Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2739: I did not do it on purpose!

She didn't think of a good way until Charles came out of the commissary. Just now, she thought of a lot of pictures in her mind. She lit his commissary and burned him to death, drove him to death, and put him in the fire. Burn to death, shoot him...

She is not a murderer, how could she have a brilliant plan of murder?

\"How about? He came out, do you want me?\" Zhang Feng smiled and said: \"I can kill him with a small bamboo stick!\"

Zhang Feng held his saber in his hand and cut the bamboo, which was used for skewers.

\"Do not care!\"

\"A rare opportunity!\"

\"To shut up!\"

Zhuo Chaoyun is anxious, this person is so annoying, now Zhuo Chaoyun has not figured out a good way to come, the key is that she seems to be unable to do it.

Charles came over to sit by the fire and eat. Now many people eat skewers casually. There is not much meat here. There is a small village within a radius of tens of kilometers. They also Can't eat much.

And they don't kill indiscriminately, or catch a lot of them and transport them outside to sell. They usually catch as much as they eat, maintaining an ecological balance.

Even Charles will not break the balance here after he comes here.

Seeing Charles eating there with gusto, he put most of the meat skewers and bamboo skewers in his mouth, and finally took out the skewers, a full bite, very satisfied, Zhuo Chaoyun slowly walked over in a ghostly spirit. .

Charles didn't think there was any problem with this. This beautiful woman just walked around. He wanted to get this Oriental woman, but reality told him to calm down. He heard that the man was very powerful, and Charles wouldn't joke about his life. .

Turning around the fire, thinking about **** him better, Zhang Feng was also a little nervous at this time, paying attention to Zhuo Chaoyun and Charles, and if Charles had any changes, he would immediately kill him. .

It is very easy for Zhang Feng to be a person like Charles at a distance of a few meters. The dagger in his hand can make him different.


At this moment, the wood in the fire burst and made a loud noise, and Zhuo Chaoyun, who was walking by the side thinking about things, was frightened and screamed...


Then Zhuo Chaoyun's body did not know how to jump up, her legs were unstable when she fell, and she stepped on a rock, so her body fell backward.

The person sitting behind him was Charles. After Zhuo Chaoyun fell down, he pressed on Charles' body. At this time, Charles was eating meat with the bamboo stick still in his mouth. Zhuo Chaoyun's back was pressed against the bamboo. When the weight of a hundred catties was pressed down, the bamboo stick in Charles's mouth was pressed forward and the pointed end of the bamboo stick came out of Charles's head.

Da da... ahem...

Charles struggled, and everyone didn't know what was going on. They saw the white-skinned girl falling down. They hurried over to help her up, but Zhang Feng sat there calmly.

When Zhuo Chaoyun stood up, he saw Charles's body still twitching, his eyes were staring at her tightly, with bamboo sticks in his mouth, and a lot of blood flowed out.

\"Ah, this, this...\" Zhuo Chaoyun was terrified, dead.

The people around were also stunned, could it kill people? And it was Charles, and they did not respond.

Charles's two subordinates stood by and they were hesitating whether to take revenge for the boss, but after seeing the people around them, they didn't take any action.

And they glanced at Zhang Feng here, because Zhang Feng was staring at them at this time. If they did, they would die immediately. Zhang Feng went up and pulled Zhuo Chaoyun away.

These two people are locals. Killing them will arouse public anger. Zhang Feng doesn't want to kill them.

It turned out that these two people didn't do anything. Maybe they were afraid of Zhang Feng, or maybe they thought what would happen even if they were revenge? There is no benefit.

Both of them reacted quickly to the commissary and Charles's house to get things, followed by a lot of people, the scene was a little chaotic, and Zhuo Chaoyun had already reached Zhang Feng's side.

Zhuo Chaoyun trembled with fright.

\"Uh, uh, I didn't mean it, I really don't want to kill him...\" Zhuo Chaoyun was not very clear.

Zhang Feng said: \"Didn't you always plan to kill? Now that he died and you killed it, wouldn't it be great?\"

\"No, it's not like this...\" Zhuo Chaoyun said.

\"How is that like?\"

\"I, I don't know...\"

\"Hey, I really didn't expect you to use such a method, even I can't think of it, it's too powerful, it seems I still underestimate you! \" Zhang Feng smiled.

\"No, I didn't want to kill him like that!\" Zhuo Chaoyun was still nervous, seeing Charles's body lying there without anyone paying attention, she was scared again.

Zhang Feng asked: \"Then how do you want to kill him?\"

\"I, I don't know, I haven't thought of it yet!\"

\"Hey, he didn't lose money if he died like this!\"

Zhuo Chaoyun gave him a white look and said: "Hmph, you are still smiling, people are very scared!"

\"Well, don't laugh, you were brave just now!\" Zhang Feng said repeatedly.

\"Where is it? It's just an accident, how can you be brave?\"

\"Same, same, Charles is dead!\" Zhang Feng said.

Zhuo Chaoyun glanced at him again and said, "Is it really dead?"

\"Really is!\"

\"Did I kill him?\"


\"Am I a murderer?\"



\"Ha ha!\"

Zhang Feng smiled.

To be honest, this is Zhuo Chaoyun's murder in the true sense, although this is a heinous person.

\"It's okay, I get used to it slowly!\" Zhang Feng said comfortingly.

Zhuo Chaoyun said: "Can you get used to this?"

\"Yes! I'm used to it!\"

\"You are you!\" Zhuo Chaoyun glared at him.

At this moment, two strong men said that Charles's body was carried away, and they didn't know where to carry it. They came back within ten minutes, probably not far away, and threw it into the grass to the wolf.

An older man came and spoke to Zhuo Chaoyun. He was speaking in the native language, and neither of them understood, but it was not malicious to see him like that, and the tone of his speech was soft as if he was comforting Zhuo Chaoyun. , And lightly patted Zhuo Chaoyun on the head, and then walked away.

It calmed down very quickly, as if the things that hadn’t happened just now, Zhuo Chaoyun was very uncomfortable, and said softly: "Are they very indifferent? Someone died after all!"

\"Haha, it’s not indifference, it’s an attitude towards life, let alone Charles is a bad person, even if a good person dies, they won’t be overly sad. If you seek revenge on you, it’s useless and will cause trouble. They are people who live in the moment and enjoy the life of the moment, so there will be no burden in their hearts!\"

\"Will it be the same if it were their relatives?\" Zhuo Chaoyun asked.

\"It depends on the situation, people will also be angry, at most we will run away!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Then what you said just now is for nothing!\"

\"Are there?\" Zhang Feng asked: \"Maybe Frederick’s people are almost here!\"

Zhang Feng changed the subject very skillfully.