Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2103: Apologize immediately! Smash the car

Richard is very cautious in doing things. First, he should be accountable to Terence, instead of asking Xu Wenhao. This already shows that his attitude will be biased towards Xu Wenhao.

\"Mr. Hao, are you okay?\" Richard asked.

\"What do you mean?\" Xu Wenhao looked very angry, in fact, he has nothing to do.

Richard also saw it. People are going to use their own knife to kill people. Can Mr. Hao and the people in the car be satisfied? It's all up to Richard to deal with Terrance.

But Terence is not easy to deal with. It’s not that he is hard to deal with. It’s that he’s hard to deal with. Yicheng is also a powerful person. Although they are not among the invited banquets tonight, their wealth is billions and their status is prominent. Rich people who don't open.

But this Mr. Hao couldn't provoke even more. The boss's body has undergone earth-shaking changes in the past two days. It can be said that he is reborn. The boss needs their medicine, so no one can offend them.

This way Richard knows how to do it by weighing it.

\"Terence, you immediately apologize to Mr. Hao, and then you go in again after getting Mr. Hao's forgiveness!" Richard said strongly.

\"What? I heard that right, Mr. Richard, want me to apologize to him? He is just a driver of a broken car!\" Terence thought he could hear him clearly.

Richard said in a deep voice: "Terence, please stop saying that, or I will drive you out. From now on, I will be the enemy of Harlem. You have to think carefully and apologize now!"

\"Haha, let me apologize? There is no door, I don't know anything about your **** banquet! \" Terrence is also hardened, he turned and left with two beauties! \"

Xu Wenhao said: \"In that case, I'm leaving too, goodbye Mr. Richard!\"

Said Xu Wenhao and walked to his car.

Richard is in a hurry. They are all people of this temper.

Zhang Feng in the car smiled and said: "Wen Hao's trick is good. We don't care about Wolf, he will care about us, which means that we have grasped Wolf's lifeblood now! Richard is his dog. Naturally, there is a trade-off.\"

\"Mr. Hao, wait, wait...\" Richard said.

Xu Wenhao stood there and waited: \"It seems that Mr. Richard's face is up, I will wait two minutes!\"

\"thanks, thanks!\"

Richard took out his cell phone and made a call. The call was made to Terence's father.

\"Haha, Mr. Richard, long time no see!\"

\"Mr. Romanster, can you come to my boss' banquet tonight?\" Richard asked again, actually the phone had already been called.

Romance said: \"I want to go too, but I am on the other side of the earth now, I can't go, haha, I have let my son go! I hope it will not affect our cooperation!\"

\"Yes, I saw your son, but something went wrong. Your son bumped into and insulted the boss’s distinguished guest. Maybe your husband already knows that our boss’s health has improved a lot recently, and he just received the doctor’s treatment. , But Terence ran into him. He is very angry now. I have no choice but to call you. If you can’t handle it well, don’t talk about cooperation with you, even your company and myself. To bear the anger of the boss...\"

\"This...\" Romance hung up the phone, looking angry and anxious. He knew better than anyone what kind of urine his son was.

The next moment, when his luxury car was about to open the door, his cell phone rang and it was his father who called.

\"Father!\" Terence answered.

\"Asshole thing, do you know you got into trouble? Do you know who you offended? Do you want me to become poor? If you don't solve the problem for me today, I don't care what you do, or stop you All the credit cards and all things taken back, and throw you into the refugee...\"

The way they foreigners speak is somewhat different, but the meaning is the same.

\"Father, he, he is not a rich man at all, the car he drives is a broken car, he is an oriental, very poor!\" Terence insisted on what he saw.

\"You idiot, people are low-key, is Richard still wrong? Oriental? Is it Chinese?\"

\"It looks like it is!\" Terence said.

\"That's it, they are the richest people, don't be fooled by their off-balance sheet, they are mobile banks, hurry up, no matter what you use, you can handle it for me!\"

\"Father, father...\"

Terrance was unwilling in every possible way, but if he didn't do it, his father would cut his confession to him, he would suddenly become a refugee, and the beauty of the car would be gone.

And also bear Richard's anger.

After thinking about it, he bowed his head to a better life, walked in front of Xu Wenhao, and whispered: "Sir, I'm sorry, it was my recklessness just now!"

\"Is that so? No sincerity, Mr. Richard, I have other things, my boss is still waiting for me, goodbye!\"

\"Sir, wait...\" Richard said quickly:\"Sir, I will deal with him, how can I get mad?\"

Xu Wenhao said: "His car is very dazzling, it makes my eyes uncomfortable, you let him smash the car, and then break an arm!"

\"Good!\" Richard agreed immediately without hesitation.

Richard said to Terrence: "Terence, if you want to survive, just do it!"

\"No, it's impossible!\" Terrence called, a hand? Isn't this coming to his half-life?

Richard said: \"In that case, I can only help you!\"

As soon as he waved his hand, two bodyguards came up and stood him up.

\"Let go of me, let me go!" Terrence howled, and his two women were trembling in fright.

Terence's hand was pressed on the car, and a bodyguard was about to hit with a stick.

\"I will ask for your hands if you do it yourself, and you will break a hand if you do it yourself!\" Richard said.

\"Ah, don't fight, don't fight!" Terence peeed in shock.

Richard waved his hand, the two bodyguards let go of him, Terence was free again, he felt that Richard was serious, I am afraid that this meeting is going to be over today, that person really can't offend him, treat him apologize!

Yes, just apologize!

So Terence went up and bowed and said: "Sir, sir, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault, I was wrong! Please forgive me, please!"

\"If an apology is useful, the world will be very peaceful, there will be no such disputes, wars and deaths, I broke your hands, and then apologize to you, okay?\" Xu Wenhao said coldly.

Terence knelt down and begged for mercy: "Sir, I, I, it was my fault just now, my fault, how can the medicine forgive me, I was wrong, huhuhu, I don't want to lose my hands..."

\"You do it yourself or I let Mr. Richard come, you choose it yourself!\" Xu Wenhao said:\"Oh, you can smash the car first, I will be happy after watching it, and if I am happy, your hand is estimated Save it!\"

\"Yes, yes, smash the car, smash the car...\"