Super Special Forces King

Chapter 335: Non-romantic


Zhai Qiang's efficiency is not low, and he returned with Zhao Qiang at noon the next day.

The house has been completed, and the furniture inside is complete, and you can move in at any time. The car has also been paid for the deposit, and the car can be picked up in three days.

Zhang Feng's principle is to hurry up early and not late. Now that the house has been determined, he greets Mike and others to start moving.

Fortunately, everyone has nothing, and one person can do it all with a backpack.

When they came to the new house, everyone felt relaxed, especially Johnson, who had been in prison for several years, and now he saw such a spacious and bright room and even felt a little at a loss.

Seeing his embarrassed appearance, Zhang Feng shook his head with a wry smile, walked to him, patted his shoulder, and smiled: "Johnson, at that time, I asked you to agree to my order in the future, but it was just expedient. Policy. I really think of you as a brother, so I let you follow me. There is no distinction between master and servant. You are my brother Zhang Feng, and I Zhang Feng is also your compatriot. Here It’s my home and it’s also yours. You can choose which room you want to live in."

Johnson was secretly moved in his heart, but he was not good at verbal expression, he just clicked a big head, and walked towards the farthest room on the first floor.

With a wry smile and shook his head helplessly, Zhang Feng understood why Johnson made such a choice. The most dangerous room on the first floor is relatively the most dangerous. In a real big family, the room in this location is occupied by a nanny or bodyguard.

Knowing that I want to make a real change in Johnson's heart, it takes time. Zhang Feng is not in a hurry. The so-called Lu Yao knows horsepower for a long time.

Mike chose the innermost room on the second floor. His usual habit is to stuff himself in the darkest corner.

Zhai Qiang deliberately gave up the most spacious bedroom. He was the deepest in the hearts of everyone, and he knew that Zhang Feng was the real backbone of the people. Give up the best bedroom, he chose the bedroom closest to the study.

Zhao Qiang looked at Zhang Feng with a smile, and said, "Brother Feng, I can live anywhere. Anyway, just next to your room."

Everyone chose their own room, and after sending the things that belonged to them, Zhang Feng called everyone together.

"Now we have found a place to stay and live, at least we don’t have to worry about our safety in a short time! Now this place can be said to be our nest, so no one can leak this place, it is Zhai Qiang and Er Hadron, you two usually need to be outside, and you have to beware of some people's temptations."

Hearing what Zhang Feng said, Zhao Qiang and Zhai Qiang both nodded in unison.

Zhang Feng continued: "Zhai Qiang, Mike, there is no problem with the physical fitness of the two of you in the country, but it will not work in this ruined Rwandan. At least there must be self-preservation! So, from tomorrow on You conduct military training. Zhao Qiang, Johnson, you two do not need to participate in physical training, but you must participate in the use of firearms and shooting. Speaking of which, you must buy the second strong son when you leave the city tomorrow. Enough soundproofing materials, and then we will transform the basement to serve as a training ground for live ammunition. There are also two strongmen. You should have been in Rwanda for a while, and you should know where to find a way to buy arms!"

"Okay, Brother Feng. I will go to buy soundproofing materials tomorrow, just want to find a way to buy black guns, you have to give me two days, I have to inquire!" Zhao Qiang promised.


The next day, Zhao Qiang drove his jeep out early to buy soundproofing materials.

Zhai Qiang, Mike and Johnson were handed over to the yard by Zhang Feng. Battlefield fighting is not the best way to have enough power. On the contrary, a huge size like Johnson will make him too eye-catching and inconvenient to hide in battle. In the selection of special forces in various countries, height is required, not too low, nor too high.

What the battlefield needs most is stamina, so Zhang Feng directly ordered Zhai Qiang and Mike to start laps, and they could not stop without an order.

After experiencing a blood and fire killing, Zhai Qiang and Mike both realized that their current physical condition would be a drag in the future. Without Zhang Feng's supervision, the two of them ran around the courtyard wall.

Zhang Feng called Johnson aside, grabbed a handful of AK-47s and said: "Johnson, you will definitely use this kind of firearm that is the cheapest but most practical in the black market. But it is not enough. You have to be familiar with the structure of the firearm. ."

With that said, Zhang Feng explained the situation of the AK-47 like a few treasures, and heard Johnson nodded on the side.

AK-47, from the birth of the gun to the present, at least 20 million people have died under its gun, and even the number of deaths exceeds the number of people who died under nuclear weapons.

The advantages of AK-47 are obvious, reliable operation, good serviceability, solid and durable, low failure rate, simple structure and easy decomposition. In particular, it is his adaptability, especially when used in wind, sand, mud and water. Coupled with his low price, he is favored by rebels, terrorists and private armed forces.

But it also has many shortcomings, the muzzle jumps up severely during bursts, which affects the progress, and the weight is relatively large.

If there is not enough power to suppress the muzzle, I am afraid that 90% of a shuttle bullet will hit the sky.

As for the movies and TV series, the combatants who are hit by the AK-47 can get up from the ground to continue fighting, which is purely a fabrication of romanticism of war.

The rifle’s bullet hits the torso frontally within the effective range, and will enter the bullet hole in the front to create a small mouth about one centimeter in diameter. The huge force carried by the bullet through the body will shock the internal organs, and then pass through at a speed of about 570 meters per second. In the human body, the wound from the bullet hole is about 12 cm, which is the size of the bowl!

As for hitting the scalp, the violent power of the warhead will directly lift one-third of the head, completely mixed with blood and brains splashing around.

Hit the limbs...If you want to survive, you can only amputate!

If the stray bullet hits, the end will not be much better. A bullet that does not have enough kinetic energy will roll longitudinally after entering the human body, crushing the internal organs and tissues where it passes, and the results can be imagined.

Wars will always be more tragic than those depicted in movies and TV series.

After speaking, Zhang Feng quickly disassembled the AK-47 in his hand and assembled it again. The best way to quickly familiarize yourself with weapons is to disassemble and assemble the firearms.