Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2618: Don't provoke them!

The gunshot hit the wheel of a luxury car not far away. The people in this car were shocked and sent someone to get out of the car to watch.


The man got a headshot, blood splashed on the windshield, and once again frightened the people in the car and dared not move.

\"Boss, this, this...\" The driver trembled.

Maslow, who was sitting behind him, had a pale face and said nothing. He sent all the messages just now. All his people died. The people who came to Anthony also died. The people who hid in the dark finally That scream was daunting.

It's a sniper!

And this sniper has found his side.


At this moment, Maslow's cell phone rang, and it was Anthony.

Maslow said in a deep voice: \"Anthony...\"

\"Maslow, if you want to live, run quickly...Don't mess with Chinese people...\"

Anthony hung up before finishing talking.

Maslow sat there in a daze, not knowing when the phone fell, the co-pilot and the driver were both under him.

\"Boss, we, what shall we do?\" the driver asked.

The car had just one wheel blown out and it could barely drive.

\"Go!\" Maslow said:\"Go to the underground parking lot!\"


The car moved.


Another wheel was blown out.

\"Quick, quick...\"

The car went on.


The driver was hit in the chest, the car stopped moving, the bullet penetrated his chest, hit the chair, and penetrated the chair again, passing by Maslow's feet, scared him almost incontinent, cold sweat all over his body All come out.

If the bullet goes a little bit further, his life is gone. The bullet is so powerful that it penetrates a person, then penetrates the driver's chair, and sinks into the luxurious cushion under his butt.

The smell of blood and burning is permeating the air.

\"Boss, me, me, save me...\"

The driver was seriously injured. The bullet penetrated his chest. He still hadn't hit the heart but the lungs. He was now having difficulty breathing.

Maslow is an old world, and the sniper is within a hundred meters, so they can't escape at such a close distance.

If Maslow shouldn't be the driver, the driver felt that if he stayed here, even if he was not killed by a sniper, he would lose too much blood or suffocate.

So he came out, opened the car door, and fell down as soon as he stood up, still with a headshot, **** car door and steering wheel.

A few drops splashed on Maslow's face behind him. He stretched out his hand and looked at it. It was blood.

The driver is dead.

There is also a subordinate.

\"Quickly, call someone to come...\" Maslow said anxiously.

The subordinate reacted and called quickly.

The phone was just put on the ear.


Blood spattered, followed by screams.


His ears were cut off, and his mobile phone was also knocked off.


The screams made Maslow shudder, and the line of defense in his heart has collapsed. Is this Chinese person that terrifying? Why not kill yourself with a shot?


The bullet suddenly passed by Maslow's ear and burned to his ear.


Maslow dared not call out.

\"Boss, boss, what shall we do, what shall we do?\"

Death enveloped the car, and his men could no longer carry it. One hand covered his ears but it was useless. The blood still flowed from between the fingers.

Maslow didn't know what to do. He couldn't make phone calls, couldn't get out, so he could only wait for death in the car?

Usually no one will pass by at night in this location, let alone cars.

\"If you are afraid of death, go out!\" Maslow said.

He dared not speak anymore, go out? That is not to die. Two people have already died before, and they died so miserably.

At this moment, what is in Maslow's mind is what Anthony said before. Don't provoke Chinese people. Why didn't you listen to him in the first place?

Eight million, he paid so much price, all his subordinates died, even if he could go out alive this time, he would be bankrupt.

Can you live?

Maslow had no confidence, this sniper was so hot, he wanted to play, and when he got tired, he shot himself on the body.

Ha ha!

At this moment, he suddenly thought he was funny, and at last he was playing with other people.

In front of him, he can solve it with just a bullet.


Waiting for death to come, death will also look like a look.

But after waiting for a few minutes, no bullet came.

\"Boss, I don't want to die...\" the man in the passenger seat said.

Maslow said: \"Then you go!\"

\"But, what about you boss?\"

\"Don't worry about me, you go!\"

Maslow is still an old man at this time, is he really a good person? Haha, I thought too much, this subordinate also believed his words after thinking about it.

Then opened the door and went out.

No accident was headshot.

Maslow used him to test whether the sniper is still there. Now Maslow regrets why his car is not bulletproof.

But then I thought about it, even if it is really bulletproof, can it withstand it?


The bullet came again, and the bullet grazed Maslow's shoulder, only a few centimeters short of hitting his shoulder.


Then came another bullet, the other shoulder.

After a while, the bullets continued to hit, this time on the top of the head, on the belly...

Half an hour later, Maslow was hit by bullets all over his body, and there was almost no difference between each bullet and his skin.

Maslow's body was already soaked and he looked in a trance.

What kind of sniper is this!

Waiting, he didn't dare to move until dawn, his body was stiff until the police arrived.

No matter what the police questioned, he didn't say a word as if he was stupid.

In fact, the sniper left after lighting up the bullet. This Maslow was not qualified to let him squat for that long.

At this time, Zhao Qiang had arrived at the hotel where Zhang Feng was staying. He had eight million in cash. Oh, there are still seven million. Amelia did not take away one million in cash with him.

\"Zhao, you have a good rest first, the boss doesn't know that you are here, don't disturb him!\" Caldera said.

\"Okay, go and rest!\" Zhao Qiang said.

With seven suitcases on the sofa in the room, Zhao Qiang quickly calmed down and suddenly realized that he was still a bit reckless this time.

Even if Caldera and Silgarva take the shots, if Maslow's strength is stronger and there are more people, plus Anthony, the two local snakes, today's ending is not necessarily.

Tonight was a surprise, and got eight million.

How did Zhao Qiang win them eight million? I still rely on the microphone for help. They have a controller in their desks, and they are connected to the Internet so that they can do business together online and offline. The boss can also watch remotely in the office, which is controlled by a dedicated person.

It's just that the security level of their system is very high, but it's a pity that they met Mike.

This time, Mike helped Zhao Qiang to dare, so he would definitely win, otherwise he would get all the money in.

It's normal to bet on this kind of thing if you don't have any means to lose your net worth, and Zhao Qiang would not do that kind of unsure thing many years ago.


The phone vibrated, it was a message.

\"Goods to!\"