Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1421: Take care of

A little pig, this is Hu Xinting’s trophy, she carried it back by herself, of course she would not carry it directly on her shoulders like them, it was so dirty, Hu Xinting tied it with a piece of wood, tied it to her shoulder, and went back. .

Back to the tribe, there will be women and children or older people to deal with.

The treatment method is very simple. Put it directly into the fire pit, then put some branches and leaves with special fragrance, then put the red stones, and finally cover with more green leaves and spread the soil.

Wait an hour.

During this period, they were sharing some fruits, and Hu Xinting also got them. Most of them were unknown fruits, which were a bit bitter and could still swallow.

Hu Xinting does not reject eating these, but likes it very much.

An hour later, they opened the pit, and there was heat coming out of it, and there was a strange smell that was not unpleasant or smelly, but it could arouse people's appetite.

Hu Xinting was already hungry and ate the bitter fruit again. The gluttons in his belly were more eager to eat meat.

But what surprised Hu Xinting was that the patriarch gave Hu Xinting a pig head, the pig head of the piglet she had hunted, making Hu Xinting dumbfounded.

This is a reward for the capable, as for the bull head of the bison was given to the patriarch.

Hu Xinting looked at the pig's head in front of him with a large leaf. There were many charred pig hairs and some spice leaves inside.

She doesn't like to eat fatty meat, so big, estimated to be three or four catties.

And she looked at the beef over there, she wanted to eat that.

Looking at the captain sitting there, he made a plan. He picked up the pig’s head and walked to the captain’s side, put the pig’s head down, pointed at the pig’s head, and then pointed to the large hind leg of the cow that had not been moved in front of the captain. With a gesture of exchange, he said: "I'll change with you, OK? I can't eat fat!"

The captain understood what she meant and readily agreed and gave her his own beef. Hu Xinting was overjoyed and gave him a thumbs up.

This action not only made the captain happy and other people also happy, because the head of the prey is the greatest reward for their greatest recognition and recognition.

Hu Xinting's move is to reward the captain, and the captain is naturally happy about it.

In fact, there is another reason. Pork meat has a lot of fat, protein, etc., which is useful to them. What they lack is oil and water.

Hu Xinting didn't care about this, and went over there to take out her small saber and slowly cut the meat.

Beef is not unpalatable, on the contrary, it feels very flavorful. Even raw bison doesn’t have a lot of taint, it's just a pure **** smell. Now that it has been cooked, there is no **** smell. The rest is beef flavor. They put in a lot of spices, and the taste is still very good.

Hu Xinting has eaten raw beef, which is whole, just to train and challenge herself. She succeeded. At the same time, she also trained for survival in the wild, field combat ability, etc.

So the current conditions are nothing to her.

After eating and drinking, Hu Xinting went to see Huayao. Naturally, what she drank was water. There was no wine.

Hua Yao still slept there, and Hu Xinting sat here and waited.

Today, I don’t have to go hunting anymore, I basically eat one meal a day.

Hu Xinting now doesn't think about anything, she just wants to take care of Hua Yao, because she treats Hua Yao as her brother.

Since childhood, Hua Yao also played the role of her brother, so Hu Xinting did not allow Hua Yao to have an accident.

Not to mention that the whole thing was caused by her.

What made her distressed was the sacrifice of so many people from Golden Wolf Company. This is a big account and will be dealt with later.

Hu Xinting had no regrets, and no regrets when he set foot on this land, because this will always happen. The Death Scythe mercenary group has been watching for a long time, and maybe more people will be lost by then.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, and Hu Xinting resolved it decisively.

But will anyone understand her?

Or would the people above understand it?

Hu Xinting is ready to be punished.

But all this will not go out until Hua Yao recovers.

She didn't know where this place was, but she knew about it. Hua Yao could go out only after he recovered from his injury, otherwise it would be very dangerous.

Now she doesn't have any communication equipment, otherwise Hu Xinting will call people here, and Hua Yao's injury will only recover quickly in a good hospital.

But now it can only do this, Hu Xinting will not risk Hua Yao's life.

When there is nothing to do, Hu Xinting walks around the tribe. The terrain here is very strange. The tribe’s location is in a small hill. Even in front of the mountain, if no one is found, it would be impossible to find it. There is a tribe.

Maybe this is the reason why very tribes can be isolated from the world.


Zhang Feng drove the helicopter he got from Alfonso and flew over the vast jungle. Fortunately, the helicopter said that Apache is one of the most advanced helicopters directly on board. If there is any movement on the surrounding ground, it will It was immediately discovered that it was equipped with thermal imaging equipment.

Although they had already refueled when they passed through Lutna Village, they ran out of fuel after they flew into the middle of the night. They had to put the helicopter in the grass and cover it with branches, and then send a message to Alfonso, let him come and get someone back.

This is Alfonso's baby, it's worth a lot!

After a few hours of rest, when the sky was still dark, they set off, and at the same time they were in contact with the subordinates in front of them, not walking the way they had traveled, so that they would not do useless work.

But for three days in a row, Zhang Feng and others could not see a single figure except them, they only rested for a few hours a day.

Moreover, their communication equipment was almost out of power. Hem Wang asked the big guys to gather in one place to discuss countermeasures.

Near the fire at night.

"Crazy man, searching like this is like finding a needle in a haystack!" Hell said in a deep voice.

Zhang Feng grabbed a piece of roasted half-cooked meat and bit it. Hearing what Yan Wang said, Zhang Feng threw the meat into the fire, splashing a lot of sparks.

"What do you do then? Hell, you say!"

Zhang Feng's tone became violent, everyone was silent, everyone wanted to find them, but this is the great African wilderness, and it is too difficult to find someone.

At this moment, they have gone outside of Wanda. They are now smuggled. If they are found out by the army, they will be in trouble.

After a long time, the king said: "Mad, don't worry, hundreds of people have searched for such a long time, and they have almost searched all over the territory of Wanda, but they have not been found. This is good news, which means they are talking!"

Zhang Feng was silent, and he tore a piece of meat on the fire frame before biting. He didn't know it was hot.

"Hell, I am worried that they will be arrested and locked up in a secret place, or..."

"Stop talking!" Zhang Feng said angrily.

Li Jian stopped talking.