Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1852: Mr. Two is here and the response is quic

Chen Wanru was silent for a few seconds and then said: "Okay, give them, we will give the money, don't bother Shuiquan City, we will come back then!"

"Okay!" Lao Xing's heart was pounding, the eldest lady is the eldest lady, so generous.

Chen Wanru said again: "Wait for you to ask Uncle Tang to give me the account, I will let someone import this account, and then let Uncle Tang give it to Guo Xinghui!"

"Then, where is Mr. Two?"

"He will go!"

"Okay, Miss!"


After the phone call, the matter was almost settled. Lao Xing conveyed what the eldest lady meant, and Tang Yongji smiled: "That's great!"

"You police should also be prepared. If they don't, they will really release electromagnetic pulses, and be careful not to let them go wrong!" Lao Xing said.

"I will, I invite you to drink another day!" Tang Yongji said.

"I remember, you owe me wine twice!"

"Really? Haha, go to the house another day and ask your sister-in-law to make you some dishes!"

"It's almost the same!"

Speaking of Tang Yongji, he turned around and left, and Lao Xing was busy. He had to be ready to fight and cooperate with the Shuiquan police at any time. Once he asked for help, he had to be able to support immediately.

This group of people is crazy!

Tang Yongji returned to the office for another meeting, but the situation has changed. The Shuiquan police have already retreated to the second line. No money is required. Mr. 2 will be in place soon. They only need to perform duties in all corners of the city.

Another team searched the city, and there were strangers and suspicious people.

"Money, I have prepared people for it. Mr. 2 has been found. You do your own thing. I repeat again. This case is true. The gangsters are not just scaring us. Whoever wants to lose the chain is Shuiquan City. Sinner, that's it, you can arrange it!" Tang Yongji said in a deep voice.

The people below didn't dare to speak out, and sat down one by one.

"Did you hear me!"


A group of people stood up and said in unison.

"lets go!"


Soon all the police forces in Shuiquan City were dispatched and quickly reached every intersection.


Zhang Feng immediately received the news that the culprits were showing up. In Shuiquan City, he had no idea that it would be Shuiquan City.

Is this fate?

Or the power of grandma drove herself here.

Zhang Feng called Yan Wang and the others and asked them to fly here, and there will soon be fierce fighting here.

As long as he fights with them, Zhang Feng feels at ease.

Now I'm waiting for Chen Wanru's speed. Five million is not a small sum for Chen Wanru. It takes a long time to mobilize that much money.

Five hours is fine.

Yun Qian was still news, Zhang Feng did not want to disturb her, and went out of the hospital to the Public Security Bureau.

When I entered, I said that I wanted to see the chief, but the guards would not let him in. Zhang Feng had no documents on him. He handed a cigarette to the guard. The guard refused to pick it up, and got angry and drove him away: "You leave here now!"

Hippie smiling, this kind of guards see a lot of people, like to study.

"I'm really in a hurry, if you call to ask, just say that Mr. 2 wants to see Tang Ju!" Zhang Feng said.

This guy is nice.

The guard's face changed drastically, and he asked incredulously, "Are you Mr. Two?"

"Of course! Otherwise what am I doing here?"

"Please wait a moment!" The guard went inside and called.

Coming out soon, he respectfully said to Zhang Feng: "Comrade, please come in, I will take you up!"

"It's okay, just tell me where the Tang Bureau office is, and you can do it!" Zhang Feng said.

The guard said: "At the end of the left corridor on the fourth floor!"

"Thank you!" Zhang Feng smiled: "Nice young man, work hard!"

The guard solemnly saluted Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng responded, turned and walked away, and after two steps, he threw a cigarette.

"Catch it!"

Zhang Feng looked back, the guard stretched out his hand to catch it, and Zhang Feng smiled and said, "The reaction speed is good!"

The guard saluted him again.

After Zhang Feng had left, the guard held the cigarette in his hand and didn't know where to put it. He looked at the guard booth and flew in the cigarette through the window with a flick of his finger, and it landed on the table.

If he knew Zhang Feng's ability in the army, and knew that it was the soul of Huangquan Team, he would keep this cigarette forever.

Zhang Feng soon arrived at Tang Yongji's office and knocked on the door.

Da da da……

"Come in!"

Zhang Feng walked in and saw a middle-aged Zhongzheng man sitting there talking on the phone, still recording.

"Tang Ju, I am Zhang Feng!" Zhang Feng said.

Tang Yongji put down the phone and looked up at Zhang Feng with a smile on his face. He hurried over and took Zhang Feng’s hand and said excitedly: "Mr. Two, oh no, it’s Zhang Feng. It’s great that you are here. Too risky to go!"

The next sentence sounds heartwarming.

And just say this in the first sentence.

"Tang Bureau, I should be sorry for the people in Shuiquan City. Zhu Shanmao came for me, it should have been me!" Zhang Feng said.

"But it's too dangerous!" Tang Yongji said again.

This was the first time he saw Zhang Feng. The two looked very close. Tang Yongji liked Zhang Feng very much.

The more I look at it, the more I like it. It's a pity that he doesn't have a daughter, he only has a son, otherwise he will talk about it afterwards.

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Guo Xinghui wants me to go. If I don't go, I will be timid. It is not good to be considered small by him, and it will make him even more mad!"

"That said, you have to be careful anyway!" Tang Yongji said.

"Don't worry, Tang Ju!"

"I will send someone to take you there now!"

"it is good!"


With their preparations, Zhang Feng put on special bulletproof vests and put on his feet. This type of bulletproof vest is the most advanced, similar to a piece of clothing. It is made of nanometers and costs hundreds of thousands of sets.

There are not many sets in the entire Shuiquan City.

Zhang Feng does not reject wearing this, he is not a superman, he is a mortal and he is afraid of bullets.

Boarded the SWAT armored vehicle, Zhang Feng went to the place designated by Guo Xinghui under six fully armed escorts.

Now Chen Wanru has not sent a message, indicating that the money has not been transferred, so she can wait on the road.

The destination is an abandoned wasteland in the suburbs. There is a land to be developed. All the houses and everything have been cleared away. The most suitable place is there.

At this time, the area was under the surveillance of the police. More than one hundred special police officers were in the nearby house, and no fewer than ten snipers aimed at it, with a range covering the entire wasteland.

When Zhang Feng got here, he received a call from Chen Wanru, saying that the money had been transferred.

Zhang Feng can act.

"Be careful!"

Finally, Chen Wanru hung up the phone after saying this, showing how worried she was about Zhang Feng.

Because this time is different, Guo Xinghui is too powerful, he hasn't shown up until now, and he has been taking the initiative.

"Open the door!"

Zhang Feng in the car said.