Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1230: A centipede

But he can't change these things now, it doesn't matter whether it is not important, anyway, now there is a majority of the shares, here is the final decision, there is no need to worry about money and safety, it seems to be much better than before.

He returned to the room he made, and when he entered the room, he saw Miss Baihui kneeling at the door and said: "Sir, are you back? Are you tired? Baihui will change your shoes!"

Saying with both hands, he went to get Solomon's shoes.

Solomon smiled, and said with an air: "Well, I'm back!"


Zhang Feng and others outside the valley have already made arrangements. Alice did not contact the police, because if it were to contact the police, many people would come and it would be a bad thing, and Zhang Feng did not want to let many things inside. The Roman City police got it. As for Alice, she just came to witness this, so that Zhang Feng could get out better.

After all, to make such a big movement, if there is a policeman involved, that is the party of nominal justice.

When the time comes, let them come to the finishing touches. Isn't it the same for the police everywhere?

Tang Dawei parked the full-loaded bomb that was automatically moving to find caves in a forest five kilometers away from the village. Once he had Zhang Feng's order, he would reach the destination within ten minutes!

When Tang Dawei got Zhang Feng, he would spray medicine on the rats in the truck, so that the rats would reach a state of excitement within a few minutes, and they would search for caves as quickly as possible.

A few days ago, this trick has been very good experiment, beyond the expected results, everyone can leave alive.

Now Zhang Feng still wants to use this trick under the military factory.

After he got what he should get, everyone below should die.

However, this trick was kept secret from Alice. In Alice’s mind, Zhang Feng took several people including herself into the enemy's interior, and then disintegrated the enemy from the inside. This trick is really powerful. Alice's heart beats faster and blood flow speeds up, she can't wait to rush in now.

There are many very secret cameras and sensors installed around the military factory. Zhang Feng has already cleverly avoided these, but has not removed them.

They haven't found it for a few days.

In the past few days, Zhang Feng also asked Fan Yongxi to look for other outlets, instead of relying solely on instruments.

For several days, no other import and export were found. There was one on the military factory and the mine.

There will be a few cars coming in every day, and Zhang Feng will not stop them anymore, so as not to startle them. Three people have been dealt with before, but the people inside have no reaction.

This is what Zhang Feng is worried about. What if they are already alert?


Thinking of this, Zhang Feng suddenly thought of a question. He quickly called Fan Yongxi and said, "Go and treat the three corpses!"

Fan Yongxi was very puzzled. It has been several days, the body has started to smell bad, and it is very hot, what should I do?

"Brother Feng, be more specific!" Fan Yongxi said concisely.

Zhang Feng said: "They are missing three people, and no one has come out to look for it for a few days, don't you think it is weird? Separate them and make them poisoned themselves!"

"Where is the person with the chip?" Fan Yongxi asked again.

This is a problem. The chip is still on Zhang Feng's body and there is no time to send it back.

Zhang Feng thought for a while and said: "In this way, you use a mobile phone circuit board, put the broken pieces into his brain, and break his brain!"

It's a bit cruel, but this is no way.

Zhang Feng took out the chip and showed it to Fan Yongxi. Fan Yongxi saw that the size of this chip is really similar to the circuit board of a mobile phone.

"Brother Feng, don't worry, I will go now!" Fan Yongxi said and left.

Alice is hiding in a bush, with leaves tied to her body, and her face is painted hehe, if she is lying there, even if someone passes by, she will not be spotted.

She saw Zhang Feng and two of them were doing sneakily.

Fortunately, her curiosity was not strong. She knew that Zhang Feng must have assigned Fan Yongxi a task.

It's just that she was a little unbalanced in her heart. Zhang Feng hasn't arranged anything to do it for herself since she took the instrument. She has been lying here for another day and night, and Alice's patience is about to be polished.

Zhang Feng brought more than a dozen people. Alice met once. Alice saw Ling Li's murderous aura from them. They were all not simple people.

Alice admires such people very much, they are strong, fearless strong.

It's just that Alice doesn't understand, but their such strong existence is ordered by Zhang Feng, this man with very bad behavior!

Can such a man convince the public?

But really, Zhang Feng managed to treat them submissively, and really didn't understand.

Another point, what is Zhang Feng waiting for? Now that the personnel have arrived, shouldn't they attack? Why wait?

These questions are what Alice has thought over the past two days. She wants to ask Zhang Feng, but she knows that if she asks, Zhang Feng will definitely say she is stupid.

So she didn't ask. There were so many people inside, who didn't want to say anything from taking poison to commit suicide, and to those who put chips in their minds, Alice knew that these people were not that simple.

And it can be seen from the instrument that there are hundreds of people inside. They must have weapons. Can Zhang Feng's dozens of people be able to deal with them?

Alice is suspicious!

At the same time, she hoped that Zhang Feng could deal with these gangsters. She was very excited to participate in it, but she was not afraid.

At this time, Zhang Feng slowly leaned over here, came into the bush of Alice, and fell asleep by lying beside it, because it was the most shady place here.

Alice has anger in her heart. This man is hateful. Does he have a sexual orientation problem? He is a beautiful woman, but he didn't show what she should have when seeing a beautiful woman.

Since childhood, she has been the flowers in the hearts of men, wherever she goes, she is the focus. There are countless pursuers. She is the focus of everyone when she walks on the street or in public places.

But since she met this man, she began to wonder if she was not beautiful enough?

He is now asleep beside him, which is really unreasonable!

After a while, Zhang Feng opened his eyes and looked at something wrong. He looked at his chest and saw a finger-sized dark red centipede slowly crawling out of the collar.

Zhang Feng did not move, holding his breath, this kind of centipede is poisonous.

And Alice also noticed it, her eyes widened, and a look of fear appeared on her face.

The centipede crawled slowly and climbed up to Zhang Feng's neck. Zhang Feng did not dare to swallow his saliva, and the centipede had to climb up to Zhang Feng's face and follow the base of his ears.