Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2514: People are lost!

Chapter 2514 people lost!

After successfully escaped, Huang Xing didn't mention how scared he was. The methods of those big men were cruel, and they couldn't fall into their hands or their lives would be lost.

Three million, they can hire top international killers to kill themselves.

What should I do if I can't be caught by them again?

Huang Xing thought of a way to surrender!

That's right, that's how it is done. Even if you can't get the two million later, you have to go, and you can get the protection of the police once you get in. It's useless even if they send a killer.

Thinking of this, Huang Xing squatted here for a few hours before coming out quietly. He stood in front of the police station before dawn and he went in without hesitation.


"Boss, people are lost!"

"What? Haven't you caught it?"

After waking up from a nightmare, Rong Yongtian received a call from his subordinates, which made him startled in a cold sweat.

"Why you lost it, don't you get me back?" Rong Shao was furious.

The quality of sleep last night was not good, continuous nightmares, he was chased by the monster turned into hot pepper, and was eaten...The beautiful and beautiful Chen Wanru turned into a hot pepper...

"Our guy caught him last night, but he ran away later, and we didn't find it after looking for a few hours!" the subordinate said.


The subordinates did not dare to speak, it was indeed rubbish, and the boss was not to blame.

"Boss, what shall we do now?" the subordinate asked boldly.

"What to do? What to do? What else to do, get me back!" Rong Shao was furious.

"Yes Yes……"

"Fuck..." Shao Rong lost his phone, and it seemed that he was very angry.


Emotions can affect the condition. His anger is bound to affect his stomach, and his stomach hurts sharply.

He pressed the button on the hospital bed to call the nurse, and he wondered if he wanted to hire an escort.

The nurse came in quickly and saw the mobile phone on the floor and said, "What's the matter?"

Young Master Rong didn't speak.

"What the **** is going on?" the nurse asked again.

Rong Shao said, "My stomach hurts!"

"Didn't I tell you? Don't move, let alone get excited, or your stomach won't get better!" The nurse said in a bad tone.


"I, I, take some medicine if I can't stand it!" The nurse came and pressed him down and said: "Lie down, don't move, do you want to go to the bathroom? Can you go by yourself?"

The nurse had just finished the night shift and was very tired and sleepy. Her tone was not good, but she still cared about the patient.

"No need to eat, I can..."

"That's good!" The nurse said: "You can't eat anything else now, you can only eat some liquid food, don't cherish your body... There will be a dining car coming over, you call it yourself, your stomach will not hurt for a while , Lie down and don't move! Call me if anything happens."

The nurse said and left.

Rong Shao is worth hundreds of millions, and is drunk by a nurse who is paid several thousand a month. No matter how bad mood he is, he will be pressed down.

He didn't know about this at home, his cousin would not tell the family, nor would the bodyguards say, the injury was not very serious, and there was no need to mobilize people, otherwise it would be bad if the incident expanded.

So he was in the hospital by himself, and he could come out after lying down for a few days, and it wouldn't be a big problem to go to the selection at that time.

He was blindfolded after half an hour, because two policemen came in in the ward.

"Are you Rong Yongtian?" the policeman asked.

Rong Yongtian secretly said something was wrong, and it was uncomfortable that Zhang Feng called the police? No, didn't he ask for money?

What money can he get after calling the police? Could it be said that there will be some blackmail?

This is very possible.

"I, yes, I, I am..." Rong Yongtian dare not deny it, because the police can find here, naturally they can find his home. It is useless to struggle.

The police said: "You beat someone and was admitted to the hospital. The victim is unconscious, and you have to ask someone to replace it. The nature is very bad. Given that you are unwell, we can interview you here. If you Cooperate well, ten minutes will be fine! If you don’t cooperate, after a few days you will be well ill, you will be questioned again and the victim’s family will be held accountable.”

"I, I cooperate, cooperate..."

Shao Rong is almost desperate. He still can't let it go. Now he doesn't know if it was Zhang Feng's family who called the police, Huang Xing, or Chen Wanru?

It shouldn't be Chen Wanru. If it were her, she would come to say hello to herself in her style, and there would be two left.

The most likely one is Huang Xing, who ran away last night.

"That's good, let's start, soon, it will not affect your rest!" The policeman said: "At the same time, the informant is a real-name report. He accuses you of persecuting him. This is your other crime, specifically We will ask you next..."

"Can I ask, who is this person?" Rong Yongtian asked.

"Yellow Star!"

All of them have been reported under their real names, and the police can naturally say: "We will protect his personal safety, understand?"

This is beating Rong less.

"Yes Yes!"

It's him, it's him, this kid is looking for death, he will never let him go in the future, but is he protected by the police? Humph, I can't protect him for the rest of my life, how should I deal with him then?

It’s just that if you expand your selection, you will definitely fail, what should you do?

The key person is Zhang Feng, if he doesn't hold him accountable, nothing will happen.

Shouldn't it be possible to give him more money? After all, he was just so suddenly, but he was in a coma, which is difficult.

his family?

Check it out later.

Young Shao Rong felt very uncomfortable. Kyoto is indeed a place of right and wrong. There are pits everywhere, and once inadvertently, everything is lost.

"Dudu..." A message came from Rong Shao's cell phone.

It was the deduction information sent by the bank. Today, three million were deducted. Shao Rong felt a lot of pain. There are still several million. Is that credit card going to be maxed out?

"Mr. Rong, tell me what happened that night..."


"Brother Daozi, the yellow star has gone to the police!"

Brother Daozi got the news for the first time, he was very excited, just waiting for the bomb to explode, Brother Feng was as expected.

"now what?"

"The police have gone to the hospital to find Rong Yongtian!" the subordinate said.

The knife said: "Very good, well done, I will go to the hospital to find Brother Feng, you will keep an eye on me!"



A middle-aged couple is talking in the lobby of the old house of Rongjia, a southeast coastal city thousands of miles away.

"Why did Tian'er's credit card use so much money? What's the matter?" said the lady.

"In Kyoto, how can I open the road without money? The road is paved with money, and it is only a few million. Don't care. As long as he can gain a foothold in Kyoto, we can afford this little money!" The man was calm.

"But how long is it? He already took seven million in cash before he went to Kyoto, which is more than ten million!"

Women are very budget-conscious.

"Didn't he say that he has a relationship with the owner of the Red Star Club? This is an achievement, worth 10 million!" the man said.

"What is good about that woman? There is no background. There is only one club. Several clubs in our house are bigger than hers. I saw her photos. This woman must be that kind of woman. What if she is fascinated?"

"What are you worried about? This girl is not easy. The water in Kyoto is very deep, but she can swim more than enough in this muddy water, which shows that she is very powerful!"

"What's so great about that, she betrayed her hue to achieve her goal, a scheming woman..."

"Hehe, don't you think that the princes and buddies in Kyoto are all crotch? This girl is very mysterious!"

"Huh, what's the mystery..."

"Oh, what do you want to do so much? If Tian'er is really fascinated by her, isn't it still our check? Anyway, you have to pass our level, or you won't be able to enter the door of my Rong family! You still have to prepare Get ready, next month we will visit the old man's friend is the right way!"

"That's what I said!" The woman nodded and said, "He is already a man, what's the use?"

"He is useless, but his influence is still there, his family is still there, as long as he accepts us, then we can connect with their home, and there will be a good springboard in Kyoto in the future!"

"What about your Lin?"

"He? Hehe, he can't expect much, he can just say a word in the selection, don't ask for so much!"


Under the man's words, the woman's mind was settled.


"Brother Feng, the police have gone to Rong Yongtian, it was Huang Xing who called the police!"

The knife came to the hospital.

"Haha!" Zhang Feng just smiled.

The knife said again: "Brother Feng, you really expected things like a god, pit him to death and eat him to death!"

"Is that so?" Zhang Feng stared at him.

The knife was terrified, and he said quickly: "No, no, he asked for it!"

The companion is like the companion tiger, the knife is respectful and afraid of Zhang Feng.