Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1898: When you are the most gentle town, right

Zhang Feng was really waiting. In fact, he was waiting when he reached the top of the mountain today.

But he didn't want to make himself anxious like a monkey.

Women don't like this.

Now is the best opportunity to eat and drink, see the stars and moon.

Hu Xinting is an active girl with a high IQ.

The daughter said so, if she is still indifferent, it is not Zhang Feng.

But the first half also took ten minutes. There was cold on the mountain, and the two were covered with quilts, although Hu Xinting was not afraid of the cold.

Zhang Feng got up and was anxiously going to the car.

\"What are you going to do?\"

Hu Xinting flushed, panting, and her voice changed. This is how a real woman is.

\"Set!\" Zhang Feng said: \"I picked it up in the convenience store.

Hu Xinting said: "Don't use that, come here!"


Afterwards, the two hugged each other and talked.

\"Aren't you worried about getting pregnant?\" Zhang Feng said.

\"I don't want to have any obstacles in this matter with you!\"

Yes, there are obstacles, although only a little, 0.003 mm?

Zhang Feng didn't expect Hu Xinting to say such emotional words, the most powerful words of love, which moved people and shook their minds, and once again stimulated the hormones in Zhang Feng's body, and wanted to do it again.

In addition to this incident, the obstacle between them is very big, not 0.003 mm, but the family rules of the top family and Zhang Feng's hard work.

Maybe Zhang Feng has never been able to achieve it in his life, although Hu Xinting said Zhang Feng has done a good job.

But Zhang Feng knew that he had a long way to go.

Just now, any one of their family can hold Zhang Feng firmly.

In their eyes, Zhang Feng is a small person, at best a desperate Saburo.

But the proud girl of their family fell in love with this desperate Saburo.

\"If you want to come again!\" Hu Xinting said.

Hearing that, Zhang Feng climbed up unceremoniously.

A good thing is only three, two is enough, otherwise people will get bored.

\"Hu~~~\" Zhang Feng took a long breath, lying there and looking at the night sky, his whole body and mind were extremely refreshed.

\"Have you been coveting it for a long time?\" Hu Xinting asked.

Some people say that women with high IQ and EQ can be different from others.

Now Zhang Feng believes this.

\"Hehe, you didn't guess it!\" Zhang Feng smiled embarrassedly.

\"I have been coveting for a long time!\"

Hu Xinting said quietly.

Once there is the first time, I will think about the second time, the third time~~~

This is human nature, Zhang Feng gave her perfect for the first time at that time.

Every word of Hu Xinting tonight can surprise Zhang Feng.

Are women who let go of their bodies and minds look like this?

Whether you are a cold or lady.

Here is the field, the top of the mountains.

Can people return to the wild in the wild?

This is Hu Xinting's wildness?

If it is, that is also good.

\"Then we can come here often!\" Zhang Feng said smoothly.

Hu Xinting said: "You know it's difficult!"

Zhang Feng did not answer, and Hu Xinting came over and put her head on his chest, feeling very stable.

\"I haven't slept well for a long time!\" Hu Xinting said softly.

Zhang Feng stroked her hair and said softly: "Go to sleep!"

\"Hmm!\" Hu Xinting replied, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

Zhang Feng couldn't sleep. He looked at the night sky and found that he was small, but his heart was strong.

How do we do this?

Do you keep climbing up? Serve in the military?

Be high-profile.

Mixed with a general or something.

Zhang Feng is now thinking about how he can get into the eyes of the Hu family.


Let the old Zhang family become a top family?

This is too difficult for Zhang Feng, and he will not be able to complete it in at least a few years.

This matter has to go back and talk to the old beggar, he should be able to give reasonable advice.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng slept with the person in his arms.

There is no rain or dew at night.

Because Zhang Feng assembled a small Pengzi, even if it rains, they are not afraid, they sleep on a big rock.

As long as there is no strong wind, it will be fine.

According to Zhang Feng's experience, there will be no strong wind or heavy rain tonight.

The most gentle time.

When the sky was light, Zhang Feng got up and prepared breakfast. If it was with Yunqian, Zhang Feng would sleep in, or other women.

He wouldn't sleep with Hu Xinting, this woman still wanted Zhang Feng to please.

Willingly, there is no psychological burden, what's wrong?

While Zhang Feng was cooking, Hu Xinting woke up, her body ached.

\"In the morning, there should be no one here?\"

Hu Xinting asked.

\"At present, I have not found that there is no one living nearby. If people play here, it will take at least two hours to arrive! The sun is about to reach the top of the mountain!\" Zhang Feng said.

The other side of the mountain to the east is bright and red.

It is convenient for Hu Xinting to go to the car: "Don't come and see!"

Zhang Feng smiled. After a while, Zhang Feng heard the sound of running water with his own hearing.

Zhang Feng smiled after she came back: "This is your first time living in the wild, right?"

\"No, there have been many times, I used to be in the wild when I was in Africa!\"

Hu Xinting went to sit cross-legged on the edge of the stone, and Zhang Feng knew that she was doing yoga.

This is indeed a holy place for yoga.

She is wearing thin clothes with a vacuum inside.

At this time the sun was up, and the newborn sun shone on her head, and then slowly descended, as if to give her body strength, or to wash away all the impurities.

Extraordinarily holy.

Zhang Feng was dumbfounded for a while.

Over the years, Zhang Feng has known that she often practices yoga, but she has never seen it with her own eyes, let alone such advanced yoga.

Maybe this is the best yoga in the world, the most beautiful yoga, right?

Zhang Feng did not let go of any of her movements.

When are women the most beautiful?

Beauty out of the bath.

Time to show maternal love!


Zhang Feng can't think of anything else for now.

But now there is a yoga of a beautiful woman.

And still in such an environment, full of ethereal feeling.

Forty minutes later, Hu Xinting stopped work, put on clothes, brushed her teeth and washed her face, and put the garbage from last night away in the car.

She just came to eat the breakfast Zhang Feng had prepared.

\"I'll be back in the game in a while, and there are still many things waiting for me to do. Those two people, when you are ready, take them away! \" Hu Xinting said seriously while eating breakfast.


Zhang Feng took out his mobile phone and called.

\"Johnny, are all of our people here? Well, good, gather them together! No, there is a mission~~~\"

Zhang Feng hung up after a few words.

Wolf's son is Johnny, and Zhang Feng's dark line in Wanda is also called Johnny. There are more people named Johnny in this world.