Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1945: The price of being ignored, the cafeteri

I was ignored. They couldn't forgive me. You, a little monkey, lived in a single room as soon as he came. It was so lame. Who gave you the courage?

Usually prison guards dare not ignore them, except for three things, they are all easy to discuss. One is that they cannot escape from prison, the other is that they cannot die during a fight, and the third is that they cannot gather people to resist.

Prison guards won't care about a little friction or something.

Although these prisoners are very angry, they are not the kind of brainless men who rushed up in a daze, but came to wait and see. The most important thing in this place is how to protect themselves, and then think about other things.

So they are watching quietly.

Because who can come here is a fuel-efficient lamp?

The canteen is overcrowded, and you need to queue up honestly to get your meal.

Guo Xinghui stood in the crowd queuing there, standing in the crowd like a child.

The average height of the prisoners here is 1.9 meters. Guo Xinghui's figure is relatively short, less than 1.8 meters. Doesn't he look like a child?

There were people running on him before and after, but he didn't care.

At this moment, someone came up to jump in the line, a few people came up and stood in front of him, and soon he was pushed to the back.

And he stood there honestly and lined up, looking very cowardly.

Even the prison guard standing on a high place smiled.

The temptation is over, everyone has found what kind of person this little monkey is, and many people are starting to move around.

Some people also looked at Guo Xinghui's figure and smiled meaningfully. The smile was like a lustful man looking at a beautiful woman, with a greedy look in his eyes.

In their eyes, Guo Xinghui was very tender.

But Guo Xinghui now ignores them.

Guo Xinghui, who had been hungry for more than half an hour, finally received the food.

The food is very poor. There are a lot of rice bugs in the rice, and the green vegetables are like pig food. You can't see oil stars.

There is fish, a piece of fish, it tastes very fishy.

Perhaps the most indispensable thing here is fish.

Guo Xinghui took a good meal and found a corner table for dinner.

He is the only one at this table, and no one will come with him, because everyone knows what will happen next.

Sure enough, after Guo Xinghui ate two bites of rice, a strong man came over.

The man walked to his side with a gurgling sound in his throat.


Then it came out on the plate in front of Guo Xinghui~~~


Everyone's eyes were attracted to see what the little monkey did.

If he does not resist this way, his days here will be **** more than hell.

Resist? The result is still the same, he can't beat Kress.

Kress is the number one cruel man in the prison, who specializes in bullying newcomers and takes advantage of it, but he often kicks on the iron plate, but he still enjoys it.

Guo Xinghui stopped holding the knife and fork, stood up and went to Kress’s position to eat. Kress’s meal was never passive.

Uh uh~~~

This is surprising. The little monkey is not afraid, and sits calmly in Kress's position. This kind of thing has never happened.

Everyone was a little stunned. The prison guards with guns on the heights watched with interest. They seemed to understand what was explained above. This person is not ordinary, and it seems that he is now.

Kress's face was ugly. He was a white man, a stout white man, with a full beard and very small eyes.

He walked over and slapped Guo Xinghui's head, who was eating.

Everyone couldn't help but didn't close their eyes to see, would the little monkey be photographed as a fool?

Just when Kress’s palm was about to come, Guo Xinghui seemed to have eyes on the back of his head. Kress secretly said something was wrong, but he wanted to take it back but it was no longer possible.

Next second!


Kress's hand was pierced by a knife and fork.

It was Guo Xinghui holding the knife and fork, and he raised the fork just now when he dodged.

Guo Xinghui let go of the fork, Kress continued to scream, and Guo Xinghui took the fork from the plate of a person next to him and continued to eat.

\"Ah~~~\" Kress was still screaming.

A few followers walked behind Kress, wanting to see his injury, Kress was furious: \"Go, let me go~~~\"

The guard at the side did not move, and there would be conflicts during meals almost every day. It was normal.

What's more, this time is very exciting.

Several attendants rushed up, Guo Xinghui grabbed the fishbone on the table, turned around and threw it out one by one, hitting their faces.



Several people screamed and stopped.

Guo Xinghui sat down and continued eating.

Almost everyone in the hall stopped to look at him.


Isn't it awesome?

Kress was not afraid but angry when he saw this. He endured the pain in the palm of his hand with a knife and fork and rushed forward, and his other hand turned into a fist and hit it.

He was still eating when he was about to be beaten, and Guo Xinghui was still sideways at the moment of his death.

Kress’s fist hit the table made of steel.

Zheng~~~ There was a sound of iron plates.

Kress was in pain, but he was still able to fight. He closed his fist and hit it.

The monkey escaped easily.

what? He moved? not good! Kress wanted to pull back and dodge.

But it was too late, Guo Xinghui stood up and hit Kress's jaw with an uppercut.


With a muffled sound, Kress fell backward, fell on the ground upside down, and passed out directly.

Everyone exclaimed, how much energy is needed, knowing that Kress has two hundred catties.

Is one punch OK?


The prison guard came out, holding a shield and an electric baton, and the guard with a gun on the side aimed at this side.

Everyone squatted down honestly, including Guo Xinghui.

A prison guard took a basin of water and poured it on Kress’s face.

He woke up and was dragged away.

The prison guard ignored Guo Xinghui. He came and left quickly, and several other attendants were also taken away for treatment.

The scene was quiet, Guo Xinghui ignored these people and sat down to eat.

And he took the food from the person he had just beaten up to eat, picked good food, and ate all the fish.

After eating, I didn't forget to put away a few meal plates into the big pot in the corner of the cafeteria, and then walked out in a big swing.

The people inside are whispering.

In this battle, Guo Xinghui couldn't make a name for himself. Everyone knew he was good at it, but how good was he?

In terms of being able to fight, there are too many people in the prison who can fight.

People who can be put in this prison are talents, and real talents and skilled people abound.

There were still a lot of people watching him, the reason was that he couldn't be very good, and Kress was the only one who lost to him.