Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2693: talk later!

The hardest thing in the world to pay back is the favors, the relationships between favors, come and go endlessly, and will never be repaid unless they are old and dead.

Free things are often the most expensive, and Hitola understands this, especially the Chinese.

They do things very well and get closer to you first, and make your money unknowingly when they come and go.

Therefore, he has to pay back the kindness that Zhang Feng helped him indirectly.

When they arrived at the airport, everyone shook hands and said goodbye. After some greetings, Zhang Feng boarded the plane.

\"Father, will they come back?\"

Zhang Feng and Abu both asked after they got on the plane, and there were many things that could not be said in front of Zhang Feng.

\"You mean your friend Zhang?\"

Abudu nodded.

\"This is not important, what is important is his attitude towards us!\" Sitola said.

\"Father, I don't quite understand!\"

Hitola said: \"You will understand later, go, let's see your grandpa!\"

\"Yes, father!\"

Abu Du looked back at the Chinese man who had disappeared in the waiting room, recalling what happened during this period in his mind, as if in a dream.

Changed everything about him!

In the palace, the guard told King Hitola that he was walking in the back garden.

\"Oh, well, I'm waiting here!\" Sitola said.

The guard said: \"The king has ordered you to come and take you there, your highness, please!\"

\"it is good!\"

Hitola didn't doubt his father's ability at all, he knew everything about him.

The old king was walking in the palace garden, followed by the beautiful maid and the doctor staring in the distance.

\"You are waiting here!\" Sitola said to Abudu.


Hitola walked up to support the old king: "Father, you have a rest!"

\"It's okay, it would be better to walk for a while, I have never left like this, it feels good to be alive!\" said the old king.

\"That medicine is really useful, but unfortunately they are out of stock. I will buy some back next time when they still have the supply!\" Sitola said.

\"You can buy it, and you can use it in the future!\"

\"Father, my body is still very good!\"

\"Are they gone?\"

\"Yes, father! I went to Wanda, I gave them some weapons, this is what they asked for, no problem!\"

\"This is what you did right, I won't tell me, this person is extraordinary, don't stand on the opposite side of him!\" said the old king.

\"Yes, father!\"

\"But it doesn't have to be so good to him, we don't have to suffer, understand?\"

\"I understand!\"

\"What happened to the tomb?\"

\"Preliminary progress has been made!\"

\"Be faster, or we won't get anything!\"


\"I will hold a ceremony for you in a few days, and you have to prepare yourself! Go!\"


Hitola retired respectfully. In fact, he didn't understand why his father was so obsessed with the ancient tomb. Is there really any secret, more than just treasures?

As for the ceremony, it was just a procedure to announce that Hitola was the next king!

I don't know why Hitola couldn't be happy. He had been thinking about that moment for decades, but when he really got it, it didn't feel like that.

People are so contradictory.


In this desert country, there is only one season at the end of the year, and that is summer, and there are 300 days a year where the temperature stays at about 40 degrees every day, and the amount of rainfall is pitiful.

The underground resources in such a place are very rich, but the underground resources seem to have nothing to do with the locals, who are still very poor.

As soon as Zhuo Chaoyun came out of the mine, all his clothes were soaked with sweat.

\"Boss, let's go over there and take a break!\"

Those who don't follow behind said with concern.

\"it is good!\"

Wearing a helmet, Zhuo Chaoyun nodded and said, as he walked, he said: "The mine in Area A will be reinforced by 10%!"

\"In this case, the cost will increase by 20%!\"

\"Two achievements 20%, safety first!\" Zhuo Chaoyun said:\"Safety must be ensured, and food for workers must be provided!\"

\"Don't worry, boss, I will explain it!\"

Zhuo Chaoyun sat down in the rest area, drinking water while looking at the documents, very busy!

A middle-aged man came over now.

\"Chaoyun, why did you go to the mine again? Didn't you tell you not to go?\" the middle-aged man said.

Zhuo Chaoyun said without lifting his head: "Uncle, there is a safety hazard in Area A, I am not at ease!"

\"Our security level here is the best in the world!\"

The middle-aged person is the Zhuo family, and has been the general manager here for several years, Zhuo Yongxin.

\"There can be no accidents, no luck, otherwise it is the beginning of our end!\" Zhuo Chaoyun said: \"Can't let the industry that Zhang Feng has worked hard to destroy in my hands!\"

That's right, this is the industry that Zhang Feng worked hard for.

\"I am going to go to the mine, I will check it every day!\" Zhuo Yongxin said.

\"Uncle, this is yours, mine is different from mine!\"

\"I can't tell you!\" Zhuo Yongxin said:\"Tell you a news!\"

\"Can the soybeans be loaded into the car?\" Zhuo Chaoyun asked.

\"It can be installed tomorrow!\" Zhuo Yongxin said:\"It's another news!\"

\"Uncle, you said, you still sell Guanzi, I don’t want to hear you sell Guanzi here!\"

\"Zhang Feng will be there in one hour! \" Zhuo Yongxin said.

Zhuo Chaoyun finally raised his head: "Really?"

\"of course!\"


Zhuo Chaoyun laughed and smiled very happily. She has been here for more than a year. Every day, she keeps herself busy and tired just to prevent herself from missing Zhang Feng. But at night, she suffers. Missing is like a surging river. Continuously.

\"Do you want to pick him up?\" Zhuo Yongxin asked.

Zhuo Chaoyun said: \"No, he doesn't know the way!\"

\"Do you really need to go?\" Zhuo Yongxin asked again.

\"No need to!\"

\"Then really don't have to go!\"

\"Uncle, you are very long-winded today...\" Zhuo Chaoyun said: \"What are you supposed to do, do so much work!\"

\"Okay, I'm going...\"

Zhuo Yongxin, who has taken two steps, is back again: \"Chaoyun, there is a very serious matter, as an elder I have to say!\"

\"That said!\" Zhuo Chaoyun was still looking at the file.

The assistant behind her walked away wittily.

Zhuo Yongxin said: "When will you take Zhang Feng home to see your grandparents?"

Zhuo Chaoyun was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect his uncle to ask such a question. Uncle didn't know that Zhang Feng had many women.

What should I say about this? Although someone in the family knows Zhang Feng’s identity and also knows that Zhang Feng has other women, no one has said anything about it. The key lies in Zhuo Chaoyun’s attitude, because she is now the celebrity of the entire family and is regarded as the successor of the family. People, or people who matter.

So the thing about Zhang Feng depends on Zhuo Chaoyun's attitude and cannot go against her wishes.

Looking at his uncle's serious expression, Zhuo Chaoyun said: "Let's talk more!"