Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2139: You can't help, then die

Chen Wanru, who was laughing at this time, should be the busiest. After preparing for so long, she finally made a move today.

Zhang Feng has nothing to do here, so he booked a plane ticket to return home on the same day. As for Barlow, Xu Wenhao will take care of it.

But Silgarva couldn't come back yet, he wanted to assist Xu Wenhao to get things done right here.

Guo Xinghui returned to China with Zhang Feng.

\"Thanks for your hard work this month!\" Zhang Feng said to Guo Xinghui.

This month he is very hard, really hard, he almost never sleeps.

\"Fortunately!\" Guo Xinghui said lightly.

Although it hasn't been like this for a long time, he can handle it, even if it's another month, he won't be afraid.

Because he has always been exercising, never slack off, exercise has become his habit, except for tasks, as long as he doesn't train for a day, it will be very uncomfortable, as if something is missing.

Hui Miko also came back with Zhang Feng. Now Hui Miko has almost become Zhang Feng's nanny, taking care of Zhang Feng's diet and daily life.

Such a beautiful nanny with such a skill is probably the only one in the world.

Zhang Feng didn't say much to Guo Xinghui, and he said very little.

After returning to Kyoto, I went to see my wife and children.

As soon as he arrived in Kyoto, Tang Zhongjing called and said something about training. In his words, he wanted Zhang Feng to appear in front of him immediately.

Zhang Feng said: \"Okay, Uncle Tang, I will do one thing in the past two days!\"

\"What is it? Need my help?\"

\"Uncle Tang, you can't help with this!\"

\"In Kyoto, there is nothing I can do to help you say!\"

Zhang Feng said: \"Play with the children and hold the wife!\"

\"Uh uh, alright!\"

\"Don't worry, Uncle Tang, I will be there in two days! \" Zhang Feng said: \"Let them stay in there for two days!\"

\"Well, two more days is no problem!\"

In fact, Tang Zhongjing is really anxious. Mr. Gusu has come to call several times. Although he is urged to hurry up, he is urged to keep an eye on him so that no accidents occur.

Many machines on the old beggar's side are waiting for these people to go up.

After Zhang Feng hung up the phone, he continued to play with his son. This was the time when he was most relaxed, thinking about nothing. The battles on the battlefield and the shopping malls no longer exist here.

And this is the time when the son is happiest.

He played until the meal, and his son was still playing, but Zhang Feng sneaked into the kitchen, then closed the kitchen door, and hugged Yun Qian while cooking from behind.

Yun Qian now has a deep charm, with a slightly fat body and a very mature appearance.

\"Don't make trouble, I'm cooking!\" Yun Qian said.

Didn't realize that Zhang Feng was closed.

\"You cook your food, and I didn't affect you!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Why didn't it matter, you are holding me, what else shall I do! Wait for Emiko to come...\"


Emiko couldn't resist, this time the cooking time was much slower than usual.

During the dinner, Haohao asked: "Mom, I'm so hungry!"

\"Isn't there two more dishes, it will take longer! \" Yun Qian tried to calm himself down.

\"That's wrong, mom, why is your face so red!\" Hao Hao asked again.

\"Oh, did you? I was smoked just now!\"

Haohao stopped asking and eating his own meal, Yun Qian glared at Zhang Feng, who thought he hadn't seen it.

Emiko sat there silently. These had no effect on her. Yun Qian was used to it. It is not embarrassing to be a member of the family, and Yun Qian had already accepted that Emiko was his sister. fact.

With Zhang Feng's identity, Yun Qian can't help with many things. If there are people like Huimeizi helping Zhang Feng, Yun Qian is too happy to have any opinions?

Love House and Wu!

And this also makes Yun Qian irreplaceable in Zhang Feng's heart, he will get more love from Zhang Feng, and will not lose love because there are more women in Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng needs such a woman like Yun Qian.

The most intelligent woman in the world is Yun Qian. Of course, Zhang Feng's life is different from ordinary people and cannot be viewed from a secular perspective.

Two days passed quickly, and Zhang Feng went to the army.

Tang Zhongjing came outside to receive him in person.

\"I didn't expect you to come so soon!\" Tang Zhongjing smiled when he saw Zhang Feng.

\"Let me see them!\"

Zhang Feng didn't talk so much nonsense with him.


Vehicles were not allowed in the barracks. Zhang Feng and the two walked in. When they passed a school field, they saw Chang Xiaoran training there. They ignored her and continued walking.

At this time, Chang Xiaoran also saw Zhang Feng. She resisted the urge to continue training without running over to find Zhang Feng. Chang Xiaoran was very happy, and the shouts were much higher, and the soldiers were scared.

When they came to the base behind the barracks, the ice storehouse was covered with big trees, they were still inside.

\"Let them out!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Doesn’t they need to cool down to let them adapt slowly?\" Tang Zhongjing asked:\"The temperature is now over 30 degrees!\"

Zhang Feng said: \"No, the purpose of their training for a month is for this moment, and this moment is the real test!\"

\"And you don’t need to notify them, get them out of the sun to dry them, and you can’t wear thick clothes!\"

\"It will die!\"

\"Then die!\"

Tang Zhongjing's heart hit, too cruel!

But Tang Zhongjing understood that he couldn't be ruthless. What's the purpose this time? Tang Zhongjing already knew very well.

\"Good!\" Tang Zhongjing should do it.

Zhang Feng sat on the rock outside the ice storage and smoked, watching the door of the ice storage slowly open, and a white air-conditioning came from inside and surged to Zhang Feng's side. Zhang Feng couldn't help but shudder.

\"Everyone come out!\" Tang Zhongjing shouted outside with a megaphone, worried that they would not hear the same.

A group of people came out from inside. They were wearing thin clothes and covered with white frost. They lost a lot of weight.

Seeing them here Zhang Feng's heart is a twitch, they are already very good.

\"All gather on the field!\" Tang Zhongjing shouted.

Tang Zhongjing is notoriously strict in leading troops, but Zhang Feng is nothing here, and now he is holding back his tears.

They moved their bodies hard, it was obvious that they were frozen, and there were many frostbite among them.

After a month in the ice store, who can persist.

It is very difficult for the body to face such a drop in an environment where the temperature is less than ten degrees below zero to more than 30 degrees. It is very harmful to the body and also very exercise.

The sky will come down to the people of Sri Lanka, and they will be hungry and tired...

Perhaps this is the reason.

They stood there for half an hour, and their bodies slowly recovered. Zhang Feng went up and checked, nodded and said: "Remember, you are already dead, don't treat yourself as alive!"

In the usual training before, the instructors often said this, but they have never been as profound as this time. They have truly experienced what a dead person is like!

Think of yourself as a dead person, only in this way can you be fearless.

Zhang Feng went on to say: \"I have been very lenient with you, I will give you three hours, and then proceed to the next training!\"


Speaking of Zhang Feng, he smoked on the stone under the big tree again. How does this look like an instructor.