Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2840: The ambition of everyone

Students who can become the world's top doctors are not just as simple as being excellent, they are also ambitious. Without ambition, it is difficult to make progress. The ambition mentioned here is commendatory.

But now this young man obviously has great ambitions. His teacher is very cautious, but he is not so cautious and continues to do it in his own way.

An hour later he got up and went to the bathroom. When he returned, he found a fire in the laboratory. He was shocked. Why did the fire extinguishing system not work? And he could not find a fire extinguisher.

Seeing that the fire was getting bigger and bigger, the entire laboratory was on fire. He turned around and ran, but the door was locked and could not be opened. The windows were also locked, and the escape route was also sealed.

In this way he was burned alive inside.

There was a big fire in the hospital, and many people came to rescue it. Unfortunately, the fire was too big to be put out, and no one went up to risk death, just waiting for the fire truck.

The ambulance was blocked in the middle of the road, and the tires were broken. After finally repairing it, it was found that the water tank of the fire truck was leaking.

In this way, not only everything in the laboratory was burned, but also the room facilities on the upper floor of the laboratory were also burned. Except for the passage of this laboratory, all the passages of the burned house can escape. Yes, so no innocent people were burned to death.

The young doctor was burned alive.

"That's it!"

Siljava, who had disappeared for a long time, came to Zhang Feng and said softly.



Zhang Feng said: "Staring at Dr. Hammer, if he has other ideas, let him shut up!"

"it is good!"

This little action of Hanmer, Siljava, had long been discovered, and there should be no accidents whether it was bacteria or viruses.

Zhang Feng was very cruel at this time, and Dr. Hammer was an excellent doctor, but he had crossed the line.

At this time, Dr. Hammer was still operating on Caldera. It was a very big operation and it was very difficult. Fortunately, his medical skills were excellent and the operation was very successful.

Caldera left the rest to himself.


In the deep cave in the northern snowfield, Abu, who had been in a coma for a day and a night, woke up. His whole body was sore again, especially the pain of a torn stomach.


Abudu screamed loudly, and rolled over where he lay. After rolling for a long time, he was tired and sweating all over his body. After taking a rest, he raised his eyes and saw Taravi standing there looking at him. Abudu said angrily: "You What did you do to me?"

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be stronger than I thought, I underestimated you!" Talavian smiled.

"What did you do to me? Kill me!" Abu Du yelled.

"It's painful, right?" Taravi said, "Yes, it's painful, but I think you will thank me, and you will thank me soon!"

"No, kill me...Kill me..." Abudu went crazy.

"Haha, you just stay, just a few days later, you don't need to eat these days!"

Speaking of Taravi, he went out.

"Come back, come back..." Abu Du rushed over but was blocked by a thick wooden door.

There is only a cold stone bed in this small cave. There is nothing left. Why doesn't he feel hungry? Why does the whole body have unused strength?

He scratched his hair frantically, grabbed a large piece of hair.

"What's going on, what's going on..." Abu du looked at the hair in his hand and shouted.

Tarawi appeared at the door timely: "By the way, your body will undergo a lot of changes, don't worry that this is just a passing!"

"Change? What change? Tarawi, what did you do to me..."

Taravi smiled and said: "Hehe, I don't know what will change, because everyone is different, you can enjoy it slowly, haha..."

"Come back, come back..."


Taravi went to communicate with the white-clothed leader, speaking in a language that only they could understand. Sometimes this leader wore black clothes and sometimes white clothes. There was an'x' printed on the clothes and I didn't know what the intention was. .

In order to be distinguished from the leader's undead army, Taravi's subordinates are the ‘S’ organization, and the strength of the ‘S’ organization is much lower than that of the ‘X’.

The'X' organization is also called the Undead. Each of them has a life span of thousands of years, or even older. The people of Tarawi are only about a hundred years old, and they cannot leave the Undead. So Tarawi is active in the human world. None of these people followed.

Whether it is'S' or'X', their life span is maintained by that bacteria. It can be said that they have been parasitized by bacteria. It is a kind of bacteria from prehistoric times that is parasitic in the human body. People live the same life as bacteria. And keep reproducing.

Over the years of research, they have obtained the balance and weakness of bacteria, and controlled and utilized them.

The leader took out a thick black book and showed it to Tarawi, opened it to see the leader while explaining, Tarawi couldn't help nodding.

On the last page of the black book is a picture. It is a huge coffin. On the coffin is a small stone, a stone that will glow. There is a close-up of this stone in the corner, Talawi A brainstorm.

He immediately went to Abudu, who was struggling painfully on the ground at this time.

"Kill me, kill me..." Abu Du cried out in pain.

"Abudu, Abudu..."

Abu Du jumped up and grabbed Taravi and shouted at him: "Kill me, kill me, I can't stand it..."

A piece of horror was caught by him with blood stains, the blood shed, and the clothes on his body were torn.

The bacteria in the body are eating his flesh and blood, how can it not be painful?

"I ask you, where is the stone you mentioned before?" Tarawi asked.

"Kill me, kill me..."

At this time, Abudu's consciousness is no longer even good, how can he hear what Tarawi said.

"Abdu..." Talavi shouted, but it was useless.

"In that case, so be it, it's cheaper for you, huh..."

Speaking of Talavi called someone to come in and hold him down, he was given a shot. A few minutes later, Abu was quiet, lying there motionless.

Tarawi sat here and waited. After waiting for a few hours, Abu Du finally woke up. When he opened his eyes, he saw Tarawi scared him to the corner: "You, you, you go away..."

"Haha, Abudu, how does it feel?" Talavi sneered.

"you you……"

"Do you want to come again?"

"no no……"

"Okay, let me ask you a question. If you tell me honestly, you won't let us bacteria go!"

"Okay, okay, as long as you don't give me the bacteria, I will tell you everything, I will tell you..."

"Very well, please listen to me. You told me before that the stone is the stone your grandfather left in the bank. Where is it now?" Taravi asked.

"Yes, in Zhang Feng's hands, in his hands!" Abu said without even thinking about it.

"Are you sure?"

"OK, sure..." Abudu said: "You said, you can't get me germs anymore, no more..."

Taravi said: "Don't worry, no more, you will live to be more than a hundred years old like me in the future. You are weak, without fertility, not male or female, physical function decline, and you will often get sick. But it won't die, hahaha..."

Speaking of Taravi, he went out.

Back then, he could not stand it and almost died. It was his last one who gave him something similar to the antidote, which is to stabilize the bacteria and make the bacteria inactive in the body.

Because the bacteria have destroyed the body, the human body functions are lost. Because the bacteria are still alive, the human is also alive, and the bacteria will die when the lamp is dead.

They have not found a way to reactivate the bacteria, and it is useless to inject new bacteria.

This is the case with Abudu now, is he going to replace Tarawi? Become the spokesperson of the Undead Legion in the human world?