Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2904: As if

Everyone shook their heads after watching this scene.

Li Jian said: "Damn, when will I have such a pet, if it is released to Kyoto, it will become an Internet celebrity in less than three hours, making Erha live broadcast crazy."

"I think it's beautiful, can Erha take you to you?" the student said.

"Can't you just stop poking me cold? Give me some face!"

"Did your Tyrannosaurus have any face with me?"


Li Jian ignored him and drove.

The car was sprinting in the desert and was unwilling to roll over. Xu Guanshan behind followed.

He was stunned by the scene where Zhang Feng walked away just now. Isn't this a scene that only appears in film and television dramas? Brother Feng, who was very good to him, did so.

It seems like a world away!

The next life is in another world, another world.

When can I do this? Xu Guanshan thought to himself.

At this time, Zhang Feng was very, very leisurely. He rode on Erha's back and closed his eyes to rest his mind. He pointed out the direction for Erha and he didn't get lost. He knew the way when he went to Chen Wanru before.

"Erha, let me see when I will find you a girlfriend and give birth to a mutant wolf. Isn't that handsome?" Zhang Feng said.

Erha can’t understand, or maybe can’t hear. Keep walking, it's still very fast, faster than a car in the desert, because the sand is soft and there are many small hills.

"Oh, I think it's fine, women are still very annoying many times!" Zhang Feng said again.

If Yun Qian and the others heard this, I would be unhappy again, how could it be said? You Zhang Feng still provokes so many women. Are you embarrassed?

There is one right now, Dai'er!

This Dai'er is a headache for Zhang Feng, because Hu Xinting's issues have not been resolved yet, and now another Dai'er jumped out.

Zhang Feng thought that Dai'er might only have feelings about herself and her friends. Their foreigners' relationship with friends and lovers is rather vague, sometimes even mixed together.

It's more chaotic.

Zhang Feng doesn't like this.

"It is estimated that it is raining, haha, it is on the edge of the desert. It is really rare to have rain." Zhang Feng looked at lightning in the distance.


The judge and the jackal have reached the predetermined location. They looked at each other at a distance of 2,000 meters, forming a simple firepower intersection. The only way to enter the desert is between the two hills.

"They didn't show up?" the jackal asked.

The jackal's voice came in his ears, and the judge said, "It's almost there!"

"Fengzi and the others haven't arrived yet, so don't worry!" The judge said, "How long has it been since you shot!?"

"Which gun do you mean?" said the jackal.

The judge said solemnly: "Sniper rifle."

"It's been half a year!" said the jackal: "It's not strange to hold it in my hand now!"

"That's good!"

"After a while I attract their firepower, I will kill them from behind." Jackal said.


Jackal is not greedy, knowing that his marksmanship is inferior to the judge, so he is given the opportunity to shoot. As for attracting firepower, this rough jackal is the most suitable.

"Be careful of their snipers!" the judge said.

"Why don't you kill their snipers first?"


Two hours later, Zhang Feng and the others arrived here in turn. Zhang Feng and Li Jian were ambushing the side of the road, while Xu Guanshan took his person to the side. When the enemy came, he would meet him first, followed by Zhang Feng.

Three passes!


Not long after, car lights appeared on the road ahead, illuminating the road.

"They drove forward, very arrogant!" said the jackal.

"Hehe, if they weren't arrogant, they wouldn't be someone from Taravi," the judge said.

"Hey, then I will shoot first!"

Jackal smiled. He liked the gun very much, which made him feel at ease.

The place quickly came into range, 1,800 meters, and the jackal aimed at a car in front and hit the wheel without hitting the driver.

Pulling the trigger decisively, the bullet flew out, and the next moment the car in front stopped.

"Oh, I got hit..." Jackal was very happy. After all, it was night fighting. One thousand and eight hundred meters was also his jackal's limit, otherwise he would be closer and fight again.

"Oh, it's okay!"

"That is required!"

The judge said: "Just let you shoot, I just attract firepower."

"Don't, this is still you coming, but you can't take your job!"

When the judge was chatting with the Jackal, Aum's caravan was already a bit messy.

"Broken down, broken down..." the driver of the car in front shouted loudly.

The message reached Aum in the middle of the convoy. Aum said: "Fix it now. If you can't fix it in five minutes, get to the side of the road and continue walking."

For safety's sake, Aum sat in the middle of the team.

"Captain, it's just a flat tire!" The younger brother said, "Just turn the wheel."

"Fix it now!"


It is normal to encounter this kind of thing, and Aum can't say anything, just want to go quickly, because it will be dawn soon.

"I didn't seem to find it?" Jackal said: "Someone has come down to repair the car, don't they have any sense of crisis? This is the best place to ambush."

"Didn't you just say that they are arrogant? I must have never thought that someone would dare to ambush them here, you will shoot another shot!" The student said, "Kill the car repairer!"

"That's what I meant!" The jackal said to the gun: "Good fellow, I've seen blood this time, your new gun is fired."

Speaking of pulling the trigger, the man repairing the car fell down at 1,800 meters.

"It's a pity that there is no headshot. That guy is struggling, probably shouting!" The Jackal said regretfully.

"You don't need to kill it, just let him shout and create an atmosphere of horror." The student said, "Is your dummy ready?"

The jackal said, "It's done, it's fifteen meters to my left."

"Okay, I saw it!" the student said.

A gun was placed under the dummy on the jackal side. The scope lens on the gun was open, which could easily reflect light.

This distance can only be reached by a sniper shooting. If they sent someone up, there would be no sniper among them.


"Captain, there are snipers,'s snipers..."

The man repairing the car in front died, and everyone behind was nervous, and Aum bowed his head for the first time.

"Find out the snipers!" Aum said, "Let Hans go on, get rid of the snipers, pay attention to the surrounding ambushes! Defend."

All the people got nervous and got off the car to the side of the road to defend.

But after ten minutes, there was no enemy.

"Hans!" Orm used his cell phone to contact his person.

Hans is Om's subordinate, the only sniper in the brigade, and his marksmanship is also very powerful.

"Captain, no enemy has been found yet!" Hans said.

The gun Hans used was the most advanced in the world, and it was provided to him by Taravi. In general, their equipment is world-class.

"Don't worry, the enemy's snipers will definitely shoot again!" Aum said.
