the underground power of Mexico City.

It's just a pity that he met Zhang Feng and the three.

Zhang Feng and the choreographer are both foreigners, and they have limited understanding of Mexico City, or they have not had time to understand. Although Caldera was sitting on the ground, but before following Zhang Feng, he was honest, and he didn't know much about underground forces. Therefore, when the three of them heard the name Pedro, there was no reaction.

I'm most afraid of the sudden silence of the air. This sentence is really appropriate to describe the current situation.

The dancer just wanted to return his mouth, but Zhang Feng stretched out his hand to stop it.

Since Pedro puts it down, I am afraid it is really a bit weighty. A conflict in the immediate situation is not the most wise choice.

The ancestors’ religion will meet us. It’s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. Of course, you don’t have to wait until ten years later, but at least you have to do it after you thoroughly understand the enemy.

Zhang Feng shrugged his shoulders slightly and said with a smile: "Since you have said everything, then I will give you face, but after we leave!"

After that, he signaled Caldera and the dancer to move first, while he was holding a scalpel and holding Dean Joule as the hostage.

Although he said to give Pedro face, it does not mean that he will completely give up his guard, otherwise he will be a real fool. It is strange that the other party will suddenly throw three people with a bullet.

Seeing this, Pedro also motioned to his men to leave a passage.

Zhang Feng controlled Dean Joule to the top of the stairs. After the dancer and Caldera went downstairs, they sneered at Pedro: "Brother, I think we will have a chance to meet again!"

After speaking, he directly lifted the Joule in his arms, threw it at the crowd on the opposite side, and then turned and jumped off the stairs.

Pedro caught Joule, stood behind him, and immediately rushed downstairs.

Upon seeing this, Pedro roared: "Do you go back to Laozi, go, and protect Laozi!"

The eyes were staring at the stairs, and he said bitterly, ran away? As long as you don't run out of the borders of Mexico City, even if you hide in the mouse hole, I can dig you out!