Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1275: Frustrated

Paulillo reorganized people to go to the Mid-Levels Villa. In order to make it smoother, he asked the Director for more police force and resources.

Five helicopters, ten armored vehicles, one hundred heavily armed police officers, and one hundred and fifty business police officers.

Almost the elite of Mexico City, this kind of equipment is used against terrorists.

At the gate of the police station, these equipment and personnel gathered, especially the five helicopters behind.

This helicopter is not for patrols, but a gunship. There are anti-aircraft missiles hung under the frame, and two airborne revolver Gatling guns. Its bullets are the size of an arm of a year old and can fire 3,000 rounds per minute. Bullets can destroy all buildings.

Coupled with missiles, Paulillo will be able to level the villa in five minutes.

However, the Secretary has already said that the Mid-Levels Villa cannot be damaged in any way, so the role of these equipment is only to support the scene.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening, and the city of Mexi was very peaceful at night. Before every night, there was a cold shot from time to time. It is estimated that a person fell in front of the gun. The next day there was a corpse lying there, the police Come carry it away.

It is more than 20 kilometers from the police station to the villa in Mid-Levels, and it usually takes half an hour by car. However, it takes Paulillo to the foot of the mountain in less than 20 minutes. He is a little anxious. This must be done.

He sat in a helicopter and was put down at the gate of the villa. He shouted to the people on the mountain: "Listen to the people inside. You are already surrounded. Come out and surrender immediately. We are the police in Mexico City. Try to resist! Please cooperate with us in handling the case!"

In fact, he didn't need to shout like this, but he was used to it and couldn't change it.

At the moment in the villa, the three of them were sitting on the sofa, and the dancer nodded to Zhao Qiang. The latter took out his cell phone to call, and he exclaimed, "No signal!"

Both the dancer and Zhai Qiang took out their mobile phones and found that there was no signal. Zhai Qiang said angrily: "Bazi, they blocked the signal and made it quite big, covering the entire mountain!"

"Haha!" The dancer walked to his room, took out a big mobile phone, and said, "Use this to fight!"

Zhao Qiang's eyes brightened, and he smiled: "Yeah, I almost forgot about this! Hehe!"

This is a satellite phone, and their technology is not enough, but their satellite phone is also expensive.

I pressed Mr. Gusu’s cell phone number and it was connected after a while.

"Mr. Gusu, they are here!" Zhao Qiang said solemnly.

The voice of the old beggar came from the phone: "Are you ready? They are proof of manipulation!"

"Already prepared, as long as they do, they can get evidence!" Zhao Qiang said.

"Very well, you have to cooperate with them, I will inform the embassy!" said the old beggar.


After hanging up the phone, Zhao Qiang called Zhang Feng again: "Brother Feng, we are waiting for you in the chant of Mexi City!"

Zhang Feng was silent for a while before he said in a deep voice, "Okay, pay attention to your safety and don't be overshadowed by him!"

"Don't worry, Brother Feng, just him? Huh, I'm still a little tender! Now this is only temporary!" Zhao Qiang smiled.

"I'll be there soon!" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice.

"Brother Feng, we are out!"

"Okay, so frustrated!"

Zhao Qiang smiled helplessly and hung up the phone. He went to hide some things. If they didn't find them, he would probably be back soon.

Then three people walked out.

At the gate, I saw five big lights in the sky, and there were many people outside, flashing the police lights, which looked particularly dazzling this night.

Opening the iron gate, Zhai Qiang said to them, "What do you want to do? Still not letting people sleep? You are disturbing the people, you know? Be careful, I sue you!"

Such remarks can't scare Paulillo, he said coldly: "According to the informant, you have hidden drugs here, we need to search!"

This is still an excuse, it can really be disgusting.

"Do you have a search warrant?" Zhai Qiang asked him. This seemed to be a scene, and he had already said it when he first came.

Paulillo took out a piece of paper and handed it to Zhai Qiang. It was all in English, which was considered conscience. It was not in the local language. Zhai Qiang could understand it. This is indeed a search warrant, or it is true.

"Then you go in, don't break things, if it breaks or something is missing, you just wait to pay it!" Zhai Qiang said angrily.

Everything in the villa is a good thing. Furniture and decorations are very expensive. Of course, Zhai Qiang doesn't care about this, just warns them.

"Don't worry, we will enforce the law impartially!" Paulillo said, and he was overjoyed. It would be best for them to accept the search honestly, without shooting or killing people.

He wore two layers of body armor.

"Go in and search for ten people. Remember, don't damage other people's things, or you will pay for it yourself!" Paulillo said to the people behind, he was very regular.

"Yes, Captain!" the police officer behind responded.

Zhai Qiang and the others stood aside, and Paulillo waved, and the people behind them filed in.

Ha ha!

This Paulillo was disgusting. The first time he came, he used this excuse, and the second time he used it.

Didn't it happen that others would hide or destroy the goods? For example, when transferred or poured into the toilet, there is nothing left when the water is flushed.

Maybe he hadn't thought about this problem at all, no matter whether it was hidden or not, he would bring it in.

"Haha, Captain Paulillo, please come in and drink some water? Standing here is very tiring! You are here at such a big night, it is really busy on official business!" Zhai Qiang said with a smile.

Zhai Qiang is an all-rounder, otherwise how to work hard in the mall.

This is very useful to Paulillo. He is indeed thirsty. He hasn't eaten anything for the whole night, and there must be a ghost in their hearts, otherwise it won't be the case. Are there really? That's the best, catch them all.

Paulillo thought about this, full of justice in his heart, his waist straightened a lot, and he said, "Okay, just go in and take a look!"

"Captain Paulillo, please come in!" Zhai Qiang said.

Paulillo went in with five people grandiosely. The dancer and Zhao Qiang did not speak. They supported Zhai Qiang's approach. If they did so, it would be less troublesome.

A group of people entered the lobby of the villa, and Paulillo was fascinated. The place is so nice. The big sofa makes people want to sit on it. There is a swimming pool outside.

"It's Captain Paulillo, would you like something to drink?" Zhai Qiang asked with a smile.

"Hehe, you are welcome, do you Easterners handle things like this? Don't do it like this, I won't let the water go!" Paulillo turned into a just and clean appearance.

He has already thought about it. No matter what they come, he won’t be affected by anything. When he solves them, he has done a great job with the director. He will have everything he wants in the future. There is also this villa. It can't be a bad thing.

"Really? Haha, we are just getting into the etiquette. Isn't this okay?" Zhai Qiang said, "When you enter the house, you are a guest. This is our way of hospitality. Let's not talk about other things.

"Alright, beer!" Paulillo said.

Zhai Qiang went to get the wine, it was good wine, puree.