Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1131: naming

Reference 1131

The news of Pedro's suicide came back to Erger, and he quickly issued an order to Eston who was already ready. The latter had already prepared two manuscripts, one in which Pedro was arrested alive, and the other in which the latter was killed.

Although the end result is that Pedro commits suicide, it only needs slight modification.

The manuscript must be sent to major newspapers and TV stations immediately, and the publicity will be carried out immediately. This has the advantage of allowing Pedro's subordinates who are still resisting to give up resistance, and the other is to make civilians feel at ease. After all, traffic control has been so long. , The city is full of ups and downs, if there is no one, the credibility of the government, especially the credibility of the police station will be greatly reduced.

Of course, the most important reason is that it must be seen by the people above that this is political achievement.

Otherwise, when the person who is investigating returns, it is not free to play.

Erger had gambled almost all his life and wealth for what was in front of him, how could he allow others to destroy it.

At this moment, Erger, who was sitting in the office, was smoking a cigar with a relaxed expression on his face.

Pedro is dead, and the three-thirds of the Mexico City underground world is finally accompanied by his death, completely wiped out. This is a great achievement, especially for him as the chief of the police. The capital of the police is on par.

The other side.

Eston received the news that the room Su Chuan was in was already empty, let alone a big living person, there was no ghost shadow.

This made Urger frown slightly, but he stretched out immediately.

If you can use this opportunity to kill Pedro's while killing Su Chuan, wouldn't the voice of the Mexico City underground world be completely in your own hands?

However, it doesn't matter if it is not killed, just divide the benefits according to the previous agreement.

At this moment, Zhang Feng, Caldera, and Sylgava have crawled out of a sewer a few kilometers away from the five-star hotel, and immediately got on the car that was ready to park on the side, and went straight. Ben returned to the half-hill villa.

After several people returned to the Mid-Levels villa, they were all cleaned inside and out. There was no way, the inside of the sewer was really smelly, and the smell on their bodies was really disgusting.

As soon as he came out, Zhang Feng called everyone who could be called to his side.

"Pedro is dead, but we can't be careless."

Zhang Feng said straightforwardly: "Erger is definitely a dangerous person. The more ambitious people are, the more dangerous they are, because they can do anything to achieve their goals."

"Of course, for Urger, we are also dangerous, because he can't control it! So it's hard to guarantee that he won't take risks."

Turning his eyes to Silgarva, he said in a deep voice, "Silgarva, give you a task, stare at Elton. He is a person next to Erge. Many things that Erge is not convenient to do will be handed over. There is nothing wrong with staring at him in his hand. Once you find something, report it to me immediately."

"Yes! I'll report any problems to you immediately." Silgava turned and left the room.

Estun is not unfamiliar to him, after all, he has seen it twice. It is not difficult to follow Eston, as long as you keep staring at him. Moreover, Zhang Feng explained that the task was very flexible, only that he was asked to stare at Eston. As for how to stare and how to track it, it was completely up to him.

After Silgarva left, Zhang Feng continued: "The dancers. Divide the black and white impermanence team into three groups, and one group will go out to stare at the movements of the underground world in Mexico City and see Erge. How to clean up the mess under my nose? After all, we will receive it at that time. The second group of people scattered around the villa in the middle of the mountain as a secret post, and these people gave me the residents of the villa in the middle of the mountain to stare at me. The work and rest habits of each household must be counted. If something happens, huh, these people are our bargaining chips. The third group of people will work as the guards of the Mid-Levels Villa. Once a suspicious person is approaching, I will be arrested immediately. Get up, I want to see if Urger dare to touch the tail of our tiger!"

The dancer nodded solemnly and said: "Leave this to me, rest assured, there will be no mistakes."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Feng said to Caldera: "Caldera, the personal guards of the few people in the villa are left to you. There is only one sentence, even if you die, you must protect them for me."

Caldera patted his chest fiercely, banging, "If you want to hurt them, you have to step on my body!"

"Do not!"

Zhang Feng said: "Even if they step on your corpse, they are never allowed to hurt them, understand?"

"Yes!" Caldera said solemnly.

Chen Wanru, who hadn't seen him for a long time, also appeared in the room, and Zhang Feng asked, "How are things going?"

"Faster than I thought." Chen Wanru said.

"Can this matter be helpful?" Zhang Feng asked. If this newly established intelligence department can play a role, it will certainly provide a great protection. Intelligence is the beginning of everything. Having enough superior intelligence means that you are in the dark and the enemy is in the light, and you are always in the lead and are invincible in advance.

Chen Wanru shook her head slightly, and said, “I can provide some help, but it’s better not. After all, the police involved in this incident, it is easy to damage the staff, and even expose it in advance.”

Zhang Feng nodded. What she said is very reasonable. Naturally, there is no need to do things that are not worth the loss, so she said: "Forget it, your side is still based on stability."

Chen Wanru said at this time: "By the way, there is no name yet. Would you like to pick one?"


Zhang Feng's brows wrinkled slightly, this is really bad, the intelligence department named?

His eyes lit up suddenly, let alone remind him of a name.

He beckoned to Chen Wanru, and when she walked around, she wrote a word on the palm of her hand.

The corners of Chen Wanru's mouth curled up with a smile, not to mention that the word was really appropriate for intelligence organization.

"Facing what Erger needs to do, that's what he should prepare. He doesn't dare to do anything about it, it's just that he is prepared.

Zhang Feng continued: "The rest should be discussed later."