Super Special Forces King

Chapter 3378: Go uphill to catch mice

The Korean team knew the director of G An, ​​who was leading the team. When he was about to speak, the director said: "Captain Han, the next actions will depend on this Mr. Zhang!"

"it is good!"

The Korean team responded without thinking: "Mr. Zhang, give your order!"

"Team Korea, you have worked so hard. These bandits are not trivial. They have rich combat experience. If the brothers go up, they will die in vain. We will leave the next actions to us, and you will guard here to prevent them from coming out!" put on airs.

The Korean team said: "No problem, do you still need any help?"

This is very interesting. There are only a few of you, and there are no guys on your hands, but there are more than a dozen people on the other side.

Even the brothers with strong combat effectiveness need guys, right?

Zhang Feng said: "Thank you Korean team, we already have it!"

The Korean team nodded and did not speak any more, backed up two steps, and then saluted Zhang Feng, who also saluted Zhang Feng, followed by the judge, but Guo Xinghui did not salute.

He took the guys from the car, a few long boxes, put them on the hood of the car and opened the boxes, all the guys inside, sniper rifles!

These things attracted everyone. Their pupils were dilated and their eyes were full of desire to have.

Guo Xinghui is skillfully installing these equipment, and then putting it on his body, everything is so smooth and flowing.

The judge is also preparing. The student is operating the computer in the car, collecting nearby signals, and he wants to intercept all their information.

Are both snipers? They are curious.

"Team Korea, please arrange a helicopter to drop them near the criminals." Zhang Feng said.

"Okay, I will arrange it!"

Zhang Feng and the others did not expect to be able to catch Ulysses here. According to the intelligence and analysis of all the information, they are Ulysses, and Mike's fingerprints are also in the car.

Maybe Ulysses couldn't think of it either.

The helicopter transported them to the mountain, and the helicopter flew close to the treetops two hills away from them, the rope ladder was lowered, and the three of them came down.

The combat tasks have been assigned tacitly in their hearts. Guo Xinghui supports remotely. The judge and Zhang Feng will fight in close combat together. This time the judge participates in close combat.

It is only a few hundred meters away from where Ulysses is.

On the mountainside, the two of them looked at the three-dimensional topographic map of the mountain. Those people were in the cave, surrounded by rocks.

"Easy to defend and hard to attack!" The judge said, "Would you like to trap them? I don't know if they bring dry food or water, or if there is water in the cave!"

"Since you don't know, then resolve the battle as quickly as possible."

"it is good!"

The judge didn't want to drag on, otherwise Mike's life would be more dangerous.

Ten minutes later, they touched a place no more than ten meters away from the cave, squatting behind the stone, and two people sitting seven or eight meters away from them.

Zhang Feng and the judge gestured, and the two of them touched on the night.

The two people behind all the two enemies wiped their necks at the same time, and they made no sound.

The night is still very quiet.

At this moment, there was a voice from inside the cave.

"Boss, what should we do if we are already surrounded?" The subordinate said worriedly: "There are many policemen and a few helicopters down the mountain."

Ulysses said: "Don't worry, we will definitely be able to rush out. They are ordinary policemen who dare not go up the mountain. We will go out after dawn!"

At night, they couldn't walk the mountain road, and they couldn't see the way clearly. It was too difficult to walk, and they had to wait until dawn.

"Mr. Mike, don't worry, I will take you out safely!" Ulysses said to Mike.

"You let me go, maybe you can leave safely!"

"Oh, Mr. Mike, don't you know the situation? Even if you let you go out, you will be treated as a traitor. They treat traitors are cruel, but I am different. As long as you can do things for me, I promise you. Safety!"

"Really? Now you can't even guarantee your own safety, right?"

Murder and condemnation, Mike's words made Ulysses very uncomfortable, which was shaking his military spirit.

"Mr. Mike, if you say that again, don't blame me for being rude."

"Are you going to kill me?" Mike wasn't afraid at all. "Hehe, if you kill me, you won't get anything this time."

"Aren't you afraid, where's Susan? Don't you want to miss her? Don't forget that you are now in my hands, and I can kill you with my hand!"

Susan shrank in Mike's arms and looked terrified.

"Mike, I'm scared!" Susan said.

"Don't be afraid, they dare not do it!"

"Watch them!"


Ulysses was thinking about how to get out, but he also knew that it would be more dangerous if it waited till dawn.

He also thought about taking a few people to rush out first, but as long as they acted, the helicopters in the sky would whizz out, and it was quiet now.

In other words, they have been monitored.

Ulysses has never encountered such a scene. The key is that he does not have strong power in his hands, nor does he have external support. If he encountered a desperate task before, he would have a lot of support. Now his support is still there. A few hundred kilometers away, there will be no air support.


At this moment, an unfamiliar voice suddenly came from outside. It was an English speaker, not his subordinate.

The men hurriedly pointed their guns at the entrance of the cave.

"Who are you?"

Now that the other party shouted, there was room for maneuver, and Ulysses' heart suddenly became confused.

They came here, and they called out their names all at once, indicating that the person who came was not simple.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I know who you are, maybe we have mutual friends!"

The sound outside surprised Ulysses.



"who are you?"

Ulysses panicked, who is the other party? Are you friends with Billy? Could it be that Billy came to save himself?


Billy still wanted to die by himself.

"I will help you get rid of Billy, and how about our cooperation?"


"Why should I believe you?"

"Don't believe it? Then die, do you think you can escape?"

"Who are you?"

"Give you ten minutes, come out by yourself, or you will die ugly and Billy will be very happy!"

Ulysses has been condemned twice in a short period of time. Will Billy be very happy? No, he won't let this happen.

There is no sound outside.

"Boss, what shall we do?" the subordinate asked again.


Where did Ulysses know what to do, he was just thinking, isn't the other party here for Mike? Why didn't he mention Mike, but talked about himself? The other party seemed to know his affairs well.

So Ulysses wanted to know who the other party was. He didn't sound like a Chinese accent.

very strange.