Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1566: Huge cave

"Where were the weapons at the time?"

"It's in a cave seventy kilometers away from here." Cheng Xu said.

"How do they transport such a big guy into the mountains?"

"There is a way in the mountain! The highest mountain at the end of the road!"

"Does Philemon know that Lu Gundam is a technician?"

"He knew that at the beginning we didn't know that Captain Lu was a technician."

"Okay, that's it!"

This information is sufficient.

Then I acted, and I couldn't go by helicopter anymore, because the target was too big and Philemon's people were nearby and wanted to leave the country quietly.

When he got here, he used Farah. He honestly drove the car that Zhang Feng had bought. The car was filled with people and he could set off.

And Zhang Feng Yan Wang also set off here, they first went to the weapon side, the road is likely to be there.

They marched towards their destination forcibly. There were no roads, and no cars. They ran for ten kilometers before reaching the road into the mountain.

However, this road is not safe. From time to time, two or three cars pass by. Everyone in the car is full of guys. The pickup truck is equipped with heavy weapons.

They didn't dare to stop the car and drove into the mountain, so they could only find another shortcut and ran in the rugged and roadless mountains.

There are still very few trees here, even if there are many rocks, it is not difficult to move.

It's a lot faster to go straight.

At dawn, they reached their destination.

There is a big cave under a big mountain. The mouth of the cave is more than ten meters wide. It was formed naturally. It was the ocean thousands of years ago.

There was no one at the entrance of the cave, not a car, it was quiet.

Regardless of how safe it is, there is no one. In fact, they have installed a lot of cameras or sensors around them. If they encounter an attack, they will react instantly and rush out a group of people.

Therefore, the three of Hades did not go in immediately, but were watching.

There should be more than one cave in such a big cave.

"Tyrannosaurus, you go to the right, I go to the left, madman, you are here, don't startle the snake!" Hell said in a deep voice.

Tyrannosaurus Li Jian's body shrank back, and then disappeared. The speed was so fast that Hell also moved, while Zhang Feng was watching.

The task here is the heaviest and the most critical, and it is most appropriate for Yan Wang to give it to Zhang Feng.

Three more cars arrived in less than ten minutes. The two cars at the front and the back were armored vehicles, and the middle one was a commercial vehicle. It was very advanced, and Zhang Feng was a little puzzled.

Which big person is it? Is it Philemon?

Before the commercial vehicle entered the cave, two teams of twenty soldiers ran out to greet him.

Zhang Feng knew that it was not that simple. There would be many soldiers in it, and it was impossible to break through.

After half an hour, the king came back. He found another entrance and exit, but he needed to act at night because night was the best cover.

Li Jian also came back, and he also found the entrance to the cave, and there was more than one. The three of them analyzed and decided to go to the entrance that Li Jian found, which was hidden and there was no secret defense.

The only shortcoming is that there is a drainage ditch, and every day excrement of people in the cave comes out from here.

The drinking water here is the extraction of groundwater.

The three of them waited until the night to enter through the drain. There was a steel mesh inside, the thick steel bars of the arm, the gap was only the size of a fist, and it could not pass through the human body.

Now they don't have cutting tools, manpower is impossible.

This is difficult!

Just when Hades was about to choose another way, Zhang Feng said, "Give me five minutes!"

Speaking of which he took out a saber, the back of the saber had sharp teeth, and Zhang Feng used this to saw steel.

Under the strong pressure of Zhang Feng's hand, the back of the knife sharpened the steel bars.

The hardness of this knife is much harder than steel bars, so it can be sawed, but it took Zhang Feng seven minutes to saw one.


But now it can only do so, and it can never be returned.

Next, Zhang Feng's speed was much faster. They saw a half-meter long and wide opening before they could go in, but they had to shrink their bodies.

But what they didn't expect was that there were still several steel meshes inside, and it took several hours to get out of the drain, and they were all wet and smelly.

But no matter what, if they come in, it's half the battle.

It's very big, with many small holes, many people come and go, everyone is fully armed.

Also, although the equipment here is old, it is perfect. There are fighter jets and tanks.

What kind of person can produce such a strong military strength?

It's exactly the kind of posture of digging deep holes and accumulating food. What are they going to do?

Zhang Feng is very clear that this is not Araka's regular army, it seems to be stronger than Hurd.

It seems that Araka is really messy, but how much the chaos here has to do with them, they now have to find the road to go up, die to see the dead or see people; next is the weapon.

Although it is night, the cave is brightly lit with no blind spots.

Zhang Feng and others can only proceed carefully, hiding from the soldiers coming and going, and cameras everywhere. Their progress is very slow, and they have been in for an hour, without any clue, like headless flies everywhere. Channeling.

In one corner, they got together to discuss.

"I can't go on like this, we'll work separately, and after an hour, if we can't find it, we will come back here!"

Hades said.

"it is good!"

Zhang Feng slowly walked out of this corner. He was looking for the commercial car just now, and he couldn't see it after he got in. Why was that big goal missing?

It is not difficult to imagine that they must have dark rooms and the like.

And the weapon should be here too, I didn't see the weapon.

How to fix this?

To find, you must find the dark room.

At this moment, Zhang Feng went to a soldier's room. A soldier happened to pass by just now, and Zhang Feng came here helplessly.

It's a big dormitory, with dozens of people living in it. The upper, middle and lower beds on the third floor, the room is filled with the smell of sweat.

Da da!

At this moment, someone came outside, and Zhang Feng hurriedly hid under the bed. This person went in to the table to drink water, and then went out. Just then Zhang Feng came out, quickly got up and covered his mouth with a hand knife. It hit him on the neck with a heavy hand, the bone was broken, and it is estimated that he will not survive.

Zhang Feng quickly changed into his clothes, then threw him under the bed, pulled his hand on the wall and rubbed the dust on his face. It became almost the same skin color as him, and then walked out.

There were two other people outside. Seeing Zhang Feng with his head down came out and beckoned to him and said something, they were very anxious, so they followed.