Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1789: Rescued the large force, the pedantic Ow

"Yes, boss!" Caldera took it and walked outside.

They stopped giving Zhai Qiang the money and spent all of it.

Li Jian said: "Owen and the others are still in the warehouse, oh, yes, Owen is still in the cold storage!"

"Oh, I almost forgot, let's go and rescue them!" Zhang Feng said.

Everyone came to the warehouse and more than a hundred people were locked up here. The appearance of Zhang Feng and others shocked them, which was incredible.

It was very uncomfortable in my heart, because I humiliated them before, but now they came to save.

"Come out!" Zhang Feng said.

A group of people came out, and one of them said, "Captain Irving, they are in the cold storage, go open the door!"

The cold storage was in another warehouse, and a group of them ran over and opened the heavy door of the cold storage.

I saw a dozen people all lying inside, their bodies freezing.

"Captain Owen!"


"Give them some hot water..."

The scene is a bit chaotic, and each of them has the ability to deal with emergencies.

Irving and the others are still a little aware that everything is frostbitten in their hands and feet, but fortunately they are not very serious, just frostbite.

After a few hours, they woke up quietly.

"It's you, it's you who came, I didn't expect it!"

This is something Irving did not expect.

"Yes, Captain Owen, we caught Wenatchee!" With a wave of Zhang Feng, Caldera brought Wenatchee over.

Caldera said: "We caught him yesterday."

"Yes, yesterday!"

Zhang Feng responded, as if to ask for credit.

"What? You caught Wenatchee yesterday?" Irving couldn't believe it.

Zhang Feng nodded and said, "Yes."

"Why, why not save us!" Irving grasped the key point of the problem.

He doesn't seem to care much about Wenatchee, but he cares about himself.

Li Jian said: "That's right, we didn't know that you were arrested, and thought you all ran away. He only said it when we interrogated Wenatchee this morning."

How can this be? Anyone with a little brain would not believe what Miyoshi said.

"No, you did it on purpose, huh, you are murder, murder..." Irving was so angry that he couldn't move.

At this moment, another came over and said: "Captain Owen, the cars in the Wenatchee garage have been changed. Those luxury cars have disappeared and they have been replaced with broken cars!"

"You, you must have done it!"

Owen pointed at them angrily, this kind of despicable method made him unable to accept.

He is the leader of the team, and the people below do such a thing. I cannot forgive him!

And this is also illegal.

"Haha, Captain Owen, and you, seem to have forgotten, who rescued you, not to mention that I didn't take the cars, what about that?" Li Jian was also angry, what are the brains of these people Won't it turn?

But Irving doesn’t eat this set. He said, "You bring the car back, or I will catch you."

"I'll take it..." Li Jian couldn't help but cursed, turned around and left, too lazy to pay attention to him.

No one else said anything, thinking that Owen was too that kind. If they don't come to save you, you will die. You still say that.

Wouldn't it be flexible?

"Come back, get the car back right away!" Irving yelled.

Li Jian doesn't kill him at all.

Those who were locked up thanked Li Jian and others one by one, and said thank you for saving them.

Two hours later, the Macia police came in. It was the team that had guarded for more than ten hours, Captain Kama.

He saw the prisoner Wenatchee, silent, his heart was shaken.

And there is no one of Wenatchee's men in sight, where did they go? Are they all killed?

It took half an hour for Captain Kama to get a general idea. It turned out that Wenatchee was caught by the Chinese mercenaries, and all the Wenatchees were thrown into the sea to feed the fish. Irving is not that I know.

He saw the ten people. They didn't look like very powerful people. They wore casual clothes. The only thing he could see was the **** Caldera.

Now the situation in the port has been settled. The biggest evil forces here have been put down by them. Uzi Port can be restored to a peaceful day, but how long can such a day last? Soon there will be a second Wenatchee.

But this has nothing to do with him, Captain Kama expressed his thanks to Interpol.

He brought Wenatchee to justice. He wanted to take Wenatchee away. Zhang Feng didn’t want him to take the people away, but this is the place of others, and Owen asked Kama to take them away. This is the rule.

Zhang Feng is helpless, Owen is a dead brain.

They returned to the boat and said that Ryan was a traitor, which made Owen very angry, because Ryan was found by Owen. I didn't expect it.

He slapped his face and was silent for more than half an hour. He said, "What about Wenatchee's men? Why haven't you seen them?"

There were hundreds of people under Wenatchee last night.

"All the fish are fed!" Zhang Feng said.

"What?" Owen got up from the bed excitedly, enduring the pain and anger: "You are an executioner, so many people, why kill them?"

Speaking of which, the number of people is too much, and the others are also a little booing, which is terrifying.

"I don't kill them, they want to kill me, should I kill them? If I'm killed by them, who will save you?" Zhang Feng's questions made Owen speechless.

After a while, Owen said: "Their crimes are determined by their own laws, and you have no right to kill them!"

"I will report your illegal behavior to the top!" Owen said again.

"Haha, whatever you want!" Zhang Feng said coldly and left.


Because more than a dozen team members were injured, the next plan to go to Shuangfeng Island was temporarily suspended. They rested on the boat, fished every day, and went to the port to buy things.

Some people went to the port to find women.

Irving can't control the discipline of these people.

Four days later, Owen was able to move freely, except that some frostbite on his hands and feet were not healed, but the combat effectiveness was back, and he was going to have a meeting again.

As for how the Kirin team had dealt with Wenatchee before, Owen didn't even ask. He felt that they had used violent and cruel methods to send the Kirin team to the logistics.

But Zhang Feng and the others didn't even have any complaints, cooking them every day, it made them happy.

"Now Shuangfeng Island should know that there is something wrong with Wenatchee here, will they run away?"

"No, where can they go? It's not easy on Shuangfeng Island!"