Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1397: Who shot it?

Chapter 1397 Who Fired The Gun?

At this time, the judge and Fan Yongxi, who were snipers, had arrived at their positions, prepared their equipment, turned on the night vision, and peered at the location of the death sickle.

The map that Hades held in his hand was printed using mobile map software. It was inside the Wanda border post. It only cost a few hundred dollars to print a piece of paper. It is estimated that this is the most expensive printing paper in the world. .

But there are still some services, that is, to learn about the situation of the death sickle station from the soldiers at the outpost.

This is definitely worth a few hundred dollars.

"Already in place!"

The judge's voice came from everyone's ears, followed by Fan Yongxi's.

The two of them have been secretly competing since they met to see who has better sniper skills. Fan Yongxi holds the sniper rifle used by Wang Xiaodong in his hand, and his heart is a little bloated, but he dared not look down on the judge, but wanted Compete with him.

The judge didn't put him in the eyes, as long as he could cooperate with him.

There was no comparison between the two.

Zhang Feng and others have entered the town in pieces. Zhang Feng is walking in a dark alley. There are no lights in the alley. There are a lot of excrement on the ground and the air is filled with odor. These have no effect on Zhang Feng. .

Uh, uh...

At this moment, some strange noises came from the front. Zhang Feng went up lightly, and at the corner, he saw a man and a woman doing something on the wall. Zhang Feng just glanced at and quickly walked past. Nothing happened, and it felt as if there was an unusual wind passing by.

They don't have the mind to care about this, it's important to do business.

Five minutes later, Zhang Feng had arrived at the scheduled location, and after waiting for less than half a minute, the King of Hades came.

The Hades whispered into the headset, "Have you all arrived at the scheduled place?"



"Arrived in half a minute!"

Basically everything arrived, and after waiting for another minute, everything arrived without any abnormalities.

"Find out their guards!" Hades said.


Three minutes later, the entire guard post on the periphery of the resident was found out. There were fewer than ten people on the periphery, which can be said to be very loose.

"Hell, our snipers can see all these ten secret whistles, leave it to us!" said the judge.

"Okay, leave it to you, Fan Yongxi, how about?" Yan Wang asked Fan Yongxi.

Fan Yongxi has been under the control of Hades, even Caldera and Silgarva.

Because Zhang Feng is under the control of the King of Yama, everyone obeys the King's deployment.

"Now you are close to every guard. After the sniper kills the guard, he will hide the body as soon as possible!" Hell said.

"Roger that!"

"Already close!"

"Just behind!"

Everyone reported the information back.

Hades said to them, "Sniper, are you sure?"

"rest assured!"


The two responded, and the judge continued: "Xiao Fan, the five on your side belong to yours. If it doesn't work, just say it, don't mess it up!"

"Brother judge, I can!" Fan Yongxi said.

"it is good!"

At this moment, the two of them were no more than 100 meters away from the death god's sickle station, one on a big tree, and one on the roof of a ten-story building.

The lights in the Reaper's sickle station are bright, and objects can be clearly seen.

Not to mention that their two snipers all use high-performance night vision equipment.

Zhang Feng and Yan Wang are waiting here at the gate.

Da da……

Suddenly, there was a burst of gunfire inside, and the king said quickly: "Wait!"

"Who shot it?"

The judge said: "Inside, many of them are surrounded in front of the villa. Just the big box, they are celebrating!"


The people inside cheered, obviously cheering for the gold.

They didn't know that a group of hungry wolves were already outside at this moment, and they were about to harvest their lives.

"Are there any strange movements?" Hades asked.

The judge said: "No!"

"The plan has changed, now it's changed to the wasteland plan. Capture the thieves first!" Hell said, "Do it!"

The wasteland plan is to capture the thieves first, and the ultimate goal is to capture the king, Joseph, the head of the Death Scythe mercenary group!

He gave an order, and the guards on the fence were fired one by one, all with headshots, and the sniper rifles were all equipped with silencers.

The ten guards approached all at once.

After the guard fell, someone dragged them aside, and then began to attack and clear the periphery. All guns were fitted with silencers.

Zhang Feng and Yan Wang were in a group. They didn't open the door to enter, but walked out from the wall.

After entering, Zhang Feng began to harvest human lives. He threw out playing cards that could spin, all of which were sealed with one card, and then the playing cards flew back to Zhang Feng's hand with blood glued to the playing cards.

Zhang Feng didn't care, the palm of his hand was already covered with blood, forming a horn with Hades and attacking.

"The dancer controls the arsenal!"

"Caldera wiped out the people in the southern building!"

"Silgarva controls the dining hall!"


They all reported their achievements, and Yan Wang said: "Helicopter attack!"

The helicopter took off seven or eight kilometers outside the town, Apache flew in front, and the seven-eight-kilometer flight took two to three minutes.


The sound of helicopter propellers resounded over the town. Most of the townspeople were awakened and walked out of their houses to look up.

Because the two helicopters are in a big battlefield, it is usually a helicopter from the Reaper Sickle Security Company, but this time it came from outside.

At this moment, the carnival crowd in the Reaper's Scythe Mercenary Corps station suddenly calmed down.

They also heard voices from the sky and saw warning lights flashing.

Joseph was sitting there drinking, and now he stood up and threw the glass away and said, "Who is here? Go and see!"

When two people were about to go out, a group of people dressed in camouflage outfits and armed men suddenly appeared around the small villa, pointing their guns at them.

The King of Hades said: "You two will come out with a bright red line, whoever will kill him!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a red dot on the two people in the middle, one for Joseph and the other for Mayweather.

The red dot was on their eyebrows. Mayweather looked up and seemed to see the red dot on his eyebrows. He raised his hand to cover his eyebrows and looked at it. The red dot was on the back of his hand, and his eyes looked far away, as if he could see. When it comes to the sniper, he has an arrogant face and is not afraid at all.

And Joseph was very calm, and even sat down. On the surface, he was very calm, but his heart was very scared. The other party could touch here, indicating that he was surrounded and there was a helicopter in the sky.

"Who are you?" Joseph used the local language.