Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2785: Too risky

While eating in the company canteen, Zhang Feng had been thinking about what Chen Wanru said just now, and now he jumped out of a Talavi, who is not an ordinary person.

It's really a headache, there are people to do everything!

\"Eat first, what do you think about!\" Zhuo Chaoyun said beside him.

Zhang Feng said: \"Senior Sister just called...\"

After briefly talking about what Chen Wanru said just now, Zhuo Chaoyun said: "Hehe, I think we are robbing them?"

\"is it?\"

Zhuo Chaoyun said: "That's not it? Didn't it mean that people have been looking for decades? We only searched for a few days? And we have already made the first step. If Taravi is changed, I will never let Zhang go. Peak yours!\"

\"Is that so cruel?\"

Zhuo Chaoyun said: \"As far as the legend is concerned, even if it is only a legend, it is possible. The most attractive thing these years is this kind of obscure thing. Which is more important than Zhang Feng in the world? Does he not destroy you and keep it for fun?\"

\"That's what I said!\" Zhang Feng said: \"Do you think we can win?\"

\"Where do I know this?\" Zhuo Chaoyun asked him back:\"Eating and eating...\"


In fact, Zhang Feng is still thinking about a question. Since Culisman and Taravi know each other and they are both looking for this tomb, are they in contact?

If they cooperate, it will be troublesome, because it is impossible for this person to change his plan or even feel pity for Zhang Feng to save them!

Impossible, Currysman is a politician, and at the same time a hero.


Chen Wanru sent him a text message containing Talawi information. After reading it carefully, Zhang Feng found that Talawi had been in contact with Culisman.

And Chen Wanru also said that the fountain of life has not been able to continue to be produced, and that it could have been exchanged with Tarawi, at least it might be useful at critical times.

Zhang Feng called Chen Wanru and said: "Give me a dose of the fountain of life!"

\"Do you want to fool him?\" Chen Wanru understood Zhang Feng's intentions at once.

Zhang Feng said: \"It was real before he saw the Fountain of Life. When I saw it, I told him it was fake!\"

\"Too risky!\" Chen Wanru said.

Zhang Feng said: \"It may not be available then!\"

\"Okay, I'll run it for you!\" Chen Wanru said:\"Are you not going to pick up Alice back?\"

He changed the subject all at once, and Zhang Feng responded quickly: \"I plan to, but there is no time to pass now...\"

\"up to you!\"

Chen Wanru was very helpless. Yun Qian had said this several times. Although she was just chatting at home, she really hoped that Zhang Feng could not let her down.

None of them hoped that Zhang Feng would become the kind of person who left after sleeping with his pants.

\"At least not now, this action is very dangerous, you can't take her!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Whatever you want!\" Chen Wanru said again.

All are excuses. This is the case in women's eyes. They women don't want so much, they just want one, love or not, answer or not.

As for the danger, they don't consider it.

And they will say that I am not afraid of danger, you are a man, what are you afraid of? If you don't want to pick me up, just say it, don't rectify those useless.

This is like a female driver who has an accident while driving. They always have their own ideas and reasons.

The key is that these thoughts and reasons make people doubt life.

What a woman calls "whatever" is actually the least random and the most difficult.


\"Go home first!\"

The next day Zhang Feng said to Zhuo Chaoyun: "Hui Meizi will send you back to China, and then will come to Switzerland to join us!"

\"Good!\" Zhuo Chaoyun did not twitch.

Zhang Feng: \"We will still be successful this time, don't worry!\"

\"I know!\"

Several people came to the hospital to pick up Snyder. He was ready. He was waiting for Zhang Feng in a wheelchair. When he saw Zhang Feng coming, he was very happy and said: "You are finally here, can you leave?"

Seeing that he couldn't wait, Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Of course we can, let's go!"

Behind Zhang Feng stood Caldera and Silgarva.

\"I'll push you out!\" Zhang Feng stood behind Snyder's wheelchair and pushed the wheelchair.

Snyder didn't say anything. He accepted Zhang Feng's service. This time he felt a sense of superiority because it was his things that he went to get.

There is money or other things in it, I have already said that if it is money, he will take it, if it is something else, it will be given to Zhang Feng.

Snyder also thought if that thing is more valuable than money?

He doesn't know what to do, let's talk about it then.

From the hospital, I went straight to the port. This time by sea, it was two to three hundred kilometers from the hospital to the port. Zhang Feng didn’t need Zhuo Chaoguang’s escort. Silgava personally drove, while Zhuo Chaoyun followed the returning convoy and the fleet back home. , This is the safest.

With Emiko by her side, she can be safe and sound. No one in this world can make small movements under Emiko's nose.

\"Will there be thieves?\"

Snyder was worried on the way, otherwise he would be arrested like last time.

\"No, because the road we are walking on is often patrolled by the police! \" Zhang Feng said: \"You can rest assured!\"

\"That's good!\"

It didn't take long before I saw a lot of policemen on the side of the road, and after a while I saw a group of soldiers training.

How dare a thief appear in such a place?

Zhang Feng said: "Snyder, can you tell me about your grandfather? Anyway, the journey is very boring. We will go by sea. It will be much safer. It will take several days to arrive!"

\"of course can!\"

In fact, Snyder doesn't like to take a boat very much, but Zhang Feng said that it is safer to take a boat. Compared with airplanes, the dangerous factors do not come from airplanes, but from competitors.

Then Snyder began to talk, starting from a young age.

From his tone of voice, Zhang Feng could think that Snyder didn't like his homeless grandfather, but enjoyed the lowest social welfare, government relief.

Naturally, there is nothing to like. Snyder can go to school to study on his own. In general, Andrisian did nothing but bring him back to raise him. Snyder often went hungry, and because of stealing as a child And getting caught often happens.

It seems that he has a very bad childhood, but Zhang Feng feels that he is much better than the children in the mountains in China.

Zhang Feng said: \"You should thank him, otherwise you would starve to death or freeze to death on the street!\"

\"Really?\"Snyder doesn't admit it:\"Maybe I was picked up by a wealthy couple?\"

\"This probability is very small, because the place you just mentioned will not be rich in passing there, what do you think? I think if it weren't for him, he would starve to death and be eaten by rats and the like!\"

Snyder said: "Then I should thank him, but he is dead!"

\"After that, you should go to his grave and give him a bunch of flowers!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Yes, Zhang, you are right!\" Snyder used to call Zhang Feng directly by his last name.

Most foreigners call Chinese people like this, but some Chinese people also take English names.

\"Zhang, what do you think he will leave me?\" Snyder was still curious and seemed to be unable to wait.