Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1567: Find way up

After following them, Zhang Feng felt very comfortable, why didn't he think of this way?

However, if found, it is very dangerous, being among the bandits.

Zhang Summit acted by chance.

This cave is like a maze of termites. If there is no guidance, Zhang Feng will get lost when he gets here.

After going through more than a dozen holes, they stopped at a wall. The person in the front stretched out his hand and pressed a stone on the wall. The stone sank easily, and then there was a mechanical rotation inside the wall. sound.

A door appeared on the wall immediately, Zhang Feng thought to himself, it should be here, they passed through here twice just now, but they didn't find it.

After following them in and closing the door, Zhang Feng could see clearly.

The decoration inside is much more luxurious. The floor is tiled, very clean and spotless.

As they entered the elevator, Zhang Feng was still standing at the back with his head down, very honest.

Zhang Feng thought that the elevator was going up, but he didn't expect the elevator to go down. It seems that the secret lies below, right?

It takes about ten seconds to descend. According to the speed calculation, it should be hundreds of meters. This is a big project.

After reaching the bottom, Zhang Feng saw many white people in white coats. They were busy and some were testing weapons.

It turns out that they came here to change the guard. This is exactly what Zhang Feng meant. You can see a lot of things standing here. Although you can't look around and you can't find Lu Gundam, Zhang Feng has a hunch that the person surnamed Lu is here. .

Zhang Feng stood here for almost an hour, and started to feel a little nervous, because Yan Wang said just now that he would return there to gather in an hour, and now he can't go back.

No matter how much, they can't go away now, they will be found out as soon as they go, presumably they understand.

After standing here for two hours, Zhang Feng saw an acquaintance, a woman. Zhang Feng not only looked at her body, but also tried her hands. It was just the last step. This person was Irene.

She was rescued by Zhang Feng in the desert, and she wanted to assassinate Zhang Feng's woman.

No wonder she said that she is very familiar with the city of Mayoye. It turns out that her official here is not small, and she can go in and out freely, and there are two strong bodyguards behind her.

After she passed Zhang Feng, she suddenly stopped and looked back, Zhang Feng became nervous. Don't come over, otherwise the place will be messed up.

Fortunately, she left soon. This may be a woman's instinct. After thinking about it, it is impossible to ignore it.

Irene's appearance here really surprised Zhang Feng.

Now Zhang Feng is waiting to change classes, and then talks about the situation here with Yan Wang and the students (ps: it's a student, not Li Jian, made a mistake), and then he decides.

After another three hours, the shift was changed, and everything seemed to be very orderly here.

Who is controlling this? Philemon?

Whether or not he is, Zhang Feng doesn't care.

After going out, Zhang Feng found a chance to slip away and disappeared, and then arrived at the meeting place that Yan Wang said, where they were still waiting.

Seeing Zhang Feng's return, Yan Wang did not ask Zhang Feng why he was not on time, but asked: "What's the situation?"

"They still have underground space. That's the core. I think Lu Gundam is inside." Zhang Feng said.

"Okay, let's go there!"

Hades thought to himself that the lunatic has indeed been found, but it is not easy to be discovered.

"You go get a suit yourself, they arranged two patrol teams!"

Zhang Feng clicked on both of them to understand.

Ten minutes later, they were in a shifting team, walked into the dark room, and then went down to the ground.

When the next team came to change shifts, they did not go out, but stayed inside and hid.

They performed the same trick again, killing three people, changing into their white coats, and then walking away.

Here they found a lot of weapon parts, with Chinese characters on the parts, that is the arms sold to Araka.

And now only some external parts are placed here, which can be used when assembled.

However, according to the information, this should be only a small part of the arms, what about the others?

Presumably Lu Gundam is here, you must find him first, and then take care of the arms.

When they passed a window, they saw the people standing inside the house resembling roads.

"Go in and take a look!" Yan Wang said in a deep voice, looking at no one around him.

Hades pushed the door in, and there were seven or eight people in white coats in the room. They couldn't understand what they said when they saw them come in.

When someone walked over, He frowned and he walked quickly to the person who might be Lu Gundam. His feet were locked by chains. In front of him was a push instrument. He hurriedly called: "Captain Lu?"

The man's body trembled, and at the same time the gangster in the white coat was already in front of Yan Wang, Yan Wang immediately took action, breaking his neck with both hands, and Zhang Feng and the students behind also did it, and all eight people solved it at once.

The large factory building was quiet, except for the sound of some machinery.

The person who locked the anklet turned around and was stunned for a moment when he saw that it was a compatriot who was speaking Chinese.

"Captain Lu!" Hades said again.

"You finally came!"

This is Lu Gundam, he wants to cry now, here he has been tortured inhumanly.

"Let's go!" Hades said immediately.

Otherwise, if the culprit finds out, it will be in trouble.

Lu Gundam strode forward and wanted to walk, but forgot the iron chain under his feet and almost fell.

He squatted down and grabbed the iron chain to break it, but the iron chain was very strong and he had no strength. Zhang Feng walked up to take the iron chain, and pulled it hard, and the iron chain broke.

Let's break the chain before we can go.

"Comrade, thank you!" Lu Gundam said to Hades.

Yan Wang said: "If you want to thank you, thank him!" Yan Wang said and pointed to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng doesn't bother to look at him now, what was he doing just now? He's repairing weapons, he gave in!

Such people should not risk their lives to save them.

"Comrade, thank you!" Luda said gratefully.

Zhang Feng nodded as a response. He was not a grudge. Although this person was not very good, it was a task.

"Let's go!" Hades said.

They went out quietly, but someone still came outside. When they raised their guns to shoot and shout, Zhang Feng had already solved them.

Then hide their bodies.

The routes they walked are very clever, places with few people, blind spots with cameras, and Lu Gundam's familiarity with them.

After half an hour, they came out from below instead of coming up from the elevator. There was an exit, which was the exhaust vent.