Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2834: Headshot

The task is cancelled.

"How could it be impossible to kill?" Caldera looked incredulous: "Are they zombies?"

"No!" Zhang Feng said.

"Boss, I don't think they will come out during the day!" Caldera said.

Zhang Feng thought for a while and said, "Well, in that case, let's go see it again."

"Let Silgarva lie in wait first!"


The two made a simple plan. Sylgava moved. They studied the retreat route, and Sylgava continued to set up an ambush on the side of the road.

Although it seems useless now, because they are undead.

I went to see the car hidden under the mountain. I opened the door of the snow and did not find Abudu and Tarawi inside.

"Boss, where did they go?" Caldera asked.

Zhang Feng shook his head and said, "I don't know either!"

No trace of them can be found, their footprints have long been covered by the university.

"Could it be caught by those people in white?" Caldera asked.

"It should be not, because the car is intact and there is no trace of fighting. No matter what, the two of them can still fight against the white man." Zhang Feng said: "And the car has guns!"

"Did it go away? Talavi took Abu Du and ran away?" Caldera asked again.

"Silgarva is the only way out of the snowy field. If they go out Sylgarva, will they not find it? Going north is looking for death. There are so many beasts in the snowfield, even if there are no beasts, they will be hungry. Frozen to death!"

"Yes, there is only one explanation now, and that is being caught by the man in white!"

Zhang Feng suddenly remembered what Chen Wanru said the day before yesterday to be careful of Talav. Is it really him?

"Get out of the car!" Zhang Feng said, "Go inside again!"

"it is good!"

Cars are the best means of transportation out of the snowy field. Without a car, it will take several days to get out, and you are still carrying Erha.

Caldera carried Erha on his shoulders, put it on the car, and quietly touched the cliff behind the mountain with Zhang Feng.

The two corpses in the cave were gone. In fact, Zhang Feng said that he wanted to get the two corpses back. They are now gone, so he can't just leave it alone.

"Boss, I'll go in and see!" Caldera still wanted to go in.

It's dangerous inside, maybe those people are inside.

"Go in together and be vigilant!"

Zhang Feng didn't think so much about such a risky action, and touched them again. If he could get a corpse and go back, he would be fine.

Going in according to yesterday's route, the inside is already empty, and no one in white is seen.

"Boss, they are not there, are they hiding? Do we want to look for any treasures!" Caldera said.

"it is good!"

How can a rare opportunity be missed? The two went to the hall over there, and after searching for a while, they didn't find anything useful, and there were no antiques.

"Where did they go? Did they hide in the dark room? Don't you dare to come out during the day, but only at night?"

Zhang Feng didn't speak, and he didn't know about it. The two encounters were at night.

There should be a dark room here, but I can't find it.

"Go, don't look for it!" Zhang Feng said.

Just as the two were about to go out, a door suddenly opened on one wall, and many arrows flew out of it.

Shoo, countless arrows shot over, Zhang Feng and the two reacted quickly, and quickly hid behind the stone.

"Boss, you go first!" Caldera grabbed the big stone and threw it over, turned and left.

At this time, Zhang Feng also withdrew, and they would not chase it out when there was sunshine outside.

Soon they stopped outside and looked back inside the cave. A group of white-clothed men with long swords burst out from the inside, unable to see their faces.

They rushed out of the hole.

"Go!" Zhang Feng was shocked.

There are more than a dozen people in white clothes outside the cave, they have been waiting here, waiting for the rabbit!

"I'm coming..." Caldera can do it.

They have been surrounded.

"Go!" Zhang Feng shouted again.

Caldera said angrily: "Don't go!"

Saying that he took out his pistol and fired it bang, but it didn't work. The man in white attacked as if nothing had happened.

At this time, Zhang Feng had already fought with these people, fighting them back to back.

"Haha, I may have to explain here today!" Zhang Feng shouted loudly. Several pictures flashed in his mind. The first one dreamed of the mother who couldn't see her face when he was a child. The second picture was many years ago. When I went to Southwest University to register, I saw Hu Xinting the first time, he was a dumpling from the country. Hu Xinting smiled at her, and it was this smile that was deeply imprinted in his mind.

"Boss, I'm worth it in this life!"

Caldera also said.

"It's been a long time since I saw your sister!"

"she's fine!"

Caldera went to Da Hei Quan for his sister and met Zhang Feng.

"Ha ha……"

"Haha, I'm luckier than Silgarva, he's still a first-time boy, haha..."

The two were fighting while talking. At this time, Caldera had already grabbed a long sword from the other side. Caldera became extremely ferocious with the epee in his hand. It was no problem that the long sword slashed on those people. They continued to fight.

"Kill out..." Caldera came with confidence.

Both of them were wounded, Caldera blocked Zhang Feng a lot, and there was a lot of blood on the ground.

The man in white was able to draw his sword very fast. If Zhang Feng kept throwing out the nails, Zhang Feng's broken dagger could not be stopped, and soon he grabbed the long sword in his hand.

The long sword is over one meter seven and weighs several tens of catties.

Epee has a sharp edge.


The two fought and retreated.

Zhang Feng said: "Go!"

"No, my queen!" Caldera said angrily.

"Go!" Zhang Feng said angrily: "This is an order!"

Caldera did not hesitate to withdraw and left, then ran wildly, and looked back, Zhang Feng was already surrounded.

"Ah..." Caldera killed him again. This time he carried a dead wood in the snow and rushed over and threw it at the crowd, yelling: "Boss..."

Two hundred catties of dead wood were thrown out, and seven or eight people were overwhelmed at once. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Feng pulled out of the encirclement and ran!


The two ran hurriedly. They are not afraid of the sun, they are not zombies or the like. If they mess around, how can this world have this thing?

On the route to Sylgava, the white-clothed man in the back chased him.

"Boss, why are they not afraid of the sun?" Caldera said as he ran.

"I don't know! Go away!"

Zhang Feng was muttering in his heart. I guess he won't be able to leave this time, and Silgarva is useless.

One step is considered one step.

Continuing to run wildly, the people in white clothes behind them kept shooting arrows. If it were not for the many trees in the forest, the two of them could not escape so far.

At this time, Siljava, a few kilometers ahead, was already waiting.

This position is between the two mountains. He set up an ambush on the top of the highest mountain. The sight is not blocked. The effective range can cover the entire valley. There are plenty of bullets. The two of them have passed more than an hour, and the car stopped outside the valley. Must pass.

Undead? Will they show up during the day? Will they run into the boss?

Undead? Does my bullet have an effect on them?

Many question marks circulated in Silgarva's mind, this time hell, Silgarva cursed.


Silgarva saw two people running wildly in the valley, followed by a group of people in white, who kept shooting bows and arrows.

When I saw these people for the first time, Silgarva felt no sense. When he fired the first shot, he would expose the target and move his position.

Silgarva planned a retreat before firing a shot, which is a necessary quality for a top sniper.

The enemy's speed is getting faster and faster, and it is less than a hundred meters away from Zhang Feng. They must shoot to slow their speed.

"Not shooting yet..."

Caldera was panting, he was sprinting at a speed of fifty meters, shuttled through the woods, and had to evade the bows and arrows behind him, and his back was chilly.

So Caldera broke out all the way, so that it would not be tired? But even so, the white-clothed people in the back were getting closer and closer, and Caldera pinned his hopes on Syljava in this valley, otherwise he couldn't get out of the valley.

He seemed to have forgotten that these people couldn't kill them, at least Zhang Feng couldn't kill them last night.


With a dull sound, the snow in front of Sylgava was shaken, and the strong backlash of the gun shook Sylgava's body back ten centimeters.

The man in white who was chasing Caldera turned to one side and never got up again.


Then came the second man in white.

Caldera looked back and exclaimed in surprise: "Haha, bullets are useful, bullets are useful...Silgarva, grandma's, it's up to you in the critical moment..."