Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1074: Goshawk is gone

Reference 1074

Gently pushing open the inner room, the snoring sound becomes louder, and the approximate position of the person can be easily judged by the sound.

Closer, you can see two people lying on the bed, both wearing clothes, and one lying on the sofa.

The sharp triangle pierced into the throat of the man lying on the sofa, his mouth was tightly covered by Zhang Feng's other hand.

The severe pain caused him to wake up suddenly from his sleep, his eyes widened, his eyes filled with pain.

But this reaction was only for a moment, and soon he lost his breath, and his body collapsed on the sofa.

The triangle is sharp enough, but it also has a shortcoming, that is, there is no bloodletting slot, it is easy to insert, but it takes effort to pull it out. And once it is pulled out, under the effect of pressure, the blood will rush out and splash out far away.

Therefore, Zhang Feng simply didn't pull out the triangle iron, but left it on the corpse's neck.

Turning his head and looking at the two people who were still sleeping on the bed, he slowly touched them. While covering his mouth with one hand, the knife was directly cut on his throat.

The huge force directly smashed his throat, that is, ten seconds of effort, enough to kill him.

His gaze fell on the last man in the room who didn't know that his time of death was coming soon, or was still asleep.

A hand directly strangled his neck, and the suffocation caused the man in his sleep to wake up suddenly, his eyes widened and his mouth opened, like a fish out of the water.

"Say, where are the people you arrested?" Zhang Feng said directly in Spanish. At that time, in order to perform the task, he practiced Spanish hard.

The man didn't mean to speak, but wanted to kick Zhang Feng.

But Zhang Feng's reaction was even quicker. Just when the opponent's leg was raised, Zhang Feng's knee was slammed down and hit the man's calf bone.

Facts have proved that the kneecap is harder than the calf bone.

With a crisp sound of ‘click’, the man’s calf bone was broken directly at a terrifying angle, and the sharply broken bone stubble pierced the flesh and came out.

The man wanted to scream, but his neck was so tightly pinched that he couldn't make a sound at all, only his mouth grew bigger and his facial expressions became more hideous.

After waiting for four or five seconds, the man's face was suffocated in the dark, and even his eyes began to turn white, indicating that shock was about to pass due to suffocation. At this time, Zhang Feng loosened his hand slightly, and said at the same time : "I will ask you again, where are the people you arrested?"

"In the back room..." The man took a few breaths and said hoarsely.

When he got the answer that he didn't know if he was correct, Zhang Feng broke his neck and threw the body on the bed.

If the answer is correct or not, it is easy to check it out, and then ask other people to know.

After finishing this room, Zhang Feng rushed to another room.

The other side.

Caldera's method is even more fierce, just bombarding his head with his fists!

Under absolute power, a punch is deadly.

Because there was no interrogation process, he killed people even faster than Zhang Feng. After he killed all the people in the two rooms on the right, he said through the headset: "I've killed them all, what's next?"

"Come to me." Zhang Feng said in a low voice.

On the outskirts of the house, members of the Heiwu Special Combat Team, in pairs, separated by about 15 to 20 meters between each group, vaguely surrounding the garage in the middle.

This distance, no matter which group has a problem, the two groups on the left and right will be able to pass and support the first time.

This doesn't require Zhang Feng to give them orders, and long-term joint actions have cultivated enough tacit understanding.

Four daredevils walked into their range, and they were all directly brought down by the secret special forces members, and their bodies were dragged into the dark corner.

At the door of the last room, Caldera approached Zhang Feng's side.

Zhang Feng lowered his voice and said, "Get the people inside and leave alive!"

"Okay!" Caldera agreed in a deep voice, then opened the door and walked in.

He is not as cautious as Zhang Feng, and can almost be described as swaggering.

Zhang Feng quickly walked towards the room in the mouth of the man just now, a very narrow iron door with an iron lock hanging outside.

Frowning slightly, he whispered to Caldera, "Look carefully for the key."

All the people Zhang Feng killed himself had searched, and did not see any so-called keys.

Caldera killed all the people in the room and left one as Zhang Feng ordered.

"Where is the key?"

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Caldera didn't talk nonsense, broke one of the other's arms, and then pinched the other's neck to prevent the other party from screaming.

"Where is the key?" asked again.

The man pointed to the cabinet opposite the bed and said, "It's inside." After he said this, his neck was also twisted.

Finding the key from the cabinet, he quickly ran to Zhang Feng and handed it to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng's eyes were slightly wrinkled, everything went too smoothly, which made people feel a little uneasy.

But now he didn't care about so much, took the key, unlocked the door, and opened the door. Zhang Feng raised his brows and his eyes were fierce.

nobody! empty!

"Su, goshawk is not here." Caldera said in surprise.

Needless to say, Zhang Feng has eyes to see. However, it can be seen from the traces on the ground that the goshawk has indeed passed through here, knelt down, and touched the blood on the ground.

It was not completely dry, indicating that it didn't take long for the goshawk to be transferred out!

At this moment, his keen hearing made him hear some unusual movements in the sound of rain, the roar of car engines!

Not just in one direction, but from several directions, all coming here!


With a low curse, Zhang Feng already realized what had happened, and immediately said in a deep voice: "The black impermanence special forces team, hidden in their respective teams, will meet at home tomorrow!"


Zhang Feng greeted Caldera with a sneer and said, "Since someone has dug a hole for us, then try to bury the two of us! Go!"

Five vans rushed towards the auto repair shop, and stopped suddenly. Each car jumped down in file. Seven or eight men were carrying pistols and submachine guns in the hands of a few people. Most of them were carrying pistols and submachine guns. At the same time, cold weapons such as machetes and steel pipes gradually surrounded the auto repair shop.