Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1622: Into the snow

In fact, Zhang Feng asked Sharapova to follow. The big reason was Pukan’s face. Zhang Feng could see that Pukan wanted Sharapova to learn things with Zhang Feng.

In fact, it is not difficult to bring her, just be careful, as long as she doesn't mess around, it will have little effect on Zhang Feng.

A helicopter can hold 40 or 50 people, because this helicopter is a transport aircraft, and the large one can hold more than 100 people.

So they can all be transported away in one trip.

On the last helicopter, Zhang Feng was sitting with Sharapova. Sharapova was only holding a set of parachutes. There was nothing left, all those things were lost.

She didn't even bring a weapon!

Zhang Feng was holding a sniper rifle, a heavy sniper rifle, capable of hitting targets more than 3,000 away.

Choosing this weapon Zhang Feng just wants to learn, after all, he is not a sniper, the judge is a sniper.

They are also training right now!

Speaking of training, the training environment of the Huangquan team is better than that of the War God's Halberd, because it is a very secret team that only a few people in the military know.

So little is known, and the Halberd of the God of War is open to the public, and many people know it.

The training of the Huangquan team cannot be made public. This is determined by the nature of the Huangquan team.

The helicopter flew for two hours to reach the destination. Below are virgin forests and snowfields, tall hardy coniferous forests, and groups of elk in the forest. This is the ranch of the God of War.

This ranch is very big, even Pukan doesn't know how big it is. Before Zhang Feng knew that Pukan had such a ranch, he couldn't help but sigh that this area is bigger than many countries, and he is the king.

Where there is money, Pukan has never been short of money. At the same time, he is also a giant arms dealer. He has many ways to get cheap arms.

He hasn't sold out the weapons left by Brother Maozi from the last century.

Last time Zhang Feng led a team to intercept the arms of the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps. The source of the arms was Pukan, which was sold to the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps by the off-line of Pukan.

Zhang Feng and Sharapova were landed in the center of the snow field ranch.

After coming down, Zhang Feng put the parachute away and put it in the bag.

Sharapova landed not far away, and after hiding her parachute, she ran over to meet Zhang Feng.

"Feng, where are we going now?" Sharapova asked excitedly.

Zhang Feng: "Just let them catch up. They probably already know our current position. They should be encircled here now. We have to jump out of this encirclement as quickly as possible. One week! Here comes your parachute!"

"Oh, good!" Sharapova ran away without complaining.

However, Zhang Feng took out his saber and peeled off four thick bark from a fallen old pine tree.

Then turn the whole tree underneath and cover it with snow so they can't find it.

When Sharapova came back, she saw the bow-shaped wooden plank. She looked around and found no traces.

"Feng, how did you get this?" Sharapova asked curiously.

Zhang Feng didn't answer her question. He cut the parachute rope, put his feet on the bark, then passed the rope through the pre-made holes, and then tied it to the small feet.

This completes the skateboard.

Sharapova did it herself, but she was very fast, with a dagger on her thigh.

It's a little smaller than Zhang Feng's, and it suits her. Zhang Feng glanced at it, and it was a good knife.

The soldiers in the War God’s Halberd Training Camp are all special combat arms. In fact, their favorite weapons are sabers and daggers.

Picking up two wooden strips more than one meter long, Zhang Feng said, "North!"

Then she slid past quickly, and Sharapova was still looking for wooden sticks, which made her anxious to death, because Zhang Feng's speed was so fast that she would not forgive herself if she couldn't keep up with Sharapova.

When she finally found two qualified wooden sticks and looked up, there was no shadow of Zhang Feng. She saw two shallow traces on the snow and followed.

After ten minutes, there was no trace, because it was covered by snow.

Sharapova stayed where she was, slapped herself and said to herself: "I lost everything. It's useless. This **** also waits for me. What's wrong with me!"

There was no sound around quietly, not even the wind.

As far as Zhang Feng's speed is concerned, he should have run very far, far away. To the north, this area is too wide. It is hundreds of kilometers away from the training camp. It is impossible to go back. It is not that Sharapova is afraid. , But she was unwilling to be eliminated when she first came? In the future, I can't look up in front of everyone.

Go north, keep going north!

If she can't find Zhang Feng, she will keep going north because Zhang Feng said to go north.

After a few hours, Sharapova was too tired, because for several hours of running wildly, although there was skiing, and the road was flat and not uphill, she was tired.

Sharapova leaned against a tree to rest, and suddenly felt that something was wrong behind her. This was her instinct, could it be Zhang Feng? impossible.


There was a sound from behind, and Sharapova's hair stood up when she heard it.

It's a white bear, a Siberian white bear.

From growing up in the polar regions, when she was a few years old, Pukan took her to hunt, and saw her father kill a giant bear, and then his father skinned the giant bear in front of her.

After she grew up, she also killed a lot of bears, but they were all purposefully and prepared hunts. Unlike this time, she had no weapons except two branches with thick arms. She had a dagger, but Not enough to kill this adult giant bear.

Sharapova knew that this was a giant bear without looking back, but Sharapova's current strength couldn't completely retreat, because she didn't want to kill the giant bear.

Besides, even if it was killed, Sharapova couldn't be sure whether she would be injured, anyway, she couldn't kill it with a single blow.

Now I'm close to the giant bear, as long as she moves, the giant bear will attack immediately. Regardless of the giant bear's stupid appearance, the speed is not slow, a slap can smash a bucket-thick tree.

Sharapova knows these best.


The giant bear seemed to smell something, but just yelled bluffing, and didn't go away. Sharapova was so anxious to death. If she delayed here, she couldn't keep up with Zhang Feng.

And if you are caught by those students, you will lose your face, and all the majesty you have saved before will be lost.

They will also make fun of themselves.

How to do?

Sharapova's mind flashed with the idea of ​​killing the giant bear, but she soon realized that she could not go away, because there were two large pieces of bark under her feet, and it was impossible to jump away.