Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2202: Empty is nature, goodness is like water

Seeing the disciple’s gaze for knowledge, Daoist Wu Qing said: "Empty is nature, not emptiness and nothing; the highest good is like water, that is nature; the highest good, good is the most beautiful realm, the most intelligent way, the most correct method, In turn, the good will do things for the correct life, follow the objective laws and follow the laws of nature."

"Master, what about Ruo Shui?" Xiaodaotong has a very high understanding and seems to be able to understand.

Daoist Wu Qing said: "You can already memorize the Tao Te Ching. Look, Ruo Shui is the explanation behind it, listen!"

"Water is good for all things without fighting, and it is the evil of everyone, so it is more than Tao; the good of water is embodied in the benefit of all things, and will not compete with all things for benefits. For example, rain can make crops grow, but there is no claim. Water is inseparable for the recuperation and rejuvenation of the city. Water puts itself in a position that no one looks up to. It does not care about its own gains or losses. This is very close to the law of operation of the road. For example, water pipes and sewers do not care about water. , Just silently provide convenience for others."

Dao Master Wu Qing said very clearly, how much can the little Dao Tong understand?

"Master, I understand that water doesn't make money with all things, but all things need water to nourish them!" Xiaodaotong said.

Dao Chang Wu Qing nodded. It is not easy for the little Dao Tong to understand this. He continued: "The goodness is like water. The principle of our human beings and the world is the same, that is to behave like water. That realm is correct. Yes, smart, beautiful."

"But Master, I have seen floods and floods? Many animals and people have drowned. The destructiveness is so great that it is caused by water. Is there a bad side to water?" Xiaodaotong asked.

Daoist Wu Qing said: "This question is a good question! I told you before that everything in the world is good or bad. There are yin and yang, negative and positive, and one thing has a good side and a bad side. It depends on how you look at it; listen carefully!"

"Yes!" Xiaodaotong opened his eyes and listened.

"Water does not distinguish between good and evil, and good does not mean kindness. Goodness is correct, clever means, and is the realm of objective and fairness. Just because water is objective and fair, you can enjoy the convenience of water by following the laws of nature, violating objective laws and hacking. Unwanted logging and destruction of the ecological environment can easily lead to floods and mudslides. For example, the reduction of forest vegetation leads to flash floods, soil erosion, etc. If you are washed away under the flood, or fall into the water without swimming and drowning, this It is not the fault of the water, but the fault of the subjective; this on the other hand reflects the goodness of water, selflessness, justice, non-partiality, and complete objectivity; fairness and justice, this is the best good!"

"Do you remember it all?" Dao Chang Wu Qing asked.

"Yes, Master, I will remember!" Xiaodaotong asked: "Just now, Mr. Gusu came to Master and gave him a blank sheet of paper. There is also a good kind of water. Does that mean that?"

Taoist Wu Qing nodded and said: "You have understood a lot. It means that white paper is emptiness, emptiness is nature, and the goodness of water is the answer to emptiness, and it is also nature; he comes for the answer. Shangshan Rushui is the answer he wants!"

"Yes, Disciple took it down!"

"Okay, you go!"


Xiao Dao Tong went out, Dao Master Wu Qing continued to close his eyes and rest his mind.

In human life, at all ages, children before the age of seven or eight or children before the age of ten are the most savvy. If you want your child to learn something, such as art, it is best to guide the child before the age of ten. .

And just now Dao Master Wu Qing was an exchange that led the little Dao Tong to enter the Dao, and there were many similar exchanges between the two of them, otherwise the little Dao Tong would not have that high understanding.

Zhang Feng was just a lay disciple of Wuqing Daochang, and this little Dao boy was his direct disciple.


At this time, the old beggar was sitting on the helicopter and rushing back, thinking with the piece of paper in his hand.

Goodness is like water!

Of course the old beggar knows what it means, but that is only literal. What does the old Taoist mean with this? And what does this blank paper mean?

Why did the little Taoist boy let himself read the blank paper before conveying the old Taoist's words?

Of course, Mr. Gu Su didn't doubt the old Taoist's ability at all, and he wouldn't talk nonsense, because he knew he was coming and asked Tao Tong to wait outside.

Before he got here, Dao Tong had fallen asleep, and he woke up as soon as he arrived at Xiao Dao Tong. Obviously, Xiao Dao Tong had been asleep for a long time.

It can be seen from this that the old Daoist is very accurate in time. This is almost like a fairy. How could the old beggar doubt it.

And since the old Taoist had calculated everything, he knew that Zhang Feng was in danger now.

It conveyed the four words "Shang Shan Ruo Shui", is it for Zhang Feng? But what does that blank paper mean?

The old beggar was embarrassed. He couldn't think of it until he returned to Kyoto late at night, but it was not without gain. He was sure that the old Taoist was going to give this to Zhang Feng.

But can Zhang Feng understand? If you don't understand, the brat will understand? The veteran Taoist will also be able to figure out that Zhang Shengeng understands it?

Even if Zhang Feng can see clearly, how can he convey it to him now that he has entered the game?

The old beggar's brain hurts.

When he returned to the 01 base, he saw that Mike was already working there, and seeing the relaxed expression on Xing Qingqing's face knew that the situation was under control, and the old beggar was also relieved.

"Mr. Gusu, who is he? I want him!" Xing Qingqing asked.

The old beggar said: "No, he just came to help!"

There is only one Mike, and the baby is terribly good. If you come here, you won’t be used by Xing Qingqing?

"Stingy!" Xing Qingqing said.

The old beggar watched Mike working at his full strength over there, and the two technicians standing behind him were studying.

"How is the situation?" the old beggar asked.

"The game was inexplicably out of control before. It was caused by the joint action of Zhang Feng and the machine. Now it has been controlled. Only the fourth-class monsters are coming up!" Xing Qingqing said.

"That's good!"

"Mr. Gusu, you are going this time..." Xing Qingqing stopped talking.

The old beggar held a blank paper in his hand and said to Xing Qingqing, "This can save Zhang Feng!"

"What's this? Is there any code on it? I'll let the Ministry of Chemical Industry work hard!" Xing Qingqing took a blank paper and looked at it.

"No, there was nothing, it was empty!" The old beggar didn't know how to tell Xing Qingqing.

"Empty?" Xing Qingqing said: "That is equivalent to a trip for nothing!"

The old beggar said: "Show this piece of paper to Zhang Feng, and there are four more words: Goodness is like water!"

"Show it to Zhang Feng? Still good as water? What is this? Tao Te Ching?" Xing Qingqing was full of questions.

She is questioning the old beggar. The old beggar has always been the most rigorous existence in her mind. Why did this happen?

Xing Qingqing did not understand.

"Let this show Zhang Feng, can it be done?" the old beggar said.

Xing Qingqing asked: "Put it in the game, on the interface in front of him? But he is already in the game now!"

That is difficult.

The old beggar looks at Mike!