Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1735: Civilization grabs people

Dr. Loves Frank's face was pale, he finally saw the faces of these people, and he could never change it.

Is the son in their hands?

Fortunately, his son will not be in danger.

His eyes couldn't help getting wet when he thought of this, because he couldn't protect his son.

Although his life is not in danger for the time being, he might die because of it in the future. Dr. Loves Frank felt guilty.

"It's him!"

Jason looked up at the faculty building. There was a person outside the building. He walked up the window with both hands. The doctor saw that it was the Chinese.

Because all the people in Area 52 and the middle office blocked the entrance and exit, they were all in the building.

It seems that his son has not been arrested by them.

Is he risking his life to save his son?

No, he is also for themselves, to gain himself.

"Not good!" Jason shouted: "He is going to jump off the building and stop him!"

On the window on the eighth floor, a teenager stood looking like he was about to jump off the building.

And Dr. Loves Frank looked up and slammed into the car door trying to get out, but the door was already locked, no matter how much he hit it, he couldn't open it. Through the window, he could see his son really jumped off the building.

He yelled, bleeding from his mouth, but he hadn't fainted yet. He saw the Chinese man named Tyrone jump out of the window to catch his son, and the two fell down like this.

As soon as he was about to fall to the ground, Tyrone threw Hart up, and he landed first and hit the roof of the car below.

When Hart fell, Tyrone jumped up suddenly, caught the falling Hart, and the two landed steadily.

Dr. Loves Frank in the car let out a big breath, his son was fine, it was Tyrone who saved his son with his life.

At this moment, Zhang Feng took Hart, who was undecided, to a safe place, and told him in a deep voice: "Hart, don't be afraid, there is me!"

Hart nodded in horror, then said, "Where is my father?"

"He is safe!" Zhang Feng said.

Yes, Dr. Loves Frank is safe.

"Can you take me to see him?" Hart begged.


Zhang Feng said to Mai on his chest: "Retreat, his son Hart is safe, are there any casualties?"

"Yu Zihua is injured!"

"Is it serious? Seek doctor immediately!"

"The bullet passed through the thigh, and you can't die!"

"Retreat now!"


Even if there were a lot of people on the other side, Li Hongan and the others had already arranged the retreat route and plan. Dozens of people quickly disappeared from San Di’an University. The gunfire stopped and the police took control of the place.

Those in Area 52 and the middle game also retreated to the second line.

Jason had seen Hart in Zhang Feng's hands, and he knew in his heart that this would be difficult to handle.

"Let's go!" Jason said in a deep voice.

Dr. Loves Frank is in his hands, what is he afraid of?

At this time, Zhang Feng was driving a car to chase Jason.

Outside the confines of San Di'an University, Jason asked his people to contain Zhang Feng. His order was like this: "Grab Tyrone, live, and don't hurt Hart."

Then he said to Dr. Loves Frank: "Doctor, don't worry, Hart will be fine, he will return to you soon, no one can hurt him!"

Dr. Loves Frank said nothing.

He knew that he would be fine, and his son would be fine. If he followed them to the 52nd district, the days after that would not be a life. The son would be monitored or even locked up to threaten himself to work for them.

It's better to die.

The car behind did not catch up because there were many cars coming to chase and block.

For Hart's safety, Zhang Feng had to take Hart to a safe place.

After saying that he would take him to find his father, Zhang Feng would definitely do it. After getting rid of their siege, Zhang Feng took him to find Loves Frank again.

Li Hongan had been following Jason. It was on a private farm outside the city. The surrounding area was wide. He deployed more than 300 people here, and everyone else went to look for Tyrone and Hart.

And now Zhang Feng has brought Hart.

He came blatantly and yelled outside.

"Dr. Loves Frank, I brought your son here. If you want to take him with Jason, then I will let him in, and then I will return to China; if you want to follow me, I will Rescue you from inside, I will guarantee your safety, you know I have this ability!"

The appearance of Zhang Feng made the people inside nervous, and they showed their weapons at Zhang Feng, and more than ten snipers pointed their guns at Zhang Feng's brain.

And Jason in the house is also nervous. Is he afraid of him because of his inexplicable nervousness?

"Can you let me out?" Dr. Loves Frank said in a pleading tone: "Just look at my son!"

He knew that Jason would not let him go anyway.

Jason nodded without even thinking about it. This request can still be met.

Outside, Zhang Feng and Hart were standing in front of a car. Hart looked very well-behaved. Zhang Feng's hand was gently placed on his head.

Dr. Loves Frank saw it, Hart was okay, he was alive and well.

"Dr. Loves Frank, if you nod your head, I will go in and take you out. We will go to China together. You are free; if you shake your head, I will leave Hart and turn around!"

Zhang Feng's city is very powerful, and I saw him on the balcony.

And the sound is so loud that they can hear it.

The same is robbing people, but the method is different. Zhang Feng's needs are very civilized.

Several cars came behind Zhang Feng at this time. It was Li Hongan and the others.

They stood behind Zhang Feng, some sniper rifles also aimed at them, but they were not afraid.

Dr. Loves Frank on the balcony nodded without even thinking about it. If he went to Area 52, it would be better to die. Since they wanted to invite themselves recklessly, it was enough to prove their sincerity. Use Hart to blackmail yourself, right?

He could take Hart away a few days ago, but he didn't. He was asking for his opinion and respecting himself.

"Attention everyone, don't let him in, stop him, whoever gets close to the farm will kill them, kill them!" Jason roared.

All his people are ready, just waiting for his order.

Jason can't manage that much now. Is this Tyrone a plague god? He has to intervene in everything they do in Area 52.

Had it not been for him to make a big trouble in Area 52, now they have developed a lot of super fighters, and they are taking orders from their super fighters.

The dozens of so-called super soldiers that Jason had brought were already standing on the outside of the farm.

The borrowed order is to kill all enemies except the kid.

As for Tyrone, Jason believed that he could not die.

Now these dozens of super fighters are fast advancing with heavy weapons in their hands, tactically attacking, and the distance of several hundred meters will soon be reached.

Before this time, Zhang Feng had sent Hart back to Li Hongan and the others for protection.

They only have one task, and that is to protect Hart's safety, no matter how much it costs!


The gunfire has sounded, breaking the calm of the farm.