Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2836: It's over

There were a lot of people in white clothes, more than 100 people, and the dense arrows continued Zhang Feng. They didn't dare to counterattack. They could only shoot blindly with their guns from time to time, which could delay their attack to a certain extent.

They lost a lot of people and didn't dare to attack.

Zhang Feng would never admit his fate, even at this moment.

After they came up, Zhang Feng still had to fight to the death, he had to pull a few backs no matter what.

Caldera didn’t make a call. He didn’t even bother to make a call now. The machine gun fired, but his bullets suppressed them and did not dare to attack. There was no blockage on the road tens of meters behind the stone. They would be a live target when they came up. .

Now they are also very smart to consume the bullets of the Caldera trio. It is only a matter of time before they are caught. Maybe they can still catch alive.

"Caldera, are there any bullets?" Zhang Feng shouted.

Caldera said: "Not much."

"Let them come up and fight!"


The gunshots stopped, and the people in white clothes behind didn't have any use to release arrows. They seemed to be so stalemate.

They weren't that stupid. They quickly figured out a way. They crawled over on the ground so that the bullet would not be able to hit.

"They're here, what should I do?" Caldera asked.

Siljava said: "Keep it close before hitting!"

"it is good!"

Caldera made up his mind to give them a shuttle and reimburse them all.

Save bullets and see how many of them come up.

The outcome of this battle is not certain.

No matter when Caldera is optimistic, he is thinking about the big deal in his heart, and will not think too much about other things.

It can be said that his brain nerves are relatively thick. The so-called wide-hearted and fat body is the reason. No matter what happens, he will not think so much, so his body has been very good since childhood.

Attitude determines everything.

The same is true now, allowing him to deal with the enemy with one heart.

Relatively speaking, Silgarva was more relieved. He could raise the gun and shoot at the sound of the enemy's footsteps, but Caldera disrupted Silgarva when he shot, and the enemy continued to touch it.

When they were less than tens of meters away, enemies appeared on the left and right wings at the same time. They ran down from the mountain, shooting arrows while running.

However, the range of the bow and arrow was limited, and the arrow did not reach them, but as the white-clothed man attacked, the range of the bow and arrow was shortened.

Caldera's muzzle had been turned around, and the barrel was blazing. They lay down and did not dare to move forward. They were temporarily suppressed, and Silgarva and Zhang Feng stuck on the other side.

"There are no bullets!" Caldera said loudly.

Siljava said: "It makes you careless!"

"Can this be saved? Pull the trigger and dozens of bullets went out. Did I control it? This should be done in normal times..." Caldera couldn't say it anymore.

Siljava said: "Get on the bayonet!"

"My gun is a bayonet!" Caldera said.

At this moment they came up again, Caldera shot the last wave of bullets, and then the machine gun just turned the tube and didn't eject.

"Grandma's calf is over..." Caldera cursed.

Without a bullet, he suddenly felt insecure, so he took a bayonet? Can someone fight a bayonet? The bow and arrow cover everything.

Silgarva was very calm. He closed his eyes and there were no bullets on Zhang Feng's side. There were only steel nails, which were not very effective at long distances.

Now they have reached the last minute, and they have reached the point where they can pull the back.

The people in white continue to attack carefully. They are smart and will not attack blindly. Knowing that these people are the end of the battle, but they are still very careful because many of their companions have died. This has never happened before. You must be careful to reduce the sacrifice. At the lowest level, kill these three invaders, and you can't let them go out alive.

"Feng, Feng, go fast, go fast..."

At this moment, Abudu's voice came from the stone, and then Abudu's voice was never heard again.

"Abudu, Abudu..."

"Why is Abu Du over there?"

"how is this possible?"

The three of them were very puzzled. Zhang Feng had already thought about it at this time, it must be Taravi!

He calculated it!

Zhang Feng was very angry, very annoyed, and slapped himself, believing Tarawi too much!

"Boss, it must be Taravi..."

Silgarva thought about it too.

"Yes, it's him!" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice, now most wanting to kill Talawi.

The enemy is approaching step by step, they don't release their bows and arrows, do they want to catch Zhang Feng alive? They have arrested Abudu.

Oh, it's impossible.

The people in white jumped through the stone, and then tore with Zhang Feng. Their weakness was their heads. They would die if they burst their heads, but their strength was so strong that Zhang Feng could not twist their heads.


Silgava fired two shots and no bullets. Two shots killed two enemies and he made a profit.

The enemy rushed up, Caldera and Silgarva also came into contact with the white-clothed people. A close battle was not fierce. Caldera’s arm was out of use, and the other hand was waving a heavy machine gun as a weapon. After fanning a few people in white, they quickly stood up and continued to join the battle.

They had long swords, and Caldera and Silgarva had long guns, and they fought back to back.

Zhang Feng was miserable. A dozen people in white surrounded him. He hadn't been able to kill a man in white, and he couldn't grab their sword.

They have long swords and the length of their arms. Zhang Feng's skill is no longer able to get close to them. After all, their long swords are too dense. This is the advantage of the large corps spear team against short swords.

In the Cold Weapon Era, the Pikemen can fight the cavalry charge, let alone ordinary infantry.

Even with such a large number of people in white clothes, they couldn’t help Zhang Feng. They couldn’t hurt Zhang Feng. After fighting for a while, the three of them united in one place. Relying on these large rocks, hundreds of people in white clothes couldn’t help Zhang Fengsan. people.


There is the cry of wolf now.

"Are the wolves coming?" Caldera asked.

"No, this is not the voice of Erha's wolf pack, but the voice of another wolf. The voice is hoarse..." Zhang Feng said, "Be careful..."

The next moment the white-clothed man retreated and the ground shook.

"Be careful, rely on the stone..." Zhang Feng shouted.

A few seconds later, a group of huge wolf-like beasts rushed over, a giant wolf a circle bigger than Erha, with blue eyes, long fangs, and a rancid smell, which made people nauseous, if not three. If a person's concentration is strong, he will be stunned, let alone fighting.

"What..." Caldera was shocked, never seen such a ferocious animal.

Siljava said: "Like the undead, these wolves have mutated!"

"Mutated wolf?"

Talking while fighting, because there are huge rocks blocking them, too many giant wolves can't play much role at night. The three of them faced only a few wolves. They rushed over and were shot by the heavy machine gun in Caldera's hand.

Their combat effectiveness is even worse than that of the white-clothed man, but the giant wolf is also unkillable, even if half of the face is knocked off, it is very fierce.

At this time, it was really blocked by Caldera's strength, Zhang Feng and Silgarva could only protect the two wings, fortunately there were stones behind them, otherwise they could not stand it.

"We are going to be eaten by wolves..." Caldera shouted.

Zhang Feng Jizhong Shengzhi: "Iron, hurry, knock on iron..."

The machine gun in Caldera's hand collided with the sniper rifle in Sylgava's hand, sparking sparks and the sound of iron collision.


The giant wolves howled in pain.

"Useful, fast..."

After continuous collisions, it can be found that the giant wolf's attack has slowed down, and many wolves have retreated, clearly seeing the giant wolf's limbs weakening.

They are afraid of this sound.

"Haha, boss, you are so smart!"

Zhang Feng didn't say anything. It was just a cleverness. The cleverness did not play a big role in the face of absolute forces. It was just a matter of time. The white-clothed men would come up soon. If they cooperated with the wolf pack attack, Zhang Feng's three peaks would take less than a minute.

Hoo hoo hoo...

The man in white issued an order, and the wolves continued to attack.


The wolves attacked while howling, and the bow and arrow of the man in white came over, and the bow and arrow fell on the wolf's back and was bounced away.

That's it!


At this moment, another voice appeared on the other side of the mountain.