Super Special Forces King

Chapter 157: The indestructible will (second more)


The torture team leader hesitated for a while. Beating can only cause skin trauma, but electric shocks are not something ordinary people can withstand. Although it is based on actual combat, it can be said to be ten thousand and ten thousand. This is only an exercise.

Just as he hesitated, a voice came from the headset, "The medical team has been seated and prepared to perform electric shocks."

Hearing the order passed down from level to level, the torture team leader no longer hesitated, and directly said, "Implement an electric shock."


Chai Chong's body suddenly tightened, and the short hair on his head stood up, biting his cheeks and twitching constantly, even rolling his eyes constantly.

His bound legs were constantly twitching, and the backs of his feet were tightly arched. The tied hands are already like chicken feet in patients with hemiplegia.

Because the teeth bite too hard, blood has overflowed from the gums and filled his mouth, and Chai Chong did not make a scream as he himself said!

The torture team leader nodded slightly, and the team members immediately turned off the shock switch.

Chai Chong's tense body seemed to have been pulled out of his muscles and fell on the electric shock stand like mud, and he was completely in a coma.

The torture team leader rushed out of the torture room and roared, "Medical team!"


In the Red Army command room during the joint exercise, the Yanque was silent. The interrogation process of the two target characters moved them, generals, school officers, and lieutenants with the lowest rank.

A middle-aged man sitting on the staff desk clenched his fists tightly, because Chai Chong was his son, and that face couldn't be more familiar, and that hot stinky temper was exactly the same as himself.

His son was electrocuted. It would be impossible if he didn't feel bad, but as a soldier, he was proud of his son.

Elder Long said with emotion: "Our China is known as the No. 1 Army, and our country is called a mercenary forbidden area by foreign media. Why? It is because our country’s soldiers not only possess first-class tactics, but also because They have an indestructible will! In the Anti-Japanese War, the Korean War, our millet plus rifles defeated the foreign guns and artillery, relying on indestructible will. Modern warfare is more sophisticated weapons and equipment. Under such circumstances, the soldier’s personal will Often overlooked by people, but don’t forget that talent is the root of war!"

He turned around and looked around at the soldiers present, and then said: "There are many of you high-end military talents, but the more so, the more you will overlook a problem, that is, in the final stage of the war, when all sophisticated weapons and equipment are Destroy, what do both sides of the war rely on to determine the direction, victory or defeat of a war? The answer is first-class military literacy, and there are soldiers with indestructible iron will!"

Old Long's words were loud and loud, and everyone in the command room stood up and applauded.

Lao Long waved his hand to interrupt the applause and said, "This applause is not for me, nor does it belong to me, but belongs to every one of the most ordinary soldiers who fought on the front line or stationed at the border post! Then this opportunity, I will post one. Order, all serving officers must be sent to the grassroots level to experience the persistence of the grassroots soldiers!"


It's impossible for everyone in Huangquan team to hear what Old Long said. Chai Chong was in a severe shock and was in a coma. Wen Kaiqi was completely wounded and locked in a small black room that was not three square meters away from any light. Zhang Feng still lurked in the grass, waiting for the armed helicopter hovering above his head to withdraw.

Li Jian and Monkey were also approaching the meeting point.

"Report, there is still no trace of target number three."

Hearing this, Mr. Long stared at the map, silent for a long time, turned his head to the staff and asked: "What do you think?"

"In the report, we agreed that the number three target person may travel through the mountains and forests along the northeast direction. This route is the least dangerous route to be found, and it is in line with the mind that people are absconding when being tracked."

Lao Long frowned slightly, nodded, and said, "Okay, search in the northeast direction. How is the search for the No. 1 and No. 2 target person progressing?"

"The target person No. 1 is determined to appear in the southwestern jungle, and our troops are biting behind him. There is still no clue to the movement of the target person No. 2."

Hearing the report, Old Long's brows furrowed tighter. The number one target person is Yan Wang. He knows his grandson far better than others, and it is logically impossible to reveal his traces so quickly.

After a pause, he said, "Don't bite anymore, and immediately arrest them. As long as we eliminate their vitality, we are not afraid that they will be able to play with moths. Moreover, the first target person is the commander-in-chief of the blue army. As long as he is taken away, the Blues will definitely have no leader, and it will be difficult for them to make waves."



Seeing that the armed helicopters hovering overhead were driving quickly to the northeast, Zhang Feng finally took a sigh of relief and lurked for a while. After confirming that the armed helicopter had no sign of returning, Zhang Feng got out of the grass.

Opening his suitcase, taking off the women's clothing, changing back to his own clothes, and removing the makeup on his face, Zhang Feng ran forward along the highway quickly.

He was already familiar with this journey, and there was a highway rest area about 20 kilometers ahead, where Zhang Feng's destination was.

In the virgin jungle on the southwest border, Yan Wang was fully armed and shuttled through the jungle. The Red Army, who was always clenching behind him, finally couldn't help but began to approach, and Yan Wang's mouth evoked a sneer.

He can become the captain of Huangquan team, Yan Wang, not relying on his grandfather. On the contrary, because of his grandfather's identity, he worked harder than others.

Suddenly turned back, quickly raised the assault rifle in his hand, pulled the trigger with his finger, and fired in three bursts.

Da da da. The roaring and sharp gunfire finally broke the weird silence on both sides in the jungle. Bullets grazed the barrel of the gun, ejecting gunpowder smoke from the muzzle.

The main force who is chasing and preparing to capture or kill Yan Wang is the Snow Wolf Special Brigade of the Southwest Military Region of the Red Army. It is the old unit of Tyrannosaurus Li Jian and the lunatic Zhang Feng. The leader of the team is Luo Shu, the captain of the Snow Wolf Special Brigade.

Seeing Hades's movements, Uncle Luo suddenly fell to the ground. His subconscious reaction made him avoid the bullet, but the two people behind him were not so lucky.

Puff puff.

Behind the two people are holding white smoke, which means that the two people are "dead".

After the shot, Yama rushed to the other side, and the two bullets fell on the spot where he had just shot. If Yama's reaction slowed down by half a beat, it would be difficult to escape his fate.