Super Special Forces King

Chapter 229: Looking for a house

Chapter 229


Entering Miura City, Zhang Feng did not relax in spirit.

The face of Wang Xiaojuan who was lying down in the back seat did not improve at all, and after checking her breathing several times, she was still breathing.

This situation caused Zhang Feng a very headache. It was far from the difficulty of lurking alone and lurking with a patient.

In the middle of the journey, I found on Wang Xiaojuan's body that she used to communicate with 01's intelligence personnel lurking in the country. However, a password was required and Zhang Feng could not use it at all.

Otherwise, getting in touch with 01's intelligence personnel through the liaison device, and using their secret development channels in the Japanese country, will enable Wang Xiaojuan to get better treatment, and there is no need to carry her around like a headless fly like this.

Entering Miura City, Zhang Feng's first thing to do is to find a safe foothold.

A big hotel is definitely impossible, and there is no way to check the identity, not to mention that Wang Xiaojuan's current injury will definitely attract the attention of the caring people, and it is difficult not to be suspected.

Zhang Feng chose a rented house alone, which is more quiet, avoids contact with unnecessary people, and minimizes the risk of exposure.

Take out the mineral water in the car, wash off the cosmetics on the face, revealing the original appearance.

At the same time, he took out the backpack from the doctor, opened it, and took out the clothes inside and put it on his body. Although it was a little small, at least there was no blood on his body.

I took out my mobile phone and found the Chinese and Japanese translation software on the Internet. I typed in the four words ‘House Intermediary’. I saw the translated Japanese characters in my heart, and I started driving on the street to find it.

It took a full hour to finally find an agency by comparing the four words of this housing agency.

After parking the car, Zhang Feng calmly walked in.

"#¥%……*(" Seeing a guest walk in, the service staff immediately said warmly.

"Sorry, I just came back from the United States, and I still don't speak Japanese. I don't know if you can speak English." Zhang Feng said softly with a faint smile on his face.

"Of course there is no problem, sir, I don't know what can serve you." The service staff asked politely.

Zhang Feng nodded and said: "I was born in the United States. This time I come back to see where they grew up in my parents' hometown. So I have to stay for a while and want to live in a house. I am not a person. I'm too used to crowded places, and I like quiet, of course the price is not a problem, do you have a suitable one here to recommend? You can move in at any time." Zhang Feng lied casually and made his own request.

For the intermediary, what the service staff cares about is that money is not a problem. Others can find a way even if they are not satisfied, and immediately nodded enthusiastically and said: "Of course there is no problem, sir, please sit down here. Wait a minute, I will call you the information about the house, you can choose from it."

Sitting on the chair, waiting for a while, the service staff put the laptop in front of Zhang Feng and said, "Sir, please take a look."


Zhang Feng carefully looked at the information of each listing. The house he wanted to find was quiet enough in the end, and at the same time it was relatively close to the traffic line, so that it can achieve concealment and facilitate transfer.

In the end, he chose an independent small villa on both sides. After paying a lot of commission and rent, Zhang Feng drove the car behind the car driven by the service staff and drove towards the selected house.

After arriving at the destination and sending the service staff away, Zhang Feng drove the car into the yard and locked the gate from inside.

He picked up Wang Xiaojuan in the car and walked into the house.

Spread a soft quilt on the floor, put Wang Xiaojuan on it, and Zhang Feng took the drinking water and put it aside.

After taking out the medicine in the backpack, using the translation software to determine which anti-inflammatory and medical antibiotics are used, take out the corresponding metered water and take it to the comatose Wang Xiaojuan.

After doing this, Zhang Feng locked the door of the room and drove out of the yard again.

Find a daily necessities supermarket and go in to purchase a lot of daily necessities. When he walked out of the supermarket with a shopping bag, he lowered his head slightly, and a peaked cap blocked his face.

Instead of moving the car parked in front of the supermarket, he walked quickly across the street.

After walking several kilometers, I found a taxi, used the translation software of the mobile phone to tell the driver the address, and then returned to the cottage.

Putting the huge shopping bag on the ground, Zhang Feng sat down.

From the morning and night last night to the present, he has not had any rest, because he is always on guard and his spirit is a little tired.

After taking a rest for a while, he got up again. It was not the time to rest.

Open the shopping bag, the contents are very mixed, including fast food, fish hooks and fishing lines for fishing, toothpaste and toothbrushes for daily use, laundry, washing spirits, and bells for hanging on festivals.

Take out the laundry and detergent, pour them into the container found in the kitchen room, mix them together and put them in the sun for exposure.

Both laundry and detergent contain a lot of phosphorus, and phosphorus is a component of gunpowder.

Walked out the door, broke the stiff branches with frozen roots from a crooked-necked tree in the yard and returned to the room again.

Put the branch in the room and let it relax.

Bringing the fishing line and the fish hook, all the bells have come to the second floor.

Close all the windows on the second floor and the attic tightly, catch the fishing line and tie the bells to the window frames, and lightly flick the bells to ring the bells.

Insert the tip of the fish hook upside down into the wooden window frame, as long as someone climbs in from here, this is the meeting ceremony for him.

After confirming that there was no missing place, Zhang Feng went downstairs and returned to the kitchen, opened the fume hood and lit the gas, and poured the quick food into the pot.

I took out the kitchen knife used to cut the vegetables and cut the branches from the outside. The originally stiff branches were relieved with moisture.

After cutting the straight branches out of the tips, they placed them on the flames that were burning on the gas and slowly roasted them.

It is necessary to ensure its hardness, but also to ensure that it will not burn due to excessive temperature.

After all the work is done, the food in the pot is also hot.

At this time, the taste of the food is not important, the important thing is to fill in the stomach. After eating, he took out the milk from the shopping bag and slowly passed it into the unconscious Wang Xiaojuan's mouth. She is in a coma and cannot chew and swallow by herself, so she can only use this method.

What Zhang Feng thinks now is that she wakes up quickly so that she can get in touch with 01's intelligence personnel. Only in this way can she let her hometown know the situation of the two of them, and she is studying how to proceed next.