Super Special Forces King

Chapter 29: Python crisis

Chapter 29 Anaconda Crisis

The ankle is swollen like a steamed bun, and the slightest movement is severe pain.

"I'm afraid the bone is hurt!"

Zhang Feng was unable to complain. This mud pit dented his feet, but also freed himself from the police dog's search. It really was a blessing and a misfortune.

Find a thick branch nearby and fix it with a strip of cloth torn from the clothes to prevent the injury on the ankle from getting worse.

I found a sturdy tree branch as a walking stick and limped to the northwest.



With fists and feet hitting the SWAT police like lightning, a special soldier ran quickly.

"We'll shoot when you run!"

The special forces turned a deaf ear to it and continued to run wildly. He has survived the Hell Week. Whether he can pass Huangquan Road is just a step forward. He doesn't want to give up.

Da da!

The gunfire sounded, the body of the special soldier fell down, and the wolf-like special police rushed over to crush him under him.

"Sure enough, I'm really good at it, and I can kill two of my fighters in one face!"

The faces of the special soldiers were confused, and it was only when the bullet hit him that it was not a live ammunition at all! It was a rubber bullet. Although it hit a purple bean on the body, it was definitely not fatal!

All the special forces were deceived by Hades!

There was no live ammunition at all, and the special police knew that the mission of the trip was to cooperate with the training. Although they did not know which unit these special forces belonged to, they did not reserve the order given above.

The unsettled special forces were watched by two special police officers.

"Caught on the 17th!" The judge sighed.

It can be said that the special forces who have been able to persist until now are one in a million, and eliminating any one is a loss.

"Just at the beginning, the more people are eliminated later!" Yan Wang said, staring at the screen closely.


Wen Kaiqi licked his lips and stared at the python in front of him viciously.

The python spit out the letter, hissing. This is a hungry python. Its lower body is entwined, and its upper body stands up to a height of one meter.

Winter is coming, and it needs to eat enough food to survive hibernation, so it chose to hunt.

Wen Kaiqi did not expect that he had not been caught up by the search team, but was spotted by a beast.

He pulled the survival knife out and buckled it in his palm, his eyes locked tightly on the python.

"His hiss..." The python hurried.

The upper body was in the shape of a bow, ejected like an arrow, the huge snake mouth exuded a fishy smell, the huge fangs were oozing cold under the moonlight, and lightning ran towards Wen Kaiqi's neck to bite.

Even if it is a non-venomous python, the teeth will be contaminated with bacteria because it bites the prey, and a bite in the jungle where there is no medicine is also fatal to humans.

The body moved to the side, and the dagger in his hand flashed out.


The sharp blade cut across the snake, leaving a **** hole.


The injury did not make the python retreat, on the contrary, it completely aroused its ferocity.

Raising his head and rushing towards Wen Kaiqi again, the snake tail lifted the dry leaves on the ground and drew towards Wen Kaiqi's chest.

Wen Kaiqi didn't expect this beast to know how to attack, and he could only put his arms on his chest when he was caught off guard.


Wen Kaiqi's arm was drawn fiercely in pain.

The python is like a tarsal maggot, and the upper snake body tightly entangles Wen Kaiqi, constantly rolling on the ground.

Python twists!

Wen Kaiqi felt that his bones were about to be severed, and he was making a click.

As the python rolled on the ground, the stones and dry branches on the ground made **** holes in his face.

Wen Kaiqi is familiar with the habits of the python. It will twist the bones of the prey's whole body, and then swallow the whole body and slowly digest it with stomach acid. Not to mention humans, even an adult cow, the python can swallow it all together.

He tightly clasped the survival knife in his hand, this was his only chance.

The sharp blade was thrust into the snake fiercely!

One knife!

Two dollars!

The python made a hissing noise, it rolled more fiercely, and its twisting force became stronger and stronger!

Three knives, four knives! Five knives! Fight with fate!

The python finally stopped moving, and the originally tense body of the snake slumped.

Wen Kaiqi lay on his back on the ground, with a snake body full of thighs wrapped around him.


His chest is constantly undulating like a broken bellows, and there is no bone pain anymore.

If the python persists for another minute, or if he gives up his desire to survive, he may change roles and he will die.

"Huangquan Road, is it really a joke?" Wen Kaiqi took a break and got up from the ground with his tired body.

The **** smell will soon attract more carnivores, even large cats, already scavengers.

Using a survival knife to cut off a large piece of snake meat as a trophy, it can also serve as food to satisfy hunger.


Zhang Feng limped towards the northwest, looking up at the stars in the sky to determine the direction every time he walked a certain distance, so as to prevent him from losing his way in the jungle.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Feng's physical strength was almost exhausted.

He hadn't eaten for more than twelve hours, and his stomach was already empty. He took out the drinking water and took a sip carefully.

After a little news, his physical strength recovered a lot.

If there is no injury to the ankle, he can put down the cover and hunt for food. But now I can only think about it.

As for the fruit in the jungle, don't even think about it. In late autumn, all the plants have withered.


Zhang Feng's eyes suddenly attracted a small yellow leaf in front of him.

Growing up on the street, he didn’t know how many times he went to the vegetable field to eat in order to fill his stomach, so even if the leaves were yellow, he recognized it at a glance, potatoes!

"What's so special, it's really an infinite road!"

He limply walked over, inserted the survival knife into the hard ground, and dug carefully.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Feng grinned and picked out three potatoes.

Wild potatoes don't have any fertilizer, so each is the size of a child's fist, but it's enough to fill the stomach.

Besides, there will be more than one potato!

The back of the survival knife is inlaid with flint, which can be ignited by a few blows with dry leaves.

Zhang Feng took off his clothes and surrounded the flame to prevent the light from attracting the chasing soldiers.

Throwing three potatoes into the fire, he also continued to look for them with the help of the faint light of the fire. As expected, he found two potato seedlings.

After the potatoes were cooked, Zhang Feng swallowed them into his stomach while it was hot, and he recovered a lot with food.

Putting out the fire on the ground, Zhang Feng limped and moved.

An hour later, another search team arrived, saw traces of a fire on the ground, and quickly chased in the direction Zhang Feng was leaving.