Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1388: I'm very good!

It was made of thick steel plate, and they couldn't penetrate it with a machine gun.

"That's it, haha, brothers, there is gold under my feet, take this back to me!" Mayweather shouted.

Finally got it, Mayweather was excited, not caring about the blood in the air.

And the surrounding men are also excited, they can survive, and if they get the gold, they must have their share, but this will be very little, because it was discovered by the brave leader of Mayweather, they admire Mayweather five. Stock investment land.

Many people pulled this big iron box into the car and when they left, they had their hands down and said to Mayweather: "Captain Mayweather, the person who found us behind the valley is dead!"

"Take me to see!" Mayweather remembered that he had sent someone to look behind him before. No wonder they didn't come back. They were all dead.

When they came to the back of the valley, all of them had their throats cut, and they were thrown into the grass. The bodies were cold and it seemed that they had been dead for a long time.

"They ran, into the jungle!" Mayweather looked at the gloomy forest.

In his mind, he was thinking about whether he should chase after him. Those are all ransoms. If all were arrested for a ransom, the ransom must be no less than gold.

But if they chase, they must have laid a lot of traps in the jungle.

"Captain Mayweather, they ran away, do you want to chase?" his general Daniel asked.

Someone asked, that would be easier, Mayweather said: "Yes, those people are all butt, catch them all! You take the brothers, you have to solve the butt, just divide me a little! "

Daniel was overjoyed: "Thank you, Mayweather!"

"I'm waiting for you at the headquarters!"

Then Daniel took people there, and he did too much of the meat ticket. This is a costless thing.

Watching Daniel enter the woods with more than two hundred people, Mayweather smiled again.

He transported the steel box back to the headquarters. The route was to take an unusual route and drive away on the prairie. This is his cleverness. He went directly to the Wanda support army who came to support the Golden Wolf transport team. At noon the next day When they arrived at the headquarters safely.

He could not hear the sound and screams of his subordinate Daniel leading people in the woods constantly being exploded by bombs.

Daniel himself was also killed.

However, the Easterner Hua Yao and others heard it. They didn't go far, and the sound of explosions in the night could be heard very far.

Old Xu and the others were very happy, so the hard work of installing booby traps was finally in vain, and they didn't dare to chase them anymore.

"Take a break!" Hua Yao said.

The crowd found an empty place to sit down, and there were four people around fifty meters away watching. Although they knew they would not come, they still did not dare to be careless.

Hu Xinting took out her mobile phone and looked at it for a while and said, "They are all gone!"

On Hu Xinting's mobile phone, it was a picture of fire burning. Under the light of the fire, many corpses could be seen lying on the ground, as well as the damaged car.

Before leaving the valley, Hu Xinting installed a wireless camera there. The camera device uses satellite signals, which is very expensive but very useful.

They are not short of money.

The camera device is very secretive and will not be affected by bombs.

"Are we going back?" Hua Yao asked.

He still wants to ask Hu Xinting's opinion, because she provoked this matter.

"No hurry, they didn't find gold buried in the ground!" Hu Xinting looked at the phone screen.

Hua Yao asked again: "Then where are we going now?"

"It's fine if you decide!" Hu Xinting said, putting away the phone.

This monitoring will monitor after the elimination of the Death Scythe mercenary group.

Even if someone comes here to dig, they know who it is. The location of the monitoring device is very secretive.

"Just here, wait for Zhang Feng and the others to come over!" Hu Xinting said.

Hua Yao said: "Alright! We can have a good rest!"

I have been fighting for almost a day and a night. Everyone is tired. It is the most tiring when you put up booby traps. If you are not careful, you will blow yourself up because you can hardly look good. It depends on your touch and experience.

"It's okay, light a fire, they can't make it through!" Hu Xinting said.

Everyone is sitting there, there are a lot of mosquitoes flying around, and there is no news here. The mosquitoes in Africa are very scary and malaria is rampant.

Along the way, they planted hundreds of booby traps behind them, and they were not enough for reimbursement. Even if some people came here, they were not afraid of them.

And it can also prevent wild animals from coming.

Three bonfires were born, and they all consciously did not come to Hu Xinting and Hua Yao. Someone went to get two wild goods from a distance and simply processed them and roasted them. When they came out of the valley, they did not bring anything to eat. After walking for several hours and fighting for so long, everyone was already hungry.

It's wild food and the ingredients are good, and it's delicious after a simple process.

They replenish their stamina, take a good rest, and there may be battles next.

Hu Xinting did not dislike this food, and ate a lot. She was a daughter of a big family and she did not look like a big lady. When she was in college, she did not study at a university in Kyoto, but chose Southwest City, where she met her. There are not many people, and she is not that special. After graduation, she went abroad to study and got her graduation in a short time. She is a talented woman.

She has a distinguished life experience, she looks like a country, and works harder than others. This is the most terrifying thing among people in this world.

God is fair!

Hua Yao was eating by the side. He didn't have many doubts in his mind, so he didn't ask. He knew Hu Xinting very well.

This girl who is two years younger than him is regarded as a real sister, and she is very fond of her, so she must be well protected.

Hu Xinting was a little confused now, and after a long time she still sent a message to Zhang Feng: I am fine!

Just these three words!

Zhang Feng is still on the plane at this time. The plane is now safe and stable. The mobile phone is allowed, and only he can use it. The impact on the entire plane is not great. The signal in the captain's cockpit was originally used. , I will use his later, it's too much trouble.

If there is danger, the captain will tell Zhang Feng to turn it off.

He accepts all kinds of information conveniently, and there is always information coming from all aspects, such as his Huangquan Mercenary Corps, the people of Alfonso, and Hu Xinting's safety.

Several messages were sent by Hua Yao to Zhang Feng, and the language was more official.


Zhang Feng's cell phone rang again, it was a text message, and I saw the sender Zhang Feng's heart: I'm fine!

This is good news, and Zhang Feng is relieved.

"How long will it take to arrive?" Zhang Feng asked Yan Wang.

"There are about five hours left!" Yan Wang said: "Take a break!"