Super Special Forces King

Chapter 3019: love education


The William family has many century-old companies, but due to various reasons, they are on the verge of loss and are in a downturn.

They are all rooted in their laurels, and they must be managed by powerful people in order to develop.

The arrival of Mrs. William shocked the executives of the group. They saw that Mrs. William was walking by herself, and that Mrs. William's face was very good, knowing that they all thought Mrs. William was about to die.

I didn't expect it to be better, which is incredible.

Also see that Chairman Henry has changed so much that he has only been away from the company for a few days.

During the meeting, Henry was barely able to preside, saying that he himself had resigned the position of chairman and let his mother replace it.

This is a blockbuster for the executives, and there is a lot of discussion, but they can't oppose it. For Mrs. William, they absolutely obey.

In this way, a meeting completed the transfer of power. The elderly Mrs. William once again assumed the position of chairman. The news flew in the sky for a while. The next day, the group’s stock market also had an impact, and there was a big increase. .

This is the effect of the media.

Henry accepted a remembering interview and completed it in a few simple sentences, saying that it was to fulfill his mother's wish and do his last bit of effort for the company.

In the past few days, Zhang Feng and Dai'er avoided the media and went to play elsewhere, on the island, on the beach, or on the mountain, anywhere.

It seems to be on a honeymoon.

"Feng, are you going back?"

Delil still asked this question.

"It's almost there!" Zhang Feng said.

Dai Er said: "Anyway, I have nothing else to do now, I will go back with you."


"Of course it's true. I think my grandma hasn't arranged a position for me so soon. I'll be back then." Dai Er said.

"That's the best."


After several days of integration, Mrs. William carried out a lot of reforms to the group with limited energy, and almost vetoed all previous Henry's decisions.

This is something that executives have long been mentally prepared for. They have all seen Mrs. William's greatness, and they hope to come to the company.

With a series of changes, coupled with the company's share price rise, the company is in a prosperous situation, and many businesses have started smoothly.

There is no bad reason for Mrs. William's resolute and iron fist measures.

She spends most of her office hours at home, and Oliver becomes her secretary.

As for where Dai'er and Zhang Feng went, Mrs. William didn't care, but Henry, who cared very much, asked from time to time: "How is Henry?"

Oliver said: "He is learning to plant flowers."

"That's fine, what did you plant?"

"The tulip you like." Oliver said, "Madam..."

"Just talk about it."

Oliver said, "Madam, I think Dai Er wants to go home with Zhang Feng."

"Let her go, and come back then!"


"Also, a ceremony will be held here tomorrow to confer the honor of Baron to Doctor Zhang," said Mrs. William.

Oliver was surprised: "Yes!"

It seems that Mrs. William has recovered to what she was like in the past. Oliver is very happy, and the William family has hope.

And the person who made the William family hopeful was Zhang Feng, and this title would naturally be given to him.

Doctor Zhang? Hehe, then he is just a doctor, and Mrs. William is very thoughtful.

It not only explained why his body could stand up, but also thanked Zhang Feng, and at the same time, he was able to match Zhang Feng's identity with Dai'er.

And Mrs. William will not suffer any loss. She has knighted many people before. This is a status symbol, and many people need this.

This trick is so powerful that Oliver, who has been with Mrs. William for many years, admires it.

But I haven't talked to Zhang Feng yet, is it too sudden?

In the morning, Oliver got up early to prepare. In fact, Zhang Feng got up earlier than him. Seeing that there were a lot of things prepared below, and the chairs were placed in the garden, Zhang Feng was very surprised. Is there a press release here? can you?

Zhang Feng ignored him and continued to exercise.

When the sun rose, Dai'er got up and went downstairs. Only then did Dai'er know that grandma was going to knight Zhang Feng. Is this too sudden?

There was no preparation before.

"Dai Er!"

At this time the old lady also got up and called Dai'er at the window.

"Grandma, good morning!" Dai Er didn't know what to say.

"you come up!"


When she arrived in the room, Mrs. William took Dai'er's hand affectionately and said, "Dai'er, you have seen it just now. I am preparing for you and Mr. Zhang."

"Grandma!" Dai Er was very moved.

Mrs. William said: "Only in this way can you marry him, register, and the child is legal, even if it is not a grand wedding, it does not matter."

"Grandma, I..."

Mrs. William said: "Dale, do you understand my approach?"

Dai'er nodded, of course she understood and couldn't refuse.

"Just understand!" Mrs. William said with satisfaction: "No matter what happens, you will be with him in the future, do you know? A woman must be with her beloved man, let alone hurt him!"

Tears shed tears in her eyes: "Grandma, I know, I love him very much, we will be together forever!"

"I mean, no matter what happens, understand?"

Dai Er thought for a while and said: "Grandma, I..."

"Unless you don't love him anymore."

"No, I will love him forever!" Dai Er said firmly: "No matter what problems at work or family interests, I will love him!"

There was a smile on Mrs. William’s face. Her old hand stroked Dai’er’s beautiful hair and said, “The power of love is powerful. Life is perfect only if there is love in the heart. Only when there is love in the heart can you do everything. it is good!"

"Yes, Naiqi!" Dai'er replied, "Are you and my grandpa the same?"

Mrs. William nodded and said: "Yes, even after the war ended his heart was occupied by the war devil, I still love him, so I don't think life is so bad, for work, but also for my family. You can do anything, but I still love your grandpa!"

"After he passed away, it was as if my sky had collapsed and I did a lot of things that shouldn't be done. There are always too many helplessness in life, and only love can resolve it..."


The old lady said a lot of life philosophies, indicating that Dai'er needs to grow up, and she would never talk about it before, but now it is different.

People always grow up and need to bear a lot.

If people are old but don't understand these philosophies, then they are not considered grown up, just like Henry, whose destiny lies in the back garden.

"Thank you, grandma, I remember it!"

The old lady nodded and said, "Go!"

Dai'er went out to her room. Zhang Feng had already finished her exercise and was about to take a shower. Dai'er went to hug him tightly!

"What's wrong?" Zhang Feng asked: "Did something happen?"

"No!" Dai'er raised her head and said, "Feng, I will always love you."

Zhang Feng smiled: "Me too!"

Zhang Feng always feels that something is going to happen.