Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2962: The secret of longevity

Chapter 2962 The Secret Of Longevity

There are benefits not to account for overdue void.

This is Zhang Feng's survival motto since he was a child.

Many centenarians have their secrets of longevity, and most of them are the same. Contact with young girls more, watch more, and make friends with extra women.

Of course, there is one degree and one distance among them.

The other thing I don’t want is to be happy.

In the ancient royal family, nobles, emperors and generals, which one is not a group of wives and concubines? But they went to the side, refining alchemy and longevity, and their short lives were not because of women.

There are also many longevity emperors, and there are also many harems.

It's wrong.


When Zhang Feng drove back, it was already dark. Oliver was waiting at the door, and when he saw the car came back, he asked with concern.

"His Royal Highness, you are finally back!" Oliver was very concerned. He was very worried that Zhang Feng would take Dai'er away and run away.

Deer said, "Mr. Oliver is worried."

"It's okay, come down, it's late!" Oliver said.

Zhang Feng stood there and didn't move, but found that Dai'er was a bit strange and had no intention of getting off the car.

"His Royal Highness, what's the matter?" Oliver asked.

"Oh, it's okay!" Dai'er held her hand down, looking very strenuous, her feet couldn't work hard: "Ouch..."

Nearly falling, Zhang Feng quickly hugged her with eyesight and hands.

"What's wrong?" Oliver was surprised.

Dai Er lowered her head and blushed and said, "I, I'm fine..."

"I'll help you!" Zhang Feng naturally knew what happened to Dai'er.

Oliver looked at Zhang Feng as if he was being held accountable. Zhang Feng did not say a word and helped Dai'er go away.

After walking a few steps, Dai'er broke free of Zhang Feng's hand and said, "I'm fine."

"it is good!"

Dai'er still wants face, there are many people in the compound.

Oliver behind was still very worried, and continued to ask: "Your Highness, what's the matter with you?"

Dai'er blushed and didn't know how to say it. At this moment, Zhang Feng said solemnly: "I went to climb a hill in the afternoon and my feet were sore. Just take a rest!"

"Oh I see!"

Oliver believed it, because he saw dirt on Zhang Feng's wheels.

"Be careful! Your Highness!" Oliver was worried.

"It's okay, it's okay, I haven't exercised before, and I will have to exercise more in the future!" Dai Er said.

This is the truth, and Dai'er didn't think of that aspect. She felt that her body and physical strength were not good enough, and she needed to exercise more in the future.

"Come in for dinner!" Yun Qian called from inside.

Dai'er walked in carefully and said with a smile: "I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting!"

"What's wrong, Dai Er?"

Everyone came to care about Dai'er, Dai'er blushed.

"I, I, I'm okay, the peak took me to climb the mountain this afternoon, my feet are sore, it's okay, it's okay, everyone, let's eat!" Dai Er said, "I'm all hungry!"

Said Dai'er and sat there, took the chopsticks and ate, using this to hide her shame.

Everyone was very surprised. You know that Dai'er has never been like that. Is she really that hungry?

Yun Qian took a deep look at Zhang Feng, and Yun Qian knew that there was a problem with the latter's gentleman.

However, Zhuo Chaoyun didn't find anything, and sat with Dai'er and smiled and said, "Slowly eat. I made this. Is it delicious? Haha..."

"It's delicious, delicious!" Dai Er said.

In fact, she was also hungry, but she hadn't reached this level yet, Daier had learned to use chopsticks for several years and liked eating Chinese food.

"Zhang Feng, come and help me bring some dishes out!" Yun Qian called to Zhang Feng: "I will cook two more dishes. You eat first, Zhang Feng, come in."


Zhang Feng and Yun Qian entered the kitchen, and Yun Qian closed the kitchen after they entered.

"Come here..."

Yun Qian immediately changed his face and pulled Zhang Feng's collar over to force Zhang Feng against the wall, raising his head and glaring at him and said, "Are you in such a hurry?"

"I..." Zhang Feng didn't quibble. Who is Yun Qian? That is the top authoritative doctor in the world's medical field. Dai'er walks like that. Others can't see it. Can she see it? Sore feet? It is true that the feet are sore, not because of mountain climbing.

Zhang Feng continued: "She took the initiative!"

"I don't care about this, you can't stop it? Or restrain yourself? I don't care about others, such as Alice or whoever, as long as she is a good girl and you like it, but Dai Er is different. What if she becomes pregnant? Then her prince Can the stepfather let you go?"

Yun Qian was very angry because he cared about Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng hugged her, Yun Qian struggled a few times in his arms and stopped struggling. Zhang Feng said: "Sooner or later, I will solve the matter. What Prince Henry can't help me, Dai'er and him It doesn't matter, and Oliver said at noon that it was not easy for Del's parents to have a car accident, so I think there is a conspiracy."

"I can't tell you, but if Dai Er is pregnant, you will be in great trouble!" Yun Qian said.

"That's a few months later!" Zhang Feng said confidently.

"It seems to be too!" Yun Qian didn't worry anymore: "It will be obvious after three or four months. Anyway, be careful!"

Zhang Feng smiled: "Thank you, wife!"

"Huh, it's cheaper for you!" Yun smiled lightly.


Zhang Feng kissed her lips and said, "I will help Dai'er find out the truth."

"Maybe you don't need the truth, you have to grasp this matter!" Yun Qian's heart is very sweet, in Zhang Feng's heart, Yun Qian is irreplaceable, she is the east palace of Zhang Feng's harem.

"Okay, listen to you!" Zhang Feng said.

"Get out!"

"Your face is red!"

"It's not popular!" Yun Qian said, "Take vegetables out!"



Zhang Feng's crisis passed easily. Yun Qian is a cherished child, and has never been jealous for no reason. A good girl like Dai'er and such a prominent life experience is the so-called fertile water does not flow into the field of outsiders.

If Zhang Feng peacefully resolves this matter, then Zhang Feng will have the support of the royal family and become more powerful.

Yun Qian is so far-sighted, it's no wonder Zhang Feng respects her so much, and she is for the Zhang family.

Dai Er, a top foreign family.

Hu Xinting, a top family in China.

With these two carrying the Zhang family, the Zhang family in the future will be the top family, with both soft and hard power, and the right time and place, and it is strange that the Zhang family does not send out.

Even if Zhang Feng died on the battlefield, his children would inherit these resources, and the Zhang family would not fall.

Yun Qian's wisdom and strategic mind, like the mother of the world, have made great plans for the Zhang family. This little woman is not simple.

He was very careful in dealing with Dai Er's problem, so the scene just now happened.

However, seeing Zhang Feng's courage and confidence, Yun Qian didn't worry anymore, letting Zhang Feng solve it, and I believe Zhang Feng will take care of it.

Now Yun Qian thought while cooking, thinking about Zhang Feng's step right, preconceived, choose the active direction, and then take the initiative in one fell swoop, so he took the initiative, this thing has been half done.

"Hey, it's really cheap for him!" Yun Qian muttered.

"Who is cheaper?"

"Yeah..." Yun Qian was so startled that the shovel in his hand fell off. He turned around and saw Zhuo Chaoyun who was smiling, and said angrily: "You have no sound when you walk, you are scared to death!"

"Really? Did I walk silently, or was someone absent-minded and blushing, what did you do with the villain just now?"

"How can I do?"

"Look at your face..."

"Yes? I wiped it clean just now..."

"Don't confess..."

"You're going to die..."

The two women are fighting here.

"Okay, okay, the kitchen is heavy..." Yun Qian stopped and said, "He didn't have a face just now."

"Then you just said wipe it clean? Where did you kiss?"


"Hey... I knew it!"

"how do you know?"

"I won't tell you..."