Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2612: Infighting

In the bathroom.

\"I think Caldera’s girlfriend is pretty good, I don’t know if Caldera is serious!\"

Women care about these.

Zhang Feng said: \"Hehe, he likes it, he doesn't like it, it's okay, it's easy to get together and relax, but he likes it like that, this Amelia can be very kind!\"

Another term for kindness is also justice.

Can the righteous be worse? Naturally not, let alone very beautiful.

\"Yes, but I think she is very wary of you!\" Xu Qiuping said.

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Hehe, of course I'm alert, she can see that I am not a good bird!"

\"Hey, really? She doesn't understand that!\" Xu Qiuping also smiled:\"I think you are the best bird in the world!\"

\"is it?\"

\"Don't move, tell you business!\"

\"This is the business!\"


In Zhang Feng's view, everything was done so easily. The robbers on the war plane, the criminals around Karl Airport, and even the stupid careerist Wu Muza, and Abudu and his son.

These have all become Zhang Feng's chess pieces, one after another, interlocking with each other. It seems that he is just talking and talking, but in fact he has a strong backing and crushing strength.

\"Give me a cell phone!\" Zhang Feng said.


Xu Qiuping went to get the phone barely, Zhang Feng's eyes kept staring.

Holding the mobile phone in his hand, Zhang Feng dialed the number very seriously, and the other party quickly answered it.

\"Boss, what's the matter, are you here yet?\"

Zhao Qiang's voice came from the phone.

Xu Qiuping just now couldn't watch more like this. If you watch too much, you will be numb, and then you will lose interest.

\"How many fountains of life do you have?\" Zhang Feng asked.

\"There are quite a few, some have been booked!\" Zhao Qiang said: \"I will send it to you, how much do you want? See if I am enough here, if not enough, let me send it home!\"

\"Just one dose!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"You have someone send it to me and send it to Karl, I have a great use!\" Zhang Feng said.

Zhao Qiang said: "Carl, it's not very far. It's only a five-hour flight. I personally send it there. Anyway, I'm fine now, I'm so bored!"

\"That's good!\" Zhang Feng said.

Then Zhang Feng called Silgava and said that the fountain of life had appeared on the market in Karl and was about to be auctioned at the hotel to release the news.

Silgarva understood it and went to do it immediately.

\"Isn't it going to be sold to Hitola? Why is it auctioned again?\" Xu Qiuping asked.

Zhang Feng said: "Hehe, we didn't say to sell to them, and they didn't say to buy, right?"

\"Hey, I understand, you are good or bad...\" Xu Qiuping smiled:\"But, I like...\"

Men are lower body animals. Women understand this and do it. Many things will be easier to do.

They are all ordinary people, human nature, that's it, Zhang Feng is no exception.

\"Amelia didn't take Secretary Jiang and Emiko out to play, this Amelia is really lovely! \" Xu Qiuping flushed, trying to divert her attention to cover her shame and search for topics everywhere.

Zhang Feng said: \"Is a good girl, very enthusiastic!\"


\"You are also very enthusiastic!\"

\"is it?\"

\"Of course, it is now!\"

\"I hate it!\"


At this time, Siljava was spreading news everywhere. The news first came out of the road. Remember that it was Carl’s upper class. Carl was not very old and there were not many people. Almost all were in a circle. The news spread very well. fast.

Abu Du quickly got the news and immediately went to tell his father.

\"Father, my friend came to Carl to do business. He took the fountain of life to Carl to auction, and also set the address of the venue. The auction venue is currently underway, and many people have already been invited!\ "Abudu said.

\"What, auction? Very good, we want to get this fountain of life, no matter how much money we have!\" said Shitola.

Abu Du said: \"But father, we did not get the invitation to enter the venue!\"

\"Isn't he your friend? How could he not give it to you!\"

\"I do not know either!\"

Abudu is also very confused about this, shouldn't he have no one, isn't he a friend?

\"Why don't I ask?\" Abudu said.

\"No, if you ask, then your weight in his heart will be lighter, you have to show your strength! I still believe he will give it to you, wait and see!\"

\"Yes, father!\"

After Hitola left, he felt that this matter was a bit weird. Why didn't he auction it at another time? Was it because of what reason he wanted to auction at this time?

But after thinking about it, it feels nothing. Yesterday he said that he is a businessman and wants to do business in Karl. Now it is normal business activity to auction in Karl. Isn't it to give yourself a chance?

But it also gives others a chance.


Hitola's cell phone rang, and it seemed to him that the ID was his brother, Santoki.

\"My brother, how are you?\" Sandoz looked very enthusiastic.

\"Alright, is there something?\"

\"Yes, I have been looking for better drugs for my father, but I didn’t find it. Now I have found it. My good brother, I may not have enough money. Can you lend me some? Then I will become How about returning the prince to you and remembering your contribution?\"

\"What good medicine did you find?\" Sitola asked.

\"Yes, there is a medicine called the fountain of life, which was developed by the Orientals. Over the past year or so, many people have taken it. They have all been reborn. I want to buy it for my father, but I listen It is said that this medicine is very expensive, and it can be bought without money. Anyway, I have to have money first, do you have it? Lend it to me!\"

Shitola was surprised, it turned out to be this, and Sandoqi also had to compete with him, how could he lend him money?

But Hitola is Hitola, he thinks a little farther away, this Sandoz will use him no matter if Hitola can become the crown prince in the future, so Hitola said: \"There is a little bit, but you also Knowing that I am poor, you see, I have already spent a lot of money to get Abudu back...\"

\"I know about this, alas, who is going to deal with Abudu!\" Sandozzi didn't say much, as if there was a tacit understanding.

How could Sandoz not know about this? Citola sent him to the east to find some magical medicine. Hehe, he was still in the cemetery. Believing that legend was really ridiculous.

\"How much do you want, see if I can give it to you!\" Sitola said.

\"I’m not sure. The fountain of life has never been auctioned before. Even if it’s not auctioned, its price has now risen to more than 10 million U.S. dollars. The price generally fluctuates around 20 million, which is too expensive. Now, they put it out for auction this time, but the quantity is not large, it will definitely be very expensive!" Sandoz said embarrassedly.

\"So expensive!\"

\"Who said no, my brother, you have to help me!\"

\"But I heard that they need an invitation to enter this auction, have you got it?\"

\"Yeah, I got it, didn't brother get it?\"

\"Haha, no, maybe people think I'm too poor, I can't afford to invite me to it!\"

\"That's a shame, brother, how much can I give me? I promise to pay you back!\"

\"I can only give you two million, no more I will lose it!\"

\"Two million, that's okay!\"

\"I will definitely buy it!\"

\"Okay, I hope our father can get better with this medicine!\"

\"Most definitely!\"


The two brothers are playing haha, but among the many sons of the old king, Hitola has the best relationship with him. He usually walks around often, but the other side is fighting in secret.

Hitola gave him the money, and Sandoz also wrote an IOU to show his integrity, but Hitola didn't care.

But he is very worried, what if he is not invited?