Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1569: Be surrounded

Zhang Feng didn't have anything specific, and he was not easy to ask, he just nodded and said: "You go to do it, we will send Lu Gundam and others back, but the weapon will be handed over to Kochman! "

"Will Philemon give the weapon to Kochman?" Zhang Feng asked.

There are already reliable sources saying that Filimon is likely to be involved in the battle of Aracatu. He is going to share the cake there because he has such a big battle here. What is his intention? it goes without saying.

In the ancient times of China, there were many such situations. When the emperor's strength was weak and encountered natural disasters and foreign enemies invaded, he would delegate power to various places to let his mercenaries go to King Qin in the capital, and they could stand on their own as mercenaries.

The dynasty will be defeated.

Philemon is a hero, he has the ability to fight Kochman and Hurd.

So, will Philemon give the weapon to Kochman? Is it a fool?

But this is not a question Zhang Feng wants to think about.

Here, all complicated questions will be filtered through his brain and become simple questions.

Simple questions are much easier to handle.

The King of Hades walked back to the cave, and after a ten-minute rest, they continued to move forward. There were chasing soldiers around, and they could not stay here for too long.

Half an hour after they walked out, they met a group of bandits, and the two sides started a fierce battle. Although the group was quickly wiped out, their position was exposed.

Soon there will be a steady stream of bandits coming here, and they must leave as soon as possible.

At this time, Zhang Feng originally wanted to break the post by himself, but when he thought of Lu Gundam, he just thought about it.

Before long, they were surrounded, with more than a hundred bandits around.

The culprit didn't attack right away, it's probably going to be alive.

It's impossible for Hades to let them succeed and get caught? That's impossible. If the three Huangquan team members of Yan Wang were arrested, then they would have better sever themselves so as not to be ashamed.

With more than a hundred bandits, Zhang Feng can solve it by himself, and the terrain here is rugged, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

They also have weapons on their bodies, enough to deal with the gangsters.

Da da……

The King of Hades fired first. The bullet hit the gangster tens of meters away. The gangster fell down and they began to fight back.

If you can't catch alive, then die, this is an order from Philip Meng.

"RPG!" the student shouted.

Hades and the others have already seen a handful of flames flying over. It is a shoulder-mounted rocket. This is a powerful weapon for individual operation. If this rocket flies in between them, it will blow up.

So they immediately jumped away, but it was a pity that Lu Gundam reacted slowly and the rocket exploded next to him.


It's like a mountain bursting and the ground cracking, and rocks splashing.

"Ah..." At the same time, Lu Gundam screamed.

The king's heart was tense. It was difficult to do this. Lu Gao was injured. He hurriedly came to see him. The student fired cover and shot the gangster who fired the rocket.

Between the two huge rocks, Lu Gao was lying there, one leg was bloody, there was no other injury on his body. Fortunately, there are two huge rocks blocking him, otherwise he would die miserably, unfortunately. Fortunately, he fell down in time.

Yan Wang didn't think too much, and carried him up, the student and Zhang Feng's palace.

At this moment, Zhang Feng used his brilliant marksmanship, solving an enemy with a bullet, and then picked up the gangster's gun from the ground to shoot.

The AK was played with the effect of burst shooting, the muzzle fell in pieces after the bandits, and they broke through from here.

The gangsters behind did not dare to catch up again, because there were only a few people left, and they were wondering that there were only a few people on the other side. Could it be that there was divine help?

He ran for more than ten kilometers with Lu Gundam on his back before stopping, and then he treated Lu Gundam's wounds. Now he is not life-threatening, but his face turned pale due to excessive bleeding and his body temperature rose. He was about to get a high fever.

It must be sent to the hospital immediately.

The king looked at his leg, and the underside of his calf was gone, his trousers were exploded and empty.

"Captain Lu, your little feet are gone!" Yan Wang said.

Lu Gundam heard it clearly, he couldn't accept the fact: "No, it's impossible!"

At this moment the students came over and said: "Helicopters, they dispatched helicopters! There are ground troops!"

Hades carried Luda on his back and ran madly. With Hades’s physical strength, he carried this one hundred and fifty catties and ran madly without any pressure. Normally, he carried more weight than this during training.

It's just that the other party seems to be pursuing the blood!

Behind the Palace of Zhang Feng, the students rushed to protect the King of Yama, and they made arrangements like this in a tacit understanding.

The helicopter quickly caught up, because the helicopter was equipped with a thermal imaging device, and Zhang Feng on the ground was quickly found, and then a shuttle bullet came over.

At this moment, Zhang Feng was hiding behind a huge boulder. He was looking for an opportunity to kill the helicopter, otherwise he could not escape.

When the helicopter attacked, Zhang Feng shifted his position, but the bullet followed, Zhang Feng ran wildly and took the S-shaped route.

He found that the gangsters behind did not follow, but the helicopter came up first. This was Zhang Feng's opportunity. He immediately jumped to the direction and headed for the helicopter.

Soon he was under the helicopter, which was more than 20 meters high. Now Zhang Feng doesn't have any heavy weapons in his hands. How about the arcade helicopter?


Forget it, this is not a mythical drama, if a rock knocks the helicopter down, it is a paper helicopter.

Zhang Feng poured the bullets from his pistol into the helicopter, only to spark sparks from the lower part of the helicopter.

At this moment, the chasing bandit came up, Zhang Feng smiled, and went to the back immediately. The bandit hadn't found Zhang Feng yet, and Zhang Feng's figure flashed between the boulders, and even the helicopter above could not keep up.

But they still poured bullets.

When Zhang Feng got there, the helicopter did not dare to shoot, and Zhang Feng immediately mixed in. Their team of more than one hundred people suddenly became chaotic, because it is still dark at night, although there are lights, but look Unclear people, just know that the enemy has entered.

Soon Zhang Feng got a handful of RPG, and then aimed at the helicopter and launched it.

The rocket rushed to the helicopter in the sky with a beautiful flame, and then an explosion sounded, the entire sky was lit up, and then it was extinguished, and the parts were scattered on the ground.

After firing just now, Zhang Feng dropped the rocket launcher, picked up an M134 heavy rapid-fire machine gun, and wrapped the bullet around him, shooting wildly at the surrounding bandits.

The bullets of this machine gun can penetrate more than ten centimeters of concrete walls, and when dealing with these gangsters, the bullets become two sections.