Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2891: Zhang Feng's worries

Regardless of whether they could understand Zhang Feng's words or not, they would understand after a few times in their minds.

This matter is getting more and more mysterious.

Zhang Feng called Chen Wanru to tell his guess. Chen Wanru said, "You make a lot of sense. We transported a lot of corpses back from the cave in the snowy field. One of them was very special. There was no head, but it was protected. Among the crystal coffins, this was found in the innermost part of the snow cave."

"It should be this!" Zhang Feng said.

"Are you saying that this corpse is the first-generation infected person of Uth bacteria?" Chen Wanru said.

"Yes, as far as the scriptures say, the first generation of infected persons can be summoned afterwards. Nothing else can be controlled. At most, they can only be controlled. Hearing his orders, this is well demonstrated by the leader. ." Zhang Feng said.

Chen Wanru said: "You don't want to resurrect this corpse, do you? This is impossible for us, and there is no record in the scriptures, because once the bacteria enters the human body, the control nerve of the bacteria will enter the human brain. , The head is gone, the bacteria and people die at the same time!"

"I know this. You said it before, and you have done a lot of experiments!" Zhang Feng said, "It is meaningless to study this first-generation infected person now. I mean the leader failed to summon those corpses and heads. The corpse, the scripture says that as long as there is a head, it can be summoned to be close."

"Oh, yes, but we still can't take risks. The equipment on our side is not comprehensive, and there are many corpses in the base!" Chen Wanru said, "After all, it is just our speculation."

"That's what I mean!" Zhang Feng said.

"How is Erha?"

"Erha is very stable, the enemy and I are distinct. I bite the corpse when I see it. The corpse is completely different, but I still put the remains of the corpse in my clothes and let it bite every day!" Zhang Feng said.

Chen Wanru said: "I am a little worried!"

"worry about what?"

"Caldera, I think he will wake up soon, when he will come here, if he sees Erha, what should Erha do?" Chen Wanru asked.

"This is a problem, how to fix it?" Zhang Feng was embarrassed.

"So, if you want to solve this problem, you can't make Caldera and Erha fight!"

"That is necessary, this kind of thing can't happen!"

"Although Erha is clearly opposed to me, you must be careful. After all, bacteria are the same, and bacteria dominate Erha." Chen Wanru reminded again.

"I know!"

"At present, there is no news from Tarawi. They are still in that small town. According to the intelligence, a lot of people suddenly came to the town. The identities of these people were not obtained!"

"That must be someone from Tarawi, how could he have only a little industry in the human world for many years, so easy to give us, I don't believe it!"

"I don't believe it either!" Chen Wanru said, "Did you go to find Dragon Valley after solving Talawi this time?"

"I had this plan. I should have gone a long time ago, but I have not been able to go. The bottleneck on Xing Jingjing's side has not been able to break through. Combining Abudu's scriptures and Tarawi's scriptures, Xing Jingjing said that she wanted very much. It might be in the ancient tomb."

Zhang Feng continued: "It's just that I am rather puzzled. Xing Jingjing studies very advanced and modern things. How can I use something mysterious thousands of years ago?"

"This is easy to explain. None of us knows how old the ancient tomb was, maybe tens of thousands of years ago. What about prehistoric civilization? That civilization is more advanced than we are now. After all, the earth has billions of years. Years." Chen Wanru gave Zhang Feng popular science.

Zhang Feng said: "That's what I said, haha!"

In fact, Zhang Feng had always wanted to solve these problems and then returned to Kyoto, and then went to the Hu's family to see the Hu's reaction, but none of them could find a good opportunity to go.

Zhang Feng is very clear that many things have ended before they even started, such as the open recruitment of personnel in the unit, and the personnel arrangements have already been made before the open recruitment.

Zhang Feng was not sure about going to Hu's house and couldn't find a good time, so he never went.

If you don't go to Hu's family, you can't come back without the approval of Hu's family. The front of a big family is more important than anything else.

Is it necessary to keep Hu Xinting and her daughter far away? Zhang Feng couldn't do this.

"What are you thinking?" Chen Wanru said.

"Hu Family!"

Chen Wanru was silent for a while and said: "Hu's family precepts are very strict!"

"I know!"

"Let them approve unless you are better than the Hu family!" Chen Wanru said: "Whether it is politically, military, or even economically, so the Hu family can relax and live on the face! Kyoto is a place on the surface. It’s calm, but there are actually too many centuries-old and thousand-year-old families, it's hard to shake."

"Let's take a look!" Zhang Feng said: "You are right, I want to achieve above these three!"

"Then do you know the level of the current Hu Family Patriarch, that is, Xinting's grandfather?" Chen Wanru said.

"do not know!"

"I don't know? Oh, you..." Chen Wanru said, "That's national Z, you understand?"

Zhang Feng stopped talking.

Chen Wanru continued: "But, the old man is old, in his nineties, he was ill again last year, and he is lying down now. It is probably almost the same. In fact, you can find another way!"

Zhang Feng said: "Just let the old man approve it?"

"It's not impossible. The old man has liked a younger generation like you all his life in the army. Her granddaughter is the best choice with you, why not? And I heard that the old man is not so worldly thinking, and very enlightened. And it’s said that Xinting’s grandma was from a big family at the time, she violated the family motto and followed the old man!"

"Do you know so much?" Zhang Feng asked.

"It's all open secrets in the circle, what's the matter!"

"I do not know how!"

"You are a pig, how did you know it!" Chen Wanru said angrily.


"What are you laughing at!" Chen Wanru said angrily: "I am waiting for you in the underground river tonight!"

"Okay!" Zhang Feng responded, "I happen to have a lot of questions for you!"


It was still in the afternoon to the west at this time. Abu Du was walking in the small town and met a stranger. He did not dare to go up and ask them. When a cart came, the wheels of the cart were squashed, obviously pulling heavy objects.

When Abudu returned to the old house, Tarawi said to him: "Abudu, let's go and see in the mountains!"

"Oh, good!" Abu Du responded. Going to the mountains, is it going to the forest?

The two of them arrived in front of the cave in the forest and found nothing unusual. Like the previous one, Abu didn't know what Talavi brought him here.


there's noise!

"There are other people here!" Abu became nervous and quickly jumped away. Does Talavei want to kill himself here?