Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2170: It's boring, it's over all at once!

The younger brother hurriedly speeded up, but the van was very fast. When he went uphill, he went up all at once, but Guo Hao’s car couldn’t get up because the site was too low. The road was not a concrete road, but a mountain road. .

\"Quick, waste, quick...\" Guo Hao roared.

The kid is driving hard, but the car still can't get in.

\"Brother, the car is not working!\"

\"My fork, do you know how much this car is? Can't it go up?\"

\"Brother, I know, this car is more than one million yuan, now even if Bugatti comes, I can’t get it!\"

Guo Hao said helplessly: \"Get off and go, hurry up!\"

\"But what about the car?\"

\"Come back again!\"

Guo Hao got out of the car and ran wildly.

There is only one way up the mountain. Guo Hao and the two ran up, but they couldn't do it after running for a while. At the beginning, they used all their strength, but they didn't have enough stamina, and soon they were out of breath.

Besides, he doesn't exercise much, smoking, drinking and drinking tea, and he is not as young as the uncle in the square.

"Brother, I can't do it anymore. I will die of hypoxia when I run, and my lungs can't stand it anymore!" The little brother sat on the ground all of a sudden, breathing heavily, his face was ugly, this had reached his limit.

And Guo Hao is not much better, he can't run anymore!

\"Top, top your lungs...\"

The sound of cars could be heard in the distance, but they could never catch up.


At this moment, Guo Hao's cell phone rang. He saw that the secret road from the boss was not good, and he didn't dare to pick it up.

\"Brother, why don't you pick it up?\"

\"What to pick up, you are stupid, if you let the boss know that we are like this, we won't cut us alive!\"


\"What will we say if the boss asks after that?\"

\"Just say, um, just say, just say that the car is scrapped!\"

\"Yes, brother, you really have a way!\"

\"Go! The dog can't spit out ivory!\"

Why does this little brother sound so ironic.

\"Brother, what shall we do now?\"

\"Go up, hurry up!\"

\"Yes Yes!\"

The two walked hard.

At this time, the two cars on the mountain stopped, and the bread eating miraculously caught up with the Wrangler in front.

There are three people in the Wrangler, Wei Junlin, his assistant, and Sharapova.

Sharapova directed the car to come here. It is best to solve the people behind in this kind of place.

Five big men came down in the van behind, each of which was the shortest one and seventy-five meters long, very strong, with a mask on his head.

They all have weapons, baseball bats and so on.

It seems they are ready long ago.

Wei Junlin in the Wrangler's car is nervous. Although he knows his sister-in-law is very powerful, the other party is also too strong.

Moreover, neither he nor his assistant are combat-type personnel, at best one-on-one, but the opponent is so powerful, one-on-one is not enough.

\"Little Tang, call someone to come!\" Wei Junlin said.

Sharapova said: \"Don't fight, you guys don't move in the car, they will call the police after I solve it!\"

\"No, my sister-in-law, it's dangerous. You stay in the car, and I will go down with Xiao Tang!\" Wei Junlin said he was about to get off.

He thinks that if he let his sister-in-law and girl go on at this time, is that still a man?

Assistant Xiao Tang was not afraid, holding a small dagger in his hand.

Sharapova got out of the car, and the opposite side had already walked over, but the distance was only ten meters.

Sharapova stood by her side. Since she had followed Zhang Feng, she had learned some pre-battle order, and watched first.

\"Yo, there is also a Barbie doll. Oh, come to this place to find death, it's not for our brothers!\"

\"Haha...\" Several gangsters laughed wildly, this place is simply a good place to kill people and make more money.

I really don't understand how the other party would die here, and also brought such a stunning Yangma, it is not too good.

\"Brothers, whoever solves the surname Wei first, eat horse meat first!\" said a strongest man.

\"it is good!\"

\"Just listen to Brother Lei!\"

A few people screamed, today is an unexpected gain.

\"The two go around behind them, don't let them run, and the woman, have to solve the battle quickly, take the people away, or they will come often, and there is a car behind them!\"

\"Yes, Brother Lei!\"

It seems that Lei Ge is taking the lead.

The two men ran over and walked around behind Sharapova, staring at each other.

\"You guys, what do you want to do?\" Wei Junlin was frustrated. Just now he shouldn't have heard his sister-in-law come to this place. It's too dangerous. He glanced at his assistant and said: \"Little Tang is walking with his sister-in-law!\"

\"Yes!\" The assistant Xiao Tang is not afraid. He has got too much here. A Bei Piao has been with Lawyer Wei for two years. Not only has he learned a lot, he also earned a house in the fourth ring, millions of dollars.

He is a little assistant, who can get these for him?

At this time, it was time to pay back, and he had no hesitation.

Sharapova stood there and didn't move. She didn't pay attention to these little bastards. Otherwise, the name of the princess in the training camp of God of War Halberd would be empty, and she would not lose the face of training camp?

\"Sister-in-law, let's go!\" Xiao Tang said nervously to Sharapova.

Sharapova said: \"Resolve them before leaving! Humph!\"

\"No, sister-in-law, they are too many people, if you... Brother Feng will be sad, I will call Brother Feng...\"

Sharapova kicked him and said: "Don't beep, these gangsters can't be solved, I am not Feng's woman!"

\"But, sister-in-law...\" Xiao Tang was helpless.

At this point they have already come up, and the man headed by Lei Ge said: "Hey, he is still a big Yangma who can speak Chinese, yes, yes, let's go, do you want to die by yourself, or I will do it?"

\"Who are you?\" Wei Junlin asked.

The other party didn't do it right away, so it seemed to be negotiable.

\"Haha, you don't need to know who we are anymore, because dead people don't need to know anything!\" Lei Ge laughed loudly.

The younger brother at the back said: "Brother, don't talk nonsense with them! I can't wait, I like that car!"

\"Go!\" Lei Ge said solemnly.

The four younger brothers huffed up, Xiao Tang stood in front of Sharapova, and saw a stick in the hands of a gangster hit him. If Xiao Tang didn’t escape, he would receive a box lunch. Sharapova hurriedly took him Pull away.

Then Sharapova stepped forward and kicked her foot. Her long legs were longer than the stick in the hands of the gangster. When she hit the gangster’s wrist, the stick in her hand was kicked away. The gangster has not Sharapova changed her foot and kicked the culprit in the chest.

The culprit was kicked back four or five meters and fell to the ground.

Another gangster came up, and wailed the stick in his hand so that Sharapova came from behind.

\"Sister-in-law be careful!\"

Xiao Tang, who was pulled aside, exclaimed.

Sharapova had already paid attention to the people behind, she didn't hide her, she kicked back with her long legs, hitting the culprit in the stomach and fell to the ground.

At this time, Wei Junlin couldn't stand it anymore. His head was broken and the clubs of the three men kept falling on him. He knelt down and held his head.


Ah, ah...

There were a few screams and no sticks came down. Wei Junlin looked up, only to see the tall sister-in-law standing there, the few bandits lying on the ground, they were moaning in pain.

\"It's boring, it's over! \" Sharapova muttered.