Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1233: Feed the fish

The person whose brain was bombed was Miss Baihui's person, and she could only speak.

But Emerson saw that Miss Baihui was silent, and said: "Miss Baihui, this is your person, what's the matter?"

Miss Baihui bowed deeply to everyone, and said sincerely: "I'm sorry, I will handle it!"

"Miss Baihui, is there really no problem?" Emerson asked, with a smile on his face.

Miss Baihui still faced Emerson lowered her head and said, "I will take care of it, I'm sorry, I caused you trouble!"

"Hehe, Miss Baihui, your technology is not mature enough, I think we should not do this experiment anymore, just use our super soldier!" Emerson laughed.

This is despising the research results developed by Miss Baihui.

Now that Emerson said so, Miss Baihui was not angry, and kept apologizing: "I'm sorry, I caused you trouble!"

He directly responded to Emerson's words.

"Haha!" Emerson said with a sneer, "Throw these two to feed the fish!"


Four people came to take the two corpses away. Emerson looked at the corpse with his brain exploded and said, "Take this away too! Miss Baihui, don't you still want this corpse?"

"Oh, no!" Miss Baihui thought about something in her mind, and then she responded.

When the corpse was taken away, Miss Baihui looked at the corpse and suddenly said, "Wait!"

Emerson said: "Miss Baihui, this corpse is already stinking, do you still want it? Or do you still have a way to deal with the corpse? Can such a corpse be brought back to life?"

"No!" Miss Baihui said: "Carry it away!"

The corpse was taken away, but there was still a smell in the air, and someone came to clean it soon.

At this moment, Miss Baihui sent a message in her room.

"My lord, there was a problem with the Sun God Warrior. The head was exploded. The chip in his brain exploded. There is only one fighter like this."

Soon there was a reply: "Reduce their food and avoid high-calorie food!"

"Yes, my lord! What if this happens?"

"Then let them sacrifice honorably. I will study this issue here! We need the results of District 52, and you must get them as soon as possible!"

"Yes, my lord!" Miss Baihui said: "My lord, don't we want to be different from the research direction of District 52?"

"Of course this is the case. The things in Area 52 are research beyond this time. We have to learn and then become our own things!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"You must pay attention to your own safety, and there must be no accidents!"

"Yes, my lord!"

After Miss Baihui sent the message, she deleted all the information, and then she went to arrange things and called all her subordinates over.

At this time, Solomon was at the bottom of the underground space of the military factory. There was an underground river below. At this location was a small but very deep pool. The entire military factory and even the underground base now used water from this underground river.

He stood on the fence by the water pool and looked at the calm water pool. There were several men carrying the corpse nearby, and the corpse was thrown down.


The calm water pool burst into water.

"Wait, I have to throw them away!" Solomon said.

Several people listened to him. Although they were not assigned to Solomon, he had a good relationship with the boss and there was no need to anger him.

Put the corpse anyway!

The corpse was thrown into the pool, already calming down, but as soon as the body entered the water, it exploded immediately under the water instead of on the surface.

The huge crocodiles struggling and biting out of the water, their powerful tails hit the water, and their mouths bit the corpse.

In less than five seconds, the corpse of nearly two hundred catties was gone.

Solomon smiled and said, "Throw it all away!"

The two corpses were thrown down, and the entire pool burst open. It was an eye-opener. Solomon liked to watch this scene the most.

Speaking of, the underground space of this military factory was accidentally discovered by Solomon during a trip. After reaching the bottom, he saw this waterhole. There were more than a dozen huge crocodiles in it. It was the most ferocious kind. I thought it must be from the previous military factory.

This is an underground river. The two ends of the river are welded to death by a lot of huge stainless steel bars, and the crocodiles cannot get out.

They have been here for decades. Before Solomon discovered this place, these crocodiles just ate some small fish to survive and barely died. Recently, there have been a lot of meat to eat, they have long been very sensitive.

Solomon kept these crocodiles and would get some meat for them every day.

People die here almost every day, and they are the best tool to destroy corpses.

So when there is movement on the water, they will come desperately, no matter what is dropped, they are all torn apart.

The clear water was full of blood, and the clothes that had been torn apart. There were three corpses at once. The clothes of the corpses were not torn, and the crocodile did not eat them.

Scattered pieces of meat and clothing fragments flowed out of the underground river from the gap between the steel bars.

Within a few minutes, the water pool became clear, and the crocodile returned to the stone and lay motionless, so that the crocodile would not consume unnecessary energy.

Solomon left with satisfaction. He is not at all worried about the personnel problem here, or the problem of studying the ontology. If one is missing, one or even two will be added. They have money.

Here, dead people, it is no more normal. In Solomon's view, their deaths are glorious and contribute to the better future of mankind.

There are too many people who consume the earth's resources and produce garbage every day.

Many incredible things can be done with money.


Zhang Feng asked Iris about the police bombing of Notre Dame Hospital. Iris said that now the Roman City police are trying their best to find Solomon.

"Where is the body? Is anyone alive?" Zhang Feng asked.

This question should have been asked two days ago, but Zhang Feng is only asking now. In fact, he has already received news from Tang Dawei, and cannot let Solomon's sister know about it. Wang Xiaojuan is there watching.

As for Xu Qiuping, she is still taking care of Zhao Yihan. They are very stable. The police cannot find them. Zhang Feng believes that Wang Xiaojuan can handle this matter.

Alice said: "No one is alive, even the fragments of the corpse are not found, but now there are a lot of blood stains in the ruins, all mixed with the soil, preliminary inspection, there are many rat blood mixed with the blood of the dead At the same time, it is difficult to extract DNA to confirm the identity of the deceased."

"This explosion is too strong. It is a very hard to see bomb. It is small in size and powerful. A bomb the size of a thumb is equivalent to one thousand catties of TNT. So many bombs explode together, even in Roman City. When it comes to the shock, Solomon is really ruthless. This is called ruin, but I believe we will be able to catch him!"