Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2024: Fancy a female companion! In your name!

Chapter 2024 Fancy Female Companion! In your name!

Yan Wang said: "No, I just paid for it!"

\"I mean~~~\" Wang Jingjing can't tell, is it asking others to pay for herself? Her face is not that thick.

I held back for a few seconds before I said a word: \"You, you, it turns out that you are such a person. I misunderstood you. How could Yun Qian know someone like you!\"

\"Haha!\" Yan Wang just smiled and said nothing.

Wang Jingjing's anger couldn't rest: "What are you laughing at? You are not a gentleman, are you still a man? Are you terribly poor, right? Huh, no wonder you are so old and single, huh~~~ Xiaolian, let's go, count me Go face!\"

Speaking of Wang Jingjing, she took Li Xiaolian's hand.

Now the smart waiter was standing behind her and said very politely: \"Hello, please pay the bill!\"

The list has been handed over.

\"I, I haven't finished eating yet!\" Wang Jing sat down and continued eating.

The waiter did not go away. This order was a lot of money, so I didn't dare to neglect it.

Li Xiaolian, the female companion, had to accompany her.

\"Come here and sit down!\" Zhang Feng pulled Hades over.

Hades sat there and looked at Li Xiaolian and said: "Miss Li, can you meet me?"

Li Xiaolian smiled and said: "Of course, my name is Li Xiaolian, that, today, the key is to accompany my friend!"

The next sentence affirmed her position.

\"Can you tell me you are single?\" Hades asked again.

Li Xiaolian nodded without speaking, wondering what does this mean?

\"Can we exchange contact information?\" Hades asked again.

Li Xiaolian became nervous.

That was what Zhang Feng meant when he asked Hades to come over, and the two of them tacitly agreed.

\"Long Ao, what do you mean?\" Wang Jingjing is annoyed: \"Do you dare to move my girlfriend?\"

\"It has nothing to do with you!\" Hades came to such a sentence, very domineering.

\"You~~~\"Wang Jing was angry:\"Xiaolian, dare you come with him, we will break our friendship!\"

Li Xiaolian is also very hard-hearted: \"Quietly, this seems to be my freedom. We are colleagues in the unit, but you can't interfere with my freedom!\"

This is amazing. He smiled when the quiet child was so tough.


\"Xiaolian, even you want to play with me?\"

\"I didn't play with you, you did it yourself!\" Li Xiaolian took out her mobile phone as she spoke, and she felt a breath of anger in her heart.

Yama took the cell phone, entered his phone number, and dialed it.

\"Are you not full yet?\" Hades asked.

"I'm full, I'm full!" Li Xiaolian said repeatedly.

Wang Jingjing was so angry that she wanted to curse, but there were many people eating here.

Today is really embarrassing, the female companion I brought has fallen in love with my blind date!

Yan Wang ignored the anger on Wang Jingjing’s face and asked Li Xiaolian: "Is there a children's orphanage nearby?"

\"You mean Liucun Children's Welfare Institute?\"

The king nodded: "I haven't been there, I just heard of it!"

\"Well, let’s send things to the orphanage in your name for a while. It's a meeting gift for you, how about?\"

\"This~~~\" Li Xiaolian was stunned. I had never heard of such a meeting ceremony.

Hades said: \"I will assume that you agree!\"

Said Yan Wang called the waiter over: "Do you know the Liucun Welfare Institute?"

The waiter nodded.

\"In this way, starting today, your restaurant will deliver meals to the orphanage. Just follow Ms. Wang’s behavior. No wine is needed. Chinese meals will be delivered once a day. If three meals a day are not good, the children can’t digest it. How many copies for children, one month!\"

The waiter was dumbfounded, except for Zhang Feng, everyone who heard this was dumbfounded, and Li Xiaolian was shocked to his chin.

But someone sneered: "Haha, buns, do you know how much these ingredients cost? Waiter, don't believe him, he has no money, you can see that he has no money, the white van outside is his , I didn’t have enough copies of his car, hehe, what a joke!\"

\"Sir, you~~~\"

At this time, the king of Yan has taken Zhang Feng's card, and handed the card to the waiter and said: "Go and see for yourself to see if the money is enough!"


Wang is still smiling quietly: "Long Ao, your brain is rusty? Will you have money in your card? Oh, there is money, a few hundred dollars, or a few thousand dollars, 10,000 yuan? Is it your savings for a year of working? \"

\"Hehe, it is ridiculous, Xiaolian, if you want to know such a person, it will cheat you!\"

Someone is here: \"What's the situation here?\"

Xiao Jiayao is here.

\"That's it, this soil bun said~~~\" Wang Jingjing said briefly.

Xiao Jiayao sneered after hearing this: \"Yo, it's really interesting!\"

\"Who said no, I am embarrassed to come out without money!\"

\"Quiet, where did you find the strange flower?\"

\"Hey, don't mention it, this is a sad thing, have you eaten well?\" Wang Jingjing said.

\"Yeah, we have to rush to the scene later!\" They left after saying.

At this moment, the waiter came and returned with the card respectfully.

\"Sir, are you sure you want to order food for the children's orphanage?\" the waiter said respectfully.

Before Yan Wang said anything, Wang Jingjing said first: \"He has no money, what else to order, really a bun!\"

\"Please don't say that to our distinguished guest, lady!\"

Now the waiter understands that they are pretending to be pigs and tigers.

\"Isn't it? Can he have that much money?\"

The waiter said: "Miss, please pay the bill first!"

\"Hmph, I think he pays first, I don't believe he has so much money, don't be fooled by him!\"

The king said: \"Send it now, is it already calculated?\"

\"Yes, sir, forget it! You have become a distinguished customer of our restaurant, and you can enjoy the most waiting service in more than 200 chain restaurants around the world! \" The waiter was a little excited.

\"Well, go swipe your card!\"

\"Good sir!\"

The waiter went down to work.

And Wang Jingjing still doesn't believe: "It's impossible, he doesn't have that much money!"

She is very unbalanced, why? Just drive a broken car and look like a dumpling. How can you be so rich?

The waiter came back after a while, bringing the manager.

The manager was very respectful to Yan Wang, nodding and bowing, Wang Jingjing knew that he had been cheated.

And Li Xiaolian hasn't reacted yet. This order costs hundreds of thousands, maybe more than that. Anyway, it's a lot of money.

After finishing here, Yan Wang and Zhang Feng are going to go, Yan Wang invites Li Xiaolian to go together.

\"Xiaolian, if you go with him, we will break our friendship!\" Wang Jingjing said loudly, she can't take care of her face now.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiaolian said: "We didn't have much friendship at first!"

\"Miss, please check out!\" the manager said respectfully.

\"Take it!\"

Wang Jingjing took out a card and threw it over.

The manager was not angry either, so he squatted down and picked it up and asked the waiter to swipe his card.

When the waiter came back and said to her: "Sorry, your credit card is not enough!"

\"How is it possible? My card has a limit of 50,000!\" Wang Jingjing said.