Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2344: curiosity!

How does Xing Jingjing think she has become like this? I cried twice at once, but I hadn't cried before, no matter how difficult it was, I wouldn't cry.

I don’t even cry for any man. A few years ago, the 90-year-old grandfather who loved her most had never cried when she passed away, because she was in a laboratory thousands of miles away, days and nights. Did not come out.

And this man only showed up for one night, why?

She couldn't explain this, and she couldn't explain it with science, and she didn't have much of it herself.

"Hmph, you don't need to protect me, you go!" Xing Jingjing said angrily.

I don't like this man at all, it's annoying.

Guo Xinghui said: "You can't order me!"

"I don't need you anymore, isn't that okay?"

Sometimes a woman’s EQ and IQ will return to zero, or become negative, such as those who marry a man who has nothing for love? It's not necessarily true. In the end, it's a negative number.

Xing Jingjing is now zero.

"You will need it!" Guo Xinghui said.

"No need, you get out!"

Guo Xinghui didn't speak anymore, and didn't leave the room for half a step no matter what she called.

"You, you are a stinky rascal, a thick-skinned rascal..."

Xing Jingjing cursed, but it was a pity that he did not cause any verbal attack lethality to Guo Xinghui.


No matter how she scolded there, Guo Xinghui remained indifferent. There, he read carefully, it was Xing Jingjing's book.

A few days ago, she woke up and asked someone to bring a lot of books. So much time in the hospital can't be wasted.

After Xing Jingjing scolded him for a while, he stopped talking about him, because Xing Jingjing discovered that this man could actually read his book!

Let alone this esoteric question, nowadays few men can read books seriously, let alone esoteric and boring books.

A few hours later, Guo Xinghui was still watching, almost turning back.

Xing Jingjing wondered if he could really understand it? Are you pretending?

"Do you understand?"

Xing Jingjing still couldn't hold back to ask. In her opinion, this man was a vulgar person with no words.

"Yes!" Guo Xinghui said, "I don't understand what it says, as long as I can read the word."

"Don't you think it is very profound?" Xing Jingjing asked: "This is physics, it's difficult!"

"For some people, this kind of book is unnecessary to read, it is summarized by others, you have to summarize it yourself!" Guo Xinghui said.


Can a vulgar person say such things unexpectedly? Although this is wrong, very arrogant.

"This is learning, learning from the results of other people's homes, and then you can summarize it yourself!" Xing Jingjing said.

"Others have already summed up, why do you want to sum up? Break through the summaries of others? This is the problem of not getting effective breakthroughs. I have always been learning from other people's things, being brought in by others, and never having myself. Things!" Guo Xinghui said.

Xing Jingjing was stunned when he looked at this man. How could he have such knowledge? not simple.

"What else?" Xing Jingjing asked.

"No more!"

He obviously didn't want to say this, it was really annoying.

"I love to say or not, who is rare!"

Xing Jingjing lay down on the bed angrily, thinking about what he had just said, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was right.

Thinking about it, the more I understand, what is a breakthrough?

The so-called breakthrough is just another step on the achievements of the predecessors, and there is no real breakthrough.

But this is something a genius can do, and Xing Jingjing doesn't think so much.


Guo Xinghui is the strongest hunter and the most able to endure loneliness. He has never had a boring time here. All time will be used to the extreme. When he calms down, his mind is thinking about things, summarizing the previous battles, thinking For the next battle, predict how the enemy will attack, and so on.

Xing Jingjing is not an enemy and doesn't care what she thinks.

At present, the enemy has no signs of action, and the old beggar has not received any news.

Not getting the news is the worst news, because you don’t know when and how the enemy will come.

Guo Xinghui didn't dare to be sloppy. This time the mission could not fail. If he failed, he would feel that this was the biggest insult to himself.

So it cannot fail.

What counts as a failure, the target of protection is killed by the enemy.

During this time period, Guo Xinghui would not leave Xing Jingjing even a single step.

Someone came in the afternoon and installed bulletproof glass on the window of this ward. This bulletproof glass is specially made, not ordinary bulletproof glass. It can prevent the shooting of Barrett's large-caliber sniper rifle, at least it can prevent One, some sniper rifles have special bullets, so they are much more powerful than ordinary bullets.

It was the old beggar who arranged it himself, and the glass cost hundreds of thousands for such a cool glass. When the time comes, the alarm will be lifted and then replaced.

The old beggar is willing to pay for it.

In the ward, Guo Xinghui kept walking every step of the way. Whenever Xing Jingjing went to the window to breathe, he would call Xing Jingjing back, and the blinds in the bathroom were also pulled up.

"No freedom at all!" Xing Jingjing was very unhappy.

Guo Xinghui said: "After your injury heals, you can go back to work!"

"Mr. Gusu said that I have been targeted. Will they leave even if I am not in the hospital? I think they will never leave!"

When Xing Jingjing calmed down, her mind was very good, almost as Guo Xinghui thought.

Just now Guo Xinghui was thinking about Xing Jingjing's future safety. Should we let her spend the rest of her life in the base?

This is not necessarily safe. Someone will get in after a long time, right?

Or she will come out once, and she will die once, or be taken away by the enemy.

It's as if those heroes treat talents like this, and kill those who don't use it for me.

Because if he didn't kill him, he would go to the enemy, so Xing Jingjing's situation was not optimistic.

Guo Xinghui had already thought of this before he agreed to Zhang Feng, and a lot of resources would be spent to protect her.

Of course, the value created by Xing Jingjing far exceeds these.


In a hotel room a few hundred meters from the hospital, there was a male and a female foreigner who appeared here as tourists.

There are tens of thousands of foreigners hundreds of meters around the hospital. It is not surprising that these two people appear here, so they did not attract much attention.

The two of them checked everything in the room to see if there was a camera or something. After checking, they sat down and talked.

The top floor of this hotel can see the hospital inpatient building.

"When will our equipment arrive?" the woman asked.

