Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2820: Strange snow mountain

Today, after a busy day, everyone was very tired and after a little news, they went to bed and it was quiet at night.

Zhang Feng lay on the roof of the car and smoked. He likes to lie down on a high place thinking about things, looking at the vast night sky, spitting out white smoke from his mouth. He can fly with his thoughts and think about things better.

The night was colder, Zhang Feng's body was covered with a thick layer of snow, but Zhang Feng did not feel cold, and the quality of the clothes he wore was also very good.

They woke up early the next morning when the sound of a helicopter came from a distance. They were very vigilant.

Zhang Feng patted Erha on the head and said: "It's okay, that's ours!"

Erha then relaxed and lay down on the snow.

Guo Hai got off the plane and reported to Zhang Feng: "Brother Feng, I didn't bring snow melting agent, but I brought something more useful!"

\"I don't care about this, as long as I can melt the snow on the mountain, I only give you half a day!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Yes!\"Guo Hai said:\"Brother Feng, please go down the mountain!\"

Ever since he got off the helicopter, Guo Hai has been thinking about the big wolf dog beside Zhang Feng, which is not like a wolf dog because it is murderous.

And there are many more behind, this is a pack of wolves!

\"I collected it halfway!\" Zhang Feng said: \"Now you have to let people go back, try to get as much meat as possible for them, this time it’s up to Erha to get here quickly!\"


Guo Hai's injury was almost good, but he was not very quick to walk. He asked people to get things off the plane, and then sent them back, returning within a time limit.

Caldera and the others came to help and sprinkled all the chemicals they got on the snow, and immediately there was a reaction that the snow began to melt quickly.

\"Will it pollute the environment?\" Zhang Feng asked Guo Hai.

Guo Hai said: "No, it's just that hydrogen chloride and some ingredients are added to the high-concentration salt. I don't understand the specifics. Anyway, it works!"

\"That's good!\"

Zhang Feng was under the mountain, watching a lot of flowing down from the mountain, and already reacted.

\"Ho ho, no need to dig, Guo Hai, you did a good job!" Caldera also smiled happily.

He was still worried last night, when will he dig a mountain? The key is no good.

Now that I have this thing, I can see the church in a few hours. What kind of church is buried under the snow?

\"There is a church below?\" Guo Hai asked.

Zhang Feng said: \"Tarawi said it, and it was brought by Erha. Obviously there is a church here!\"

Zhang Feng's words made Talavi sitting there very uncomfortable. Believe that Erha doesn't believe me?

Or if it is true, Erha will not deceive people, but your Tarawi will not necessarily come, there must be a lot of bad water in your stomach.

"How can there be a church in this place, it's weird!" Guo Hai said.

Zhang Feng said: "If it's not surprising, I won't come. I saw someone else last night, and they escaped my chase!"

\"So, Brother Feng, I always feel that this church has a big problem, and it's dangerous. The ghost knows what's down there!\" Guo Hai said.

\"I've come here, do you just go back like this?\"

The key is that Chen Wanru said that the matter of s organization, and she also knows that Tarawi has something to do with it, this matter cannot be abandoned halfway, it is not Zhang Feng's style.

\"Do you want me to bring some more weapons when I let them come?\"

\"it is good!\"

Guo Hai's suggestion is very good. It is always good to have a weapon next to him. Zhang Feng's car does not have any weapons. If the opponent is crowded, it is always good to have fire cover.

Whether they are humans or ghosts, cover them first.

\"Take as much as you can, and also, bring more food to our wolf friends so that they can spend the winter well!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Yes!\" Guo Hai said:\"Brother Feng, those are the legendary snow wolves. They rarely appear in front of humans. They will not approach humans when they are not a last resort. I think it is not because food!\"

\"Oh, is it Snow Wolf?\" Zhang Feng smiled:\"This name is good!\"

\"Yes, I don’t know how Brother Feng tamed them, this is amazing!\"

Guo Hai looked admired.

\"I also feel magical!\" Zhang Feng looked at Erha beside him and said to it:\"Really? Erha?\"

Erha just looked up at Zhang Feng, no other reaction, kind of silly!

But if you think this is a stupid and stupid dog, you are wrong. This is a snow wolf that is ferocious than lions and tigers, and it is very big.

It is like a fight between a lion of the same size and a wild boar. It is normal that a lion cannot beat a wild boar.

But why do people think that lions are better than wild boars?

It's very simple. Lions eat meat. Wild boars eat everything except meat. Lions eat wild boars, but wild boars don't eat lions.

Guo Hai doesn't think this Erha is not a good dog, don't annoy him, it is the head wolf of dozens of wolves, what scene is there when dozens of wolves attack together?

They can't be destroyed without heavy weapons, and of course it is not necessary now.

The melting of snow on the mountain accelerated, large chunks of snow flowed down with the water, and a small avalanche occurred on the edge of the cliff.

\"I look at the snow-capped mountains very strange!\" Guo Hai said.

\"Didn’t you just say it?\" Caldera asked:\"Can you change the subject?\"

\"It was the church just now, did you mean the snow on the mountain?\" Zhang Feng asked.

\"Yes!\" Guo Hai said:\"The snow on the mountain was poured by someone!\"

\"I can see it?\" Zhang Feng smiled.

\"Yes, so obvious!\" Guo Hai said.

They looked around, and then they found out that it was real. The snow on the mountain was poured by people. Who can do such a big project?

The mountain and church are getting more and more fascinating.

\"But, what if it was summer?\" Guo Hai asked.

Obviously this church is what those people are trying to cover up. Snow can be used when winter comes, but does the snow melt in summer?

This question can't figure out.

Zhang Feng said: \"They have no summer!\"

Everyone didn't understand Zhang Feng's words and didn't ask again. Looking at this grand scene together, a snow-capped mountain was melting.

Siljava said: "I was thinking when they will appear?"

\"They dare to come and kill them!\" Caldera said: \"Unfortunately, I don't have a heavy machine gun in my hand. The three-tube machine gun, just enough bullets!\"

Zhang Feng said: \"I have asked my brothers to go back and get it, this time we can't suffer!\"

\"But, do I think bullets are useful to them?\" Silgarva asked such a question.

Everyone looked at him strangely. In fact, Caldera also had this idea in their hearts, because it was too mysterious.

The bullet may be really useless to them, but Caldera and the others can only use this, no other weapons.