Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2009: Big loss! Tang Zhongjing called

Shao Xiao didn't know who this Xiaobaisheng who looked awesome with glasses was.

He felt that Dad shouldn't beat himself and his mother for such a person, too shouldn't, so he doubted it.

\"Do you know who he is? I am saving you, do you know?" Xiao Zhenxing shouted.

Xiao Shao said: \"I don't care who he is, all I know is that I am your son!\"


Xiao Zhenxing slapped his son again: \"None barrier, don't apologize yet!\"

\"I won't!\"

Xiao Shao stopped crying, turned and ran.


\"Son, son~~~\" Xiao's mother was shouting, and chased after her, as if she was chasing her lost lover.

Xiao Zhenxing was helpless and angry!

\"Dong Xiao, if this is the case, let's do business, I will prepare the materials first!\" Lawyer Wang said coldly.

\"Let's do it!\" Xiao Zhenxing's heart is full, just spending a little more money, then spend it.

Xiao Zhenxing went to greet Hu Pinsheng with a strong smile: "Brother Hu, we will get together again another day!"

\"Okay, Xiao Dong, I will be the host by then!\" Hu Pinsheng smiled.

It's all scenes.

Xiao Zhenxing left. After he left, Zhang Feng drove back. In the underground parking lot, a group of people took all the things in the car up and put them in place.

And Chen Wanru has already started auctioning Xiao Shao's car here. It would be best to entrust Hu Pinsheng to this matter.

Hu Pinsheng can also make a fortune.

Because it was a rush, the price was much lower than the market price, and someone soon took over.

This is a business that makes a steady profit without losing money. If you buy it at a low price, and then sell it at a high price, you will make two or three million in the middle. Many people are rushing to do this business.

If Chen Wan does not participate in this, she will realize it.

The remaining money was sent back to Xiao Zhenxing, less than 10 million.

This time, Xiao Zhenxing lost more than 20 million yuan, and the invisible loss will be even more. It is really a disaster.

This matter spread to the entire Kyoto, everyone knows.

Fortunately, the credibility is preserved.

But the beatings of his own son and wife continued to ferment, and the other party was biting and apologizing. They no longer took over and apologized, and they had to pay millions!

It's like a lion's mouth!

They have a very good lawyer, and they are not afraid to make things worse. For this, Xiao Zhenxing is in a bad mood.

At this time, Chen Wanru loosened her shoulders in her room and said something by the way.

\"Yesterday, Zhai Qiang sent back news that he was in trouble there, and a group of local gangsters hindered them in an organized manner, such as causing a car accident, intercepting a truck, hitting a shop and hurting people.

\"Preliminary judgment is an overseas competitor!\"

Zhang Feng said: \"I will let Silgarva and Caldera go in a while, and they will have nothing to do in Kyoto!\"

\"The feeling is good, you can help Zhao Qiang!\"

\"Yes, he should be very busy now. With the help of the two of them, he will solve these people once and for all. Since the competitors want to play yin, just play with them, I am worried that they will know it!\"

\"Hehe, this is in line with your style!\"

\"Actually, I was thinking that it would be easier to let Zhai Qiang support a puppet in the local underground world!\"

\"Where is Wanda?\" Chen Wanru mentioned this.

Zhang Feng said: \"Our delegation leader will take care of it!\"

\"That's good!\"


Tang Zhongjing called Zhang Feng and said that someone had come to receive Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng said his position, but did not leave at any time.

\"Don't need any preparation?\" Tang Zhongjing asked.

This matter is not easy for the victim, and many things need to be prepared.

Zhang Feng asked, "What do I need to prepare?"

\"I don't know, it's best without it!\"

Two hours later, a car appeared in front of Zhang Feng, a warrior off-road vehicle.

This scene reminded Zhang Feng of the scene when Uncle Luo went to Southwest University to pick him up. At that time, he followed them to get his father's whereabouts.

The two soldiers in camouflage uniforms who got on and off the car were all over 1.8 meters tall. They were vigorous and vigorous, but their eyes were higher, and no one could be seen.

\"You are Zhang Feng?\"

One of them asked that the language was very contemptuous, because Zhang Feng looked like a turtle, or a dick, or five without a youth, no house, no car, no deposit, no job, no girlfriend.

Zhang Feng wears ordinary clothes, is not particularly tall, is not strong, and is a little thin. He leaned against the wall and smoked. He was an unemployed young man.

Is this the person who ordered the two of them to pick him up?

If it weren't for the command of the regiment leader, the two of them would turn their heads and leave when they saw Zhang Feng, and would not say a word.

\"I am!\" Zhang Feng said flatly.

\"Get in the car!\" said the man.

Zhang Feng went up, didn't say anything, thinking in his heart, this Uncle Tang probably didn't say his identity or his own strength, these two boys looked down on him.

That's good, Zhang Feng would never prove his strength to others, because the strength is already there, do you still need to prove it?

Faced with their arrogance, Zhang Feng ignored them.

Silent all the way, I drove for a few hours and entered a military camp.

Zhang Feng saw this Uncle Tang.

\"Zhang Feng, I am so glad you can come!\"

Tang Zhongjing is indeed very happy: \"I was going to pick you up in person, so I have to prepare some materials here, so I can’t help you!\"

He is really busy. In order for Zhang Feng to come here to have the greatest effect, he should make good use of this opportunity.

\"It's okay, Uncle Tang, you can make a phone call and give an address to me!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"That won't work, if your master knew that I was treating you like this, I wouldn't have a good fruit!\" Tang Zhongjing smiled.

Uncle Tang?

The two soldiers stood here, and their hearts were balanced!

Feelings, this kid came here through the back door. It's not easy, because their head is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and oil and salt don't get in. It's very principled. This time, if such a person comes in, I don't know where to put it? It can also be seen how hard this person's background is.

Isn't he a relative of the leader?

The two of them were thinking about this, and they looked down on Zhang Feng even more, and didn't even look at Zhang Feng.

\"Uncle Tang laughed!\" Zhang Feng smiled:\"Here, I will call you Colonel, is it feasible?\"

\"Haha, no problem, call it whatever you want!\" Tang Zhongjing didn't care about this.

\"Comrade Colonel, when will it begin?\" Zhang Feng asked.

Tang Zhongjing said: "Forget it, you still call me uncle, you are not my soldier! I invited it!"

\"Okay! Uncle Tang!\" Zhang Feng didn't care about this title either.

Tang Zhongjing said: \"Start in a while!\"

He said to the two soldiers over there, "Everyone, come here in half an hour!"

\"Yes!\" The two retired.