Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1203: Super fighters appear

Solomon appeared at the gate after Zhang Feng disappeared. He was only watching from the surveillance camera, but when Zhang Feng fought with his four super fighters, he couldn't sit still.

When he got to the first floor, the battle was over and one person was missing!

Of course, he didn't know who the man in the black robe was. The black robe was wide and covered in his face, so he couldn't see his figure.

But Solomon knew that this man was very powerful, who was it? His purpose was obvious, not for himself, otherwise he could easily escape the four super fighters with his skill and come up to find himself.

Before this person appeared, a group of gangsters appeared here, and then he appeared after that group of people were beaten away.

As far as Solomon's mind could think, the group of people must be related to this person, maybe he sent it.

Is it the purpose of his own super fighter?

Thinking of this, Solomon's heart trembled, and the secret path was not good.

The feeling that someone has been discovered.

"Boss, all three of them are injured!"

At this moment, a subordinate said by Solomon's side.

"Send for treatment!"


But the three people didn't move, no matter how they called, Solomon said, "Come with them to heal!"

Only then did the three move.

Solomon watched them get into the car, and Solomon suddenly reacted: "Wait!"

"Boss, what else do you want?"

"You don't need to send them to the hospital!" Solomon said to the three super soldiers who had been in the car: "You come with me!"

Without any hesitation, the three of them got out of the car and followed Solomon immediately. Several of his men were stunned. What happened?

"Bring me the medicine box!" Solomon said.


Is the boss treating them personally?

Regardless of what they think, Solomon doesn't care about the one who was captured. Anyway, he won't be able to chase him back. He will cure these three first, and he will fight tomorrow! They are precious.

When she arrived in the room, she saw Miss Baihui. After seeing the three injured bodyguards, she made a surprised expression and pretended to be nervous.

"Sir, what is going on here?" Miss Baihui asked.

Solomon thought about it for a while, even if it was too late to let her go now, the concealment made her more curious. Simply let her participate, and it would also eliminate her doubts.

"Fight with a local gang, Baihui, come, will you treat the wound?" Solomon asked.

"Well, I will do some!" Miss Baihui said, and did not say why she was not sent to the hospital.

Looking at the three big men standing there, one of them was the most injured, with his chin hanging, blood and saliva flowing down.

Baihui doesn't care about this, but cares about his expression, as if there is no pain! She was shocked!

"Then trouble you!" Solomon said.

"It's okay!" Miss Baihui said and went to get the medicine box.

Originally Solomon had to deal with it himself, but one of the wounds was too serious for him to deal with.

He thought, Miss Baihui should understand, but she really did.

But they didn't listen to Miss Baihui, and Solomon didn't listen until after saying something.

Miss Baihui was even more surprised, with many thoughts in her heart.

"what happened?"

Solomon asked her in a daze.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll deal with it right away!" Miss Baihui opened the medicine box and started to get busy.

First of all, he was seriously injured, was sculpted and sutured, but one of the bones was broken and needed to be connected and fixed, which took several hours.

During this period, the injured were motionless and did not show any pain.

Miss Baihui did not ask much, and dealt with the wounded seriously.

After processing, she said: "Sir, they need to rest and eat!"

"Well, I see, thanks for your hard work, Baihui, go and rest too!" Solomon said.

This obviously told Miss Baihui to leave, which was just what she wanted. She wanted to report this to the organization.

And Solomon in the room looked at the three people sitting there and didn't know what to do for a while. Theirs was already injured. Only two of them could fight. He just didn't know how their recovery ability was. He must be very strong. , How else is it called a super soldier?

For the next seven or eight hours, Solomon waited patiently. He let the super soldier lie on the soft floor, while he lay on the sofa, paying attention all the time.

These three are like his favorite pets, excited, caring and looking forward to.

At this time, Miss Baihui had left Solomon's Bar and came secretly to a private house. There were many people in the private house, all of them, with a black dragon printed on their chests.

They were very excited to see Miss Baihui coming back, because if she had nothing to do, she would not come back. This time she hurried back, there must be something important.

Miss Baihui was holding a small glass bottle with red blood in it.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Miss Baihui said: "Go and check this out immediately, and then send all the data back to the headquarters!"

"Yes!" said a man with a vulture expression: "What happened?"

"Solomon may have U.S. support..."

Miss Baihui told the ins and outs of what happened.

"Baihui, did you say that one person defeated four super fighters? Also kidnapped one!?" The vulture man asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, I don't know what the identity of this man is, it may be Andre and the others!" Miss Baihui said.

As far as Miss Baihui just said, everyone was surprised. What is that not a super soldier? They have also done research on this, but they have been unable to make a breakthrough. The use of chip implantation technology to control people's thinking has been criticized.

Has a strong sense of technology.

But this is the biggest weakness. Human beings are living organisms. If technology is used on living organisms, it means to force it on, and many problems will arise.

However, in the 52nd District of the United States, biology is used to directly transform the human body. This is the real super soldier.

If they obtain these research data, it will just make up for their shortcomings, which is what they need most.

It is enough to see how important the blood brought by Miss Baihui is.

"I will go back now. You must prepare for tomorrow and prepare enough money. We must get the data. This is the battle of our nation once again succumbing to the forest of nations in the world. Your name will be engraved in the Empire in the future. The monument is admired by the people of all ages..."

Miss Baihui said loudly.


There was a fanatical look on their faces, and their lives were no longer theirs at this moment.