Super Special Forces King

Chapter 3075: There are only a few of them!

Dai Er spoke very cleverly, saying that it was a pirate found near the small island, and their target is likely to hijack the tourists on the island.

The boss must have given her full authority to handle this matter and gave her a lot of power, such as asking the police to cooperate with her.

Zhang Feng knows that her boss is a handy shopkeeper who doesn't care much. Such a boss is best dealt with. Give him the credit and let him rise, and his current position belongs to Dai'er.

\"Said that we will send more people!\" Del said.

\"Hey, that's right!\"

\"Feng, do you have any requirements?\"

As smart as Dai'er, Zhang Feng smiled and said: \"I have to deal with the people in the book myself!\"

\"When the time comes, you can go, who knows in the chaos, doesn't it?\"Daier said: \"These people are very sinful, and they have only one fate, and that is to accept the trial of the law, as to how they died Yes, it doesn’t matter, it’s that simple to arrest and be shot!\"

\"That's it!\"

Zhang Feng discovered that Dai'er's approach to things has matured, and it has only been less than half a year. She is indeed able to cultivate people in politics. The key is that she has the talent in this area, so she can accompany her with half the effort.

\"Is grandma's body okay?\" Zhang Feng asked.

Daier said: "It's much better. She goes to the company to work every day. It's amazing. She has a lot of energy. The company has changed a lot, and it will be normalized soon!"

\"Where's Henry?\" Zhang Feng asked again.

In fact, Zhang Feng was worried that Henry would rebound and stabbed a knife in the back. At that time, both Daier and Mrs. William would be in danger. Once they reached a certain level, they would become crazy.

\"He is now a qualified gardener, the back garden is well organized, and he has set up a horse farm, and the vineyard has been cultivated. He is very busy every day!\" said Dai Er.

Zhang Feng said: \"Be busy!\"

\"Yes, I will get confused when I get busy.\"

\"Let’s find something to eat!\"

\"it is good!\"

Zhang Feng came to the restaurant on the island. This is the only place on the island that provides food for tourists. It can also be processed on behalf of the tourists. The fish can be processed here by the tourists themselves.

But there are no chefs here. There have been no tourists on the island for a long time. The island owner can’t afford to invite them. Now the restaurant is owned by Li Jian and the others. It can be made with great strength. The fish in the sea can be made without money. The sea fish here is just like cabbage.

In the past two days, they have been eating most of the time, this coke is broken, and they keep eating.

Caldera is not interested in these, but fortunately there is a lot of food stored on the island, which can be eaten at will.

\"Fengzi, they are here!\"

Before Zhang Feng had a meal, the students yelled at the beach. Everyone came out to see that a huge cruise ship appeared on the sea in the distance.


At this time, Dai's cell phone also rang. It was the person below who called. Dai'er said: "Stare at them, wait for orders, and be ready at any time!"

\"Feng, what are we going to do?\"

Delil was a little nervous, after all, it was the first time she commanded.

Zhang Feng said: "It's very simple, just catch the current situation, we are the victims!"

\"I see! \"Dai'er said: \"Feng, you are so thoughtful, want to shoot it!\"

\"Just film how they committed the crime! \" Zhang Feng said: \"Li Jian, you just feel wronged...\"

\"No problem, little things...\" Li Jian smiled.

Zhang Feng said: "Caldera and Erha lie in ambush, attack whenever there is a situation, and the judge and Silgarva go to a higher place!"

\"How about you?\" Li Jian asked.

Zhang Feng said: "I am waiting for them at the port!"

\"This is almost the same, I thought you were waiting for them at the villa! \"Li Jian said: \"It would be a pity if they blow up the villa! How expensive is it to build a villa here!\"

\"Look at your acting skills!\"

Li Jian was a little reluctant, the invincible Huangquan team actually wanted to be a bait and perform.

Zhang Feng's nickname actor is not for nothing, but why doesn't he go?

\"Okay, just watch it!\"


The cruise ship at sea is close to the island, but the cruise ship arrived at the port. Because of the hidden reef, the draft of the cruise ship is too deep.

They can only put boats, and they can get more than twenty people at a time.

\"Hurry down, hurry up, take your weapons, yes, don't be afraid, nothing will happen, you have to be brave...\"

The people on the splint shouted to direct them to the boat, and the elevator lowered the boat to the surface.

There are more than a dozen small boats on the cruise ship, which can carry more than two hundred people at a time, which is enough.

\"We want to occupy this island, catch everyone, and kill anyone who resists...\"


A group of people on the top of the cruise ship were looking at the small island in front, only a few people were found.

\"Haha, Raun, look, we will soon occupy this island, and in half an hour we can go to the island for a drink!\"

Lawn didn't speak. This was too quiet and abnormal. He didn't know what was happening, so he simply didn't speak.

He didn't let his own people go down. In fact, he brought not many people, only a few dozen. Everyone didn't care about this. If you don't go, let's not go. Now there are a lot of people, and such a small island station will take up full.

\"We have to fight quickly, here is very close to England, do not provoke the Marine Police!\" Someone said.

\"It’s okay, just solve a few people on the island. We will put all the weapons away at that time, even if the sea police come, it’s okay!\"

\"Yes, that's how I did it. I think I'm going to buy this small island. Look, what a beautiful scenery!\"

\"You can buy it if you have money, and we can come here often in the future!\"

\"Kill that little guy first!\"

\"Let everyone go up, this person is not easy! If you can't catch the live, just kill it!\"

\"Our people are already on the island! Control the few tourists!\"

\"Everyone on the island is under control, and those who dare to resist are killed. This matter cannot be leaked out! Let people go down.\"

\"Easy to handle, I'll order it right away!\"

The people on the cruise ship disembarked and speeded up. They gathered on the beach. In less than half an hour, there were more than two thousand people on the beach. They were densely packed, and half of the island was occupied by them.

\"There is no resistance now, haha, did that guy lie to us to come here?\"

\"No, the people from Vitas have already sent a message, right here, you see, it's the yacht...\"

\"What are you waiting for, let's go up too, I want to see what that man's son is like, and can kill Vitas!\"

\"Don’t hurry, let them go up and talk about it! We’ll just wait here!\"


\"Feng, they caught Li!\"

Dai'er was very nervous. Those people held guns and shot demonstrations. Li Jian and the others became grandsons.

\"It's okay, as long as they hold back Li Jian, nothing will happen!\" Zhang Feng said.