Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2484: Not many people are ruthless

On the basis of the original, dozens of more people were recruited. This kind of situation rarely happened before. Almost every session has a fixed quota.

But since Zhang Feng went there, an exception has been made. Pukan also needs a few more people in other countries to balance, but Zhang Feng is still not satisfied. There were more than 20 more people in the last session, and Pukan has nothing to do.

Not to mention this, even his daughter is Zhang Feng's. He has a hunch that this training camp will become Zhang Feng's.

Even if he thinks of this, he has no solution at all. Is it possible that he does this to death?

As for to whom this industry is passed on, there is no one in this world more suitable than Zhang Feng. Besides, Zhang Feng is just right now.

One of the key points is that his daughter gave birth to a girl. If she is to be passed on to another generation, she is also a girl. Even if she is better than her daughter Sharapova in the future, she is also a girl.

So it is most suitable for Zhang Feng. Pukan does not have that traditional concept.

Now Zhang Feng is thinking about who he wants to let this year he doesn't know. There is still half a month left.

Now my uncle came here to play, riding a small electric donkey, he likes to ride this small electric donkey, free from traffic jams.

He lived at the villa very boring, almost nothing to do. He came here mainly to play with Haohao. He had no topics in common with the old beggars of General Wan.

\"Uncle, do you know the Halberd of God of War training camp?\" Zhang Feng asked.

Murong Dasen's expression was a little surprised: "Of course I know, his name is Pukan, isn't it? Haha, I met him back then, shook hands with him, he is a good fighter, and later he founded a training camp...\"

\"I didn't expect my uncle to know him!\"

Zhang Feng was surprised. He didn't expect his uncle to still know him.

\"I was the representative back then and went to their country to talk about the project. This Pukan gave me a deep impression!\" Murong Dasen recalled the past.

Zhang Feng also didn't expect Murong Dasen to be a representative. The representative back then was very powerful, and ordinary people couldn't do it. Murong Dasen was originally not an ordinary person, with such a strong strength, he was a master of masters.

\"Uncle, they are recruiting students in half a month, do you want to go too?\" Zhang Feng asked.

\"I'll talk about it then, it doesn't matter whether I go or not! \" Murong Dasen said: \"It is a good thing for you!\"

Zhang Feng said: \"You can also visit Mina, you are her uncle!\"

\"Hehe, then dare to love it!\"

Murong Dasen smiled, not knowing whether he had already responded.

In the evening, Zhang Feng went to the Red Star Club. When he got there, he would usually find a seat at the bar to sit and drink. If there is a seat, he would sit in a corner and sit and drink if he was alone.

He was not given privileges in the bar, for example, a seat would be reserved for him at any time. Zhang Feng would not do this.

He can think about things here, and he can think about things in a quiet place, but different problems require a different environment.

Watching the beautiful women dancing, the mood will always get better. Every night, there are the most beautiful socialites in Kyoto, as well as handsome and rich people.

It will be full every night, and every day will be more gold.

\"Brother Feng, what do you want?\"

As soon as Zhang Feng sat down, the waiter came over, because every time Zhang Feng came here, he drank different wines, what kind of wine he drank in what mood.

\"Small bottle of Erguotou, a sauced beef!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Yes!\" The waiter respectfully responded.

No matter what it is, Zhang Feng will always be out of place with this place, what he eats is also out of place, and the clothes he wears are also local stalls. He has been wearing them for two or three years, but they are all clean.

This is the top bar in Kyoto. Who comes here to drink Erguotou with sauce beef?

One copy of Zhang Feng alone.

Drinking small wine, eating delicious sauced beef, watching the beautiful women on the dance floor twist their waists, it is really enjoyable.

This time is exactly ten o'clock in the evening, which is the best time, with the most people and the most beautiful women.

No one would notice Zhang Feng sitting in the corner.

Ten minutes later, someone passed by here and saw someone in the corner. A bottle of Erguotou and a plate of only half of the meat pieces were left, and the person was very shabby. He couldn't help but smile and said:\ "Turtle, how did you get in? Do you know where it is?\"

Zhang Feng looked up and saw that he was a little yellow hair. There was a bunch of yellow hair on one side of his head. He looked very personal. He was a famous brand and a raw face. It is estimated that he was a second-hand man.

Zhang Feng ignored him and ate slices of meat.

"Are you deaf? Can't you hear?" Huang Mao was angry.

Zhang Feng still did not speak when he did not exist.

\"Boy, do you dare to despise me and seek death?" Huang Mao said angrily again.

Zhang Feng drank the wine, this wine should be drunk slowly, but there is such a person blocking Zhang Feng's sight of the beauty.

\"This one, you are blocking me!\" Zhang Feng said.

Huang Mao said: "Hmph, I'm blocking you, you terrapin, who let you in, is this a place where you can come? Are you obstructing my eyes, know?"

Zhang Feng did not speak.

\"I want to ask you something, boy, you are looking for death...\"

Zhang Feng suddenly violent, stretched out his hand and slapped him, directly knocking him down.

\"You, dare to hit me...\" Huang Mao was beaten up.

This person doesn't talk too much cruelly, and hits people as soon as he makes a move.

\"Go!\" Zhang Feng said coldly.

Huang Mao stood up and was about to hit someone, but he was stopped by the people behind. He looked back and saw that it was the security guard of the clubhouse. Huang Mao shouted: "He hit me, he hit me... let me go ,let me go……\"

The two security guards ignored him and took him out and threw him outside.

Zhang Feng's expression was calm, remembering that he was looking at the beauty while drinking wine. The Huang Mao who was thrown outside was very angry. Not only was he beaten, he was thrown out. It was unbearable, so he called and called someone, but when he said When the location of the venue is a red star, I dare not come one by one.

\"Waste, all waste...\" Huang Mao cursed.

Huang Mao, who was angry, went in again. The security guards didn't stop him, but he had already been watched. If he was still making trouble, he would not be allowed in again.

Huang Mao walked to Zhang Feng's side and didn't know when there was an extra wine bottle in his hand.

But the people who followed subdued him again.

\"Sir, you have violated the relevant regulations and hit someone deliberately, now please go out, you will be blacklisted!\" said the security guard.

\"Why did he hit me?\" Huang Mao was not convinced.

\"Even if he kills you, then you are dead in vain, you can't afford it!\" the security guard said domineeringly.

Huang Mao was surprised, he didn't doubt what the security guard said.