Super Special Forces King

Chapter 180: With the total death

Chapter 180


After waiting for more than ten minutes, wearing the stars and wearing the moon, there was a thick layer of white snow on his body.

He lowered his body and moved closer to Zhang Feng to feel the solemn atmosphere not far ahead. The air even smelled of gunpowder and blood.

"What's the matter?" asked in a low voice.

"It's too late to explain. It would be a weird thing if the incoming mercenaries come to do charity." Zhang Feng cursed teasingly, then said: "Tyrannosaurus, now the leader of the mercenary is very likely to the right. Absconding, the trails of such a large amount of snow will soon be covered, and it will not be easy to find him. Now you lead the intercepted mercenaries to the left, and I chase to the right."

"Okay, no problem!" Li Jian decisively agreed.

Zhang Feng stuffed his assault rifle and magazine into his hand, and said: "The number of this mercenary team should be about ten people. Now I have killed four people. There should be less than five people left. Be careful. You don't have to fight with them, just hold them back. After all, we still have China's territory under our feet, our territory."

Looking at the rifle he had pushed in, Li Jian didn't take it, and asked in a low voice, "What will you do if you give me the gun?"

"Grass, when is the time now? Why are you chirping like an old lady? Isn't this the character of your Tyrannosaurus." Zhang Feng sneered and said: "You don't know me yet? I don't have wings. Can go to the sky, whether there is a gun or not is the same to me."

Li Jian nodded and stopped retreating. He took the gun and whispered, "Live and die!"

"With the total death!"

Li Jian lowered his body and moved quickly to the left under the cover of the night. Two minutes later, the gunfire sounded and the screams sounded almost simultaneously.

Zhang Feng, who was shrinking in place, heard the sound of gunshots, and his frowned brows spread slightly. The intercepting mercenaries have been attracted by the Tyrannosaurus, and it's time to set off.

He took out the compressed biscuits and stuffed it into his mouth, then stuffed two handfuls of snow, swallowing it in. Zhang Feng put on the mask again, quietly got into the woods and quickly chased to the right.

The foreign mercenaries who dared to enter China have only one end, and that is the corpse wilderness. Only in this way can they deter the mercenary groups that are ready to move outside, so that they dare not easily set foot on the land of China.


The sky was shining, Li Jian's thigh was pierced by a bullet, and his pants had been dyed red with blood and frozen.

The upper part of the wound was tightly tied with a cloth strip, and the bleeding had been stopped, and in front of him were three mercenaries kneeling on the ground, holding their heads in both hands.

He shot two of the five mercenaries and took three prisoners. This record is enough to be proud of.

It was just that the blood from the wound took away a lot of heat from the body, making Li Jian's face very pale.

He took out the dark chocolate from the backpack and stuffed it into his mouth to chew it fully and swallowed it into his stomach. The high-calorie and high-energy supply made his body more comfortable.

The cotton-padded clothes of the mercenaries who were kneeling on the ground were thrown aside, and their thin underwear hung on them. They knelt in the snow and shivered, and their lips were so cold that it was impossible even to escape.

The supplies and weapons have been searched, the physical loss is too serious, and coupled with the lack of warm clothing, escaping in this jungle, there is only one ending, and that is death.

Even so, Li Jian's muzzle was never put down, always locking the mercenaries kneeling on the ground.

These mercenaries are all retired special forces, have undergone the most rigorous training, can adapt to the harshest environment, and have the strongest desire to survive. As long as they are given a chance, they will definitely fight back.

Every ten minutes, Li Jian pulls the trigger to the sky and detonates a grenade every half an hour.

The patrol troops of the border guards were attracted by the sound of gunfire and the explosion of grenades.

After nine o'clock, the sky was already bright, the heavy snow had stopped suddenly, and the heavy snow of the night was full of knees.

At this moment, a soldier from the border guard platoon arrived at Li Jian's position.

There is no way to compare the weapons and equipment of the border troops with the special forces, but these soldiers, who are on average around twenty years old, also have the will of the Chinese soldiers.

Be strong, persevering, tough!

Seeing the soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon surrounding him, Li Jian finally breathed a sigh of relief, put down the gun in his hand, his whole body was completely relieved, and his eyes fell backward.

And the three mercenaries kneeling on the ground, frozen in spirit, did not resist.

"The report found that the three foreign mercenaries were captured by another person. The identity of this person is unknown, and there is no identity information on his body." The platoon leader of the border surveillance platoon immediately reported the situation by radio.

"The Northeast Tiger Special Forces Brigade is approaching in your direction, leaving two people to respond, and the others will immediately bring the prisoners back. You must ensure the life of the prisoners, know?" The head of the border defense regiment who hadn't slept all night said immediately.

Last night, he did not follow the procedure first and then played. He has seriously violated the regulations. Fortunately, he has achieved certain results. If not, there will be no chance of improvement in the future, and he will be directly sent to a military court. It is the duty of soldiers to obey orders, and it is a taboo to act without order.

He still didn't know that he had hung a name with Long Lao.

The political commissar standing next to him also breathed a sigh of relief. He even sat down and prepared to bear the above punishment with his old buddy.

The soldiers of the border reconnaissance battalion quickly put the cotton jackets thrown on the ground by the three mercenary captives on them.

Checking their situation, the platoon leader shook his head slightly. The three people knelt in the ice and snow for too long, even if they could save their lives, they couldn't keep their legs completely hungry.

Checking Li Jian's situation carefully, the gunshot wound on his leg didn't hurt the bones, and the bullet remained in the muscles, but the subsequent situation is hard to say.

"Taking care of this person, being able to capture three mercenaries alive must not be a simple role, and it must not be our enemy. One person is left to take over the Siberian Tiger special brigade and the others withdraw.


Zhang Feng stayed up all night, his eyes were full of red and blood, and his cheeks that were not covered by the mask were dry and cracked by the north wind.

Because the heavy snow covered his footprints, he chased him all night, changed directions several times, and finally caught up with the absconding mercenary.

A heavily armed mercenary can be clearly seen in the telescope, as well as a fat man whistling and panting.

Zhang Feng frowned. It was obvious that the fat man's facial features were Asian faces, and this fat figure must be a combatant, but now he is entangled with a mercenary. Is it kidnapped?